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Islam and Western Society

That description ignores other things such as Non-Muslims basically required to pay a Jizya (tax) so they may continue to live and practice their beliefs (in private) but are clearly 2nd class citizens. Slaves were also a major commodity of the earlier Islamic world and since they could not legally be taken from lands that had been converted, they must be taken from lands in dispute. As for non-Muslims in Islamic lands, their wealth and fortune could be easily forfeited if accused of various religious crimes, which was a excellent way for a Muslim to remove a troublesome financial burden by accusing his lender of some form a blasphemy.   
If I am not mistaken, Saudi Arabia has incorporated her first bank after having been informed that the word 'usury' which is a prohibition in the Quran has been interpreted to be "20%" a month and after having been apprised by an American lawyer that American or Western civil law interpreted usury to be more than 3% a month. Banks impose 30% a year which is less than 2 or 3 % a month. Now Arab countries will have the opportunity to expand their economies and GDP. "Don't cloud my vision, asking me not to date"...
Seems Arabs suckering Malays is permitted

This video, which I found online, says that the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has upheld the French ban on the burqa (and the niqab, too, I wonder?).

This might have some minor impact on Canada's election campaign.
Sheep Dog AT said:
At work. Does it give reasons for upholding the decision?

It's a rather old (July 2014) ruling that said, essentially, that there had been no violation of her right to respect for private and family life, no breach of her right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and no breach of the prohibition of discrimination, all of which are protected in Europe.
I find that ruling surprising as the European courts seem to overturn things like this on a regular basis.
E.R. Campbell said:
I'm just being pedantic because it seems to me that we ought not to compare religions (outside of a classroom, anyway) when we are, really, talking culture. I think pbi is correct: the values and actions that we often ascribe to Islam are, very often (most often?) really well entrenched cultural values from various regions where Islam happens to dominate ~ North Africa, the Middle East, South West Asia and so on.

More on this notion in a (CNN) interview with Prof Reza Aslan, here ... it's worth the 10 minutes.

Prof Aslan is not lacking critics, but, on a personal level I found Zealot, his 'biography' of Jesus interesting and well written and, I would say, a generally positive addition to the study of the origins of Christianity.

I agree with Prof Aslan that some Muslim states ~ Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc ~ are in great need of religious reformation and socio-cutural enlightenment, not because they are Muslim, per se, but rather because they use Islam to perpetuate abhorrent, medieval social customs. Other Muslim countries, Indonesia and Malaysia, both of which are already at least as socially enlightened as America, for example, just need to rid themselves of the socially retarded influence of the Middle Easterner religious fundamentalists.

The problem isn't Islam, it is some, really just, relatively, a few, Muslims who happen to have the backing of some culturally retarded governments: change those governments, through, for example, a long, bloody set of revolutions and civil wars, which may be underway, right now, and the 'problem' may (or may not) solve itself.
The Sun seems to have a bad reputation among Brits at the other forums I frequent: that newspaper was even referred to as the " the Scum" by them:

Yahoo News

The Sun Front Page: Reactions To 'Muslims’ Support For Jihadis’ Poll

Yahoo News
12 hours ago
Today’s front page of The Sun claiming that one in five British Muslims sympathise with the actions of jihadis has provoked a strong reaction in both the media and on social media.

The paper’s shock survey, taken after the Paris terror attacks, shows that 19% of those polled had ‘some’ or ‘a lot’ of sympathy towards young Muslims who eave the UK to join fighters in Syria.

Notable figures in the Muslim community described the poll as a “wake-up call”.


The paper quoted Labour MP and London Mayor hopeful Sadiq Khan, who said: “It is clear that Britain needs to take its head out of the sand and act to tackle extremism and radicalisation at home.”
With the memory of last month's Paris attacks still fresh in people's minds, this occurs...

Al Jazeera

'France likely to close more than 100 mosques'
Anealla Safdar | 03 Dec 2015 03:43 GMT | Europe, France, Paris Attacks, Islam, Religion
France is likely to close up to 160 mosques in the coming months as part of a nationwide police operation under the state of emergency which allows places of worship that promote radical views to be shut down, one of the country's chief imams has said.

Following news that three mosques have already been closed since the November 13 attacks on the capital, Hassan El Alaoui, who is in charge of nominating regional and local Muslim imams and mediating between the imams and prison officials, told Al Jazeera on Wednesday that more were set to be shut.

"According to official figures and our discussions with the interior ministry, between 100 and 160 more mosques will be closed because they are run illegally without proper licenses, they preach hatred, or use takfiri speech," he said.


As much as I absolutely fucking hate these radical Imams and their poisonous ways and would love to see V for Vendetta treatment of them, I'm afraid that shutting down these vipers nests will only drive the barbarians underground.  Then you won't have any idea of where the bastards are or what they might be up to.
So other airlines from Middle Eastern nations like Emirates and Qatari airways aren't considered "compliant" enough?  ???

