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And a Merry Christmas to you as well Abdullah.
Your insight has been appreciated.
Your insight has been appreciated.
AbdullahD said:This is valid. I can never know, can I? If I am not seeing it then I can believe it does not exist, even if it does. So yes, it 'could' be happening, but I am sticking to the guns and saying I highly doubt it. I have two convert male friends, one married a Pakistani lady and one Married an Egyptian lady and they have never brought anything up about this kind of stuff and they happen to be two of my closest friends with kids. My wife also has a girlfriend who reverted and married a Pakistani guy and so far we have heard nothing from that sister too. But things exist in every culture around the world, that a minority act upon that would disgust us all.. and a lot of cultures have their own specific traits that seem innocent to them, but foreign and weird to others.. so who knows, you may be right, but my guns are still blazing so to speak![]()
God guides who he wills and takes guidance away from who he wills, regarding Islam. Now being a Muslim in no way, shape or form, implies, hints or proves that a person is a good person. It just implies that a fellow is potentially following the most correct religion (this is just my opinion, I am not trying to force it on others).
I would in no way disown them, I would investigate why or what made them feel Islam was wrong and try to overcome those objections in time with love.
But absolutely everything is up to God to decide, if he decides this is my families fate, then it is my families fate.
Jarnhamar said:That's fair. I will stick to my own guns and respectfully suggest you (and other converts) have been blessed with a very manicured and theoretical version of Islam. I would venture maybe a bit akin to Hollywood actors and Scientology. They get exposed to the better parts and less the bad.
To me this statement reads 100% that *you* would be pushing *your* religion and what *you* feel on to your children, not taking into consideration or respect their free will or choices.
Can I put you into a very difficult position? By all means don't answer if it's uncomfortable.
What if your child is a devote follower of Islam and one day they come up to you and with complete conviction and clarity tell you that Allah spoke to them and told them it's his will that they set off a bomb at some public place.
Do you accept this as Allah's will and what he decided for your child and family?
Absolutely everything in my power will be used in stopping my child from doing it and I would be making sure they are prosecuted and put into psychiatric care.
Jarnhamar said:Thanks Abdullah, I did know, I'm going somewhere with this![]()
But who are you to judge that your son didn't in fact receive a dream from Allah?
I've met a couple padres now who were NCOs or Officers who received a dream from God to become padres after years of service. If God sends nice messages to people isn't it safe to say God can send mean ones too? (old testament is full of fire and brimstone stuff).
If your son said he received a message from Allah saying he should become a cleric I presume you would believe him and be supportive?
But when the message is a violent one [Quran 2:191-193 ] then he requires psychiatric care? Essentially whether to believe Allah's will or not depends on your own personal feelings about whats being said. So not exactly "absolutely everything is up to God to decide".
Jarnhamar said:Thanks Abdullah, I did know, I'm going somewhere with this
But who are you to judge that your son didn't in fact receive a dream from Allah? I've met a couple padres now who were NCOs or Officers who received a dream from God to become padres after years of service. If God sends nice messages to people isn't it safe to say God can send mean ones too? (old testament is full of fire and brimstone stuff).
If your son said he received a message from Allah saying he should become a cleric I presume you would believe him and be supportive?
But when the message is a violent one [Quran 2:191-193 ] then he requires psychiatric care? Essentially whether to believe Allah's will or not depends on your own personal feelings about whats being said. So not exactly "absolutely everything is up to God to decide".
Lumber said:Jarn,
I just want to make sure you're perfectly aware that your line of question has nothing to do with Abdullah's family, not Islam in general. You could be posing the same question to a person from any faith.
Jarnhamar said:Lumber,
I think you made a mistake in your post. It doesn't make 100% sense to me however I think I understand the just of what you're saying and to that I would reply yes and no.
Yes I can ask that question to someone of any faith. I think Islam is somewhat different however due to the heavily influenced Inshallah and that's the core of what I'm speaking to and asking about.
The ol' right turn on the march.And you took an extremely interesting direction, one I did not anticipate.
It's really all Interpretation. I can say the bible doesn't teach killing innocents however you could take 3 minutes and quote a bunch of passages from the bible talking aboutInterpretation of dreams and some of the more esoteric things involving dreams and 'divine' direction are well and truely outside my knowledge.
