I wish to just touch on a few things;
1- punishing innocent people for the acts of terrorism
2- religious requirements of the 'burkini'
3- extremism in other religions.
(1) I think this has been fairly well covered by others, but I will still kick it again. By punishing and oppressing Muslim women, France is creating another avenue for extremist groups to radicalize Muslims in France and elsewhere.
I think and believe from my limited understanding of extremism, the routes thereto and the social sciences.. that the sisters who want to go to a public beach and swim in Burkini's as they are called are hardly needing to be feared. I think they are exhibiting good Islamic and secular values, in the sense that "See this is my belief to cover myself and not show my body off, but your belief is that you need to show off your body and yet we can both be on the same beach together. Because what you believe doesn't affect what I believe and we can coexist"
But by banning Burkini's you are punishing sisters who for the most part peacefully share the beaches of France with others and are not creating issues.
Not to mention you also make it a powerful symbol. If you follow the link, you can hear the tone and see how this could be used.. I am personally fairly right wing politically.. but I think the left could use this to easily garner themselves more political clout.
Then you get bigoted dialogue, demonizing all Muslims by the 'right', a 'left' that does not wish to address any issues at all due to upsetting the 'Muslims' and their sympathizers and then you will see this mess get worse. If the answers you are picking from are either ban it all or let them do whatever... you will not get a good result.
Let us normal regular every day Muslims dress how we want, because.. it won't hurt you.. unless my sexy thobe distracts you and you crash your car

let us pray and fast and contribute to society...
But those Muslims (and any other religion or ideology) that want to hurt the innocent people or propagate hatred or generally just be criminal.. reign holy hell down upon them. Jail them, execute them and shut them down. But leave us normal people alone.. let our women wear burkinis if they want and niqabs etc.
(2) A womens 'awrah' with evidences
A wiki link
Without evidences
A neat link of swim wear just cause (seriously just cause, I found it while looking for something else)
Now the two fatawa links are for those who believe it is obligatory under Islam to wear Burkini's, it is an accepted part of Islam that the majority of scholars stand behind. But! That does not mean that their are not other opinions out there too, I was simply supplying evidences proving it is a part of Islam for a very many ie most Muslims.
Now something I find interesting is those that cry 'pc' all the time... a lot of them are amongst those who have allowed 'political correctness' to flourish in either the way they raised their children, voted, lobbied against the government etc (you go 60's flower power lol). So I consider them a party to the extreme political correctness movements, because they have allowed it to establish itself in the collective consciousness of north Americans and Europeans.
But, I could definetly cry PC myself when the anti PC guys cry that Muslims are not being culturally correct (cc), that we dont dress act or behave how they like... ie the anti pc crowd wants to limit the liberty of a certain party just because they do not like it... I think the days of isolation are over, white, yellow, red, black or brown are going to be mixed. White kids will marry black or brown or what have you kids, our children or grand or great grandchildren may end up being 'mixed' blood kids. This horse is already out of the gate and it is not coming back. Extreme Political correctness is bad and extreme cultural correctness is wrong too.
The world that is coming will be vastly different then the world of a hundred years ago or more and we must, no we need to decide what our legacy will be. Will our collective legacy be of hatred and fear or of understanding and love? Can me and my Muslim friends not be considered 'western'? We love to hunt, we love our neighbors, our kids, wives etc, we vote, we contribute etc we just pray 5 times a day, cover our bodies more (generally), we fast, we give charity and we believe in one god... why can't this be western too? Why do we have to be feared because our clothing is different? These sisters swimming on the beach, are not hurting people, so let them be... otherwise after the government finishes taking liberties from Muslims/Jews/whoever you may find they come for you next.
A link for starters;
So daesh claims to be muslim, they deal drugs and kill people...
The italian mafia claims to be catholics, they deal drugs and kill people.
Google link, because to much exists.
And other religions... so im not unfair...
Central african 'christian' extremists mass behead people nsfw
Now I personally believe the Mafia reflects upon christians, just about as much as AQ or Daesh do. Ie not at all. But to claim there are no Christian's out there slaughtering people is incorrect.
I think for the laymen extremists in a poor country, his economic status is a huge factor in so called radicalization. Ie he just needs money, so all these idiots in syria, Afghanistan, CAR etc are motivated more by money... if they all had comfortable lifestyles I suspect the rates of radicalization would reflect the rates that are seen in western countries. So if we can band together militarily exterminate extremists, then rebuild the infrastructure and educate the people, we can eliminate extremism. But without all three legs of this plan it will fall. Pure military power won't win, even coupled with infrastructure, we need to do all three and educate the next generation to eradicate this disease.
Attacking Muslims is tatmount to attacking Islam to a very many people, which ticks them off and adds fuel to this problem.
So instead of making it an issue of us vs them or west vs Islam or whatever. We should just find common ground and work together, banning burqinis, niqabs, ramadan etc just makes the gap both our parties need to jump bigger.
In my humble opinion, 'the west' is not defined by the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the religions we observe. It is defined by the idea and ideals of freedom, whether it be of movement or religion, the west means that every life is sacred and no one is better then the other. It means democracy, the freedom to voice objections safely etc etc etc
These are what we should defend as the 'west' our clothes, food and religions may change over time, but we need to leave something bigger behind and I for one do not want to leave a legacy of fighting behind. So leave us alone and go after the true problem and it is not the burqini or niqab or beard.