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issued firearms

You never see in movies troops going down with a rash between their legs, a twisted ankle or a stick int he eye ;)
If people don‘t like the way I put forward a reply OOOwell. I‘ve been shot at, shelled , etc. If you read my profile, I earned a CDS Com. As for the people in lil Ottawa, yes carring their own weapons is a half truth. Weapons are issued to what is prefered so if you like a 9mm Beretta you may be issued it. If you like a damn cannon you maybe issued it. But just because I want it does not mean you get it.
As for AFV, every damn soldier from Arty to Zoo keeper should know AFV. 521 Good for you in that way, At Regts some soldier don‘t even know a T72. If I seem hard, take it from a old $hit and thats that.
"Weapons are issued to what is prefered so if you like a 9mm Beretta you may be issued it."

Is that true? I thought CF only had Brownings, are Berettas new?
He‘s referring to the JTF2 guys and their choice of weapons. The only pistol you‘ll see for the most part is the Browning.
SVD Dragonov fires a 7.62 x 54R round. The SA-7 is a Surface to Air Missile. I believe its name is the Grail. C6 Gunners do carry pistols. When I was one I ALWAYS did. Its the VERY last line of defence. If the Number 2 and the Gun Commander‘s run out of 5.56 for their C7s. And you