But Islam does not teach murdering innocents is acceptable, so a dream claiming 'Allah' told someone to do that is suspect
Jesus was hungryNow you force me to defend my Christian brethren, which I will do so to my fullest. But if I fall short a brother who is more intimately aware of Christianity can help. God/Allah/Yahwey/Creator is not full of fire and brimstone, nor is he a vindictive child like entity.
Again this is simply interpretation. The Afghan woman who was beaten and set on fire allegedly burned a Quran which was enough justification for a crowd of every day citizens to execute her. Punishing people in any aspect in accordance with religious laws is archaic and wrong. And especially messed up because of the (lack of) burden of proof and how easy it is to make shit up.If a person is to be executed, imprisoned etc, he has to have done something to deserve it, it can not just be done to him.
Which means Allah could very well order someone to go murder innocent people to prove a point. We simply don't understand his motives, and who are we to question if God wills it?Everything he did and does or allows is for a reason, it becomes difficult for us to understand his motives
Right. I would be suspicious too. But didn't one of Muhammeds wives feel the same way? That he conveniently got all those messages like marry his brothers wife?I actually, become very.. lets say suspicious when people tell me they received 'guidance' in any way from 'Divine' beings or prophets. I find a lot of times that 'Divine' message, can be chalked up to stimuli in a persons life leading to his mind being active in that manner at night and they interpert as a divine message. When in actuality it was the brain processing the days or weeks information.
Imagine if they start quoting from the bible and try to convert you and your wifeWell, if my child starts quoting single lines out of the Qur'an to me and trying to give me Tafsir.. my child and i will have a very hard talk.
Did you grow up in a Muslim household or grow up in a Muslim country?Now as a little aside, I was thinking today about why so many people are critical of Islam and so many are not. I was thinking about what you said of converts not being "exposed" to certain versions and interpertations of Islam and I found that to be incorrect, look at all the material covered here in this thread and the other one, you can hardly say I am unaware of these things.. but I choose to follow evidence that discounts them.. whereas others choose to discount those evidences.
It makes me wonder why some feel Islam or any particular issue is fine, but a person exposed to the same material can hold a countrary position. Kinda had me thinking about Initial exposure to Islam and confirmation bias and all those other neat things. I am driving around BC and Alberta these days, delivering cars for a wholesaler and I find I have far to much time to think and things like this pop up.
In His Name the Most High
Salaamu Alaikum Warahmat Allah Wabarakatuh
Thank you for your questions. Please refer to the answers below.
During the era of the Holy Prophet [saw] women were not forced to wear Hijab. We also have narrations of an incident where a woman came to the Holy Prophet without Hijab. In this incident, some of the companions began looking at this woman with lust and the Holy Prophet ordered them to stop looking at her.
The Holy Quran says:*edited out for brevity*
Wafaqakum Allah [swt] - May Allah bring you success.
Wasalaamu Alaikum Warahmat Allah.
Sayyed Nabil Al-Haidari
Narrated Mu'awiyah al-Qushayri: "I went to the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) and asked him: What do you say (command) about our wives? He replied: Give them food what you have for yourself, and clothe them by which you clothe yourself, and do not beat them, and do not revile them. (Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 11, Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah), Number 2139)"
Chris Pook said:Abdullah:
How are the Aga Khan and the Ismaili's perceived within Islam? They have been around for a very long while and have had an accommodation with the west, particularly the Brits.
Similarly, where do the Jordanians and the Omanis fit on the Islamic spectrum?
Yet, Imam Ghazali born in 1058 says it is permissible!
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebrahim_DesaiBut Mufti Ebrahim Desai born.. not sure.. but he is in his 50's now??? Says it is forbidden..
Abu Abdillah says any male who leaves Islam in a Islamic country. Must be killed. He just finished mufti studies a couple years back.
But Classical scholars like Ibrahim al-Nakha'i who died in 715 said that execution was not required and wrote fatawas against it..
One Issue I will concede, is that their is so much material on Islam when you include the Quran and hadiths that it is ridiculously easy to isolate and take anything out of context.
It's none of my business what you or anyone posts, please don't take what I said as a criticism against you. I just find sometimes it can give you an insight into what someones about. Some people just post about politics and others only post about stories where CF members are featured negatively. Agendas everywhere ;DPss ever since you brought up how much I post about Islamic stuff here, I have been acutely aware of it. So again I will state, I try to only post when I know something.. so being this is an armed forces site, I dont know that Much.. so I seem to be posting here and lurking the Muslim pages. But I lurk all the other threads to learn how to work the system and how to be proactive in the armed forces.