Yahoo News

First Airline Compliant With Sharia Law Launched
[Yahoo News]
December 23, 2015

The first airline ever to be compliant with Sharia Law has been unveiled in Malaysia.

Rayani Airlines, a new low-cost airline, says it strictly follows Sharia rules ‘based on guidelines by relevant authorities.’

Speaking at the launch of the airline’s maiden flight, managing director Jaafar Zamhari said that hijabs would be mandatory for female cabin crew, while non-Muslims are required to wear a ‘decent uniform.’

Prayers will also be said before the beginning of each flight, while alcohol is strictly forbidden - and any food served will be Halal.

S.M.A. said:
So other airlines from Middle Eastern nations like Emirates and Qatari airways aren't considered "compliant" enough?  ???
Not if they're serving any kind of booze, I guess.
S.M.A. said:
So other airlines from Middle Eastern nations like Emirates and Qatari airways aren't considered "compliant" enough?  ???

...and Etihad likely fails in the "Sharia-compliant" department...

What I'm wondering is whether maintenance will be done on an Inch' Allah basis  :subbies:
How come we haven't heard of similar incidents to this happening around Euro Disney, considering the number of immigrants in France from Muslim countries?

Associated Press

UK's Cameron to look into report US blocked Muslim family from boarding plane to Disneyland
[The Canadian Press]
Gregory Katz And Sylvia Hui, The Associated Press
The Canadian Press
December 23, 2015

LONDON - British Prime Minister David Cameron will look into claims that U.S. officials prevented a British Muslim family of 11 from flying to Disneyland for a planned holiday.

The issue is sensitive because U.S. Republican presidential contender Donald Trump has called for a temporary ban on Muslims visiting the U.S. due to concerns about extremist attacks.

Stella Creasy, a member of the opposition Labour Party, said Wednesday that U.S. officials gave no explanation for refusing to allow her constituents to board a flight from Gatwick Airport on Dec. 15, so she wrote Cameron seeking his intervention. She said there is "growing fear" among British Muslims that aspects of Trump's plans are coming into practice even though they have been widely condemned.

S.M.A. said:
How come we haven't heard of similar incidents to this happening around Euro Disney, considering the number of immigrants in France from Muslim countries?

Associated Press

There's reports his facebook profile has links to AQ and Taliban sites.  If true, I don't blame the US from denying access to their country.
2 articles of note: so much for promoting acceptance/tolerance when it comes to the university in question in the first article.


Muslim Students' Association speaker choice sparks controversy at U of A

January 18, 2016

Muslim Students' Association speaker choice sparks controversy at U of A

A Muslim professor from the University of Alberta is concerned some Islamic scholars invited by a student association to speak on campus this week promote what he describes as extremist views and homophobia.

Four scholars have been invited to campus for Muslim Awareness Week, an annual event organized by the Muslim Students' Association.


Jehangir said one of the speakers, Abdullah Hakim Quick, refers to homosexual people as "filthy, disgusting things" in a video posted to YouTube.

"In that particular video … he's using those words to put down the LGBT community. That subjects vulnerable minorities to hatred," Jehangir said. "This is a main concern of all the speakers: they basically apostatize gay Muslims who believe that being gay and being Muslim is compatible.

Yahoo News

Woman Goes On Tinder As A Muslim and A Christian - But Only One Profile Gets Blocked

Yahoo News
January 20, 2016

A COMEDIAN posted Tinder profiles of herself as a ‘Muslim’ and a 'Christian’ in a social experiment – with interesting results.

The Canadian comedian, who goes by the name Davison, created two almost identical Tinder profiles of a 27-year-old woman named Sara.

Both mentioned 'faith’ in the bio – but the key difference in the two came in the picture: one Sara wore a headscarf while the other had an uncovered head and modest clothing.

The 'sexperiment’ posted on YouTube channel LOLPervs was to find 'How many matches does a woman dressed as a Muslim get compared to an implied Christian woman?’


As soon as the profiles went live, a number of men realised she had two profiles, with one even asking whether she was 'making an experiment’.

Davison eventually found that 'Christian Sara’ was the most popular of the two: she revealed that 'Muslim Sara’ had 214 matches out of 480 attempts, while 'Christian Sara’ had 300 matches out of 480 attempts.

And she noted: 'Saturday night is when there started to be a wider discrepancy between the two Saras with 143 out of 240 matches for the Christian Sara versus only 100 out of 240 for the Muslim Sara.’

'Muslim Sara’, however, did get more 'Superlikes’ – allowing her to see that another user liked her profile before swiping either way – than 'Christian Sara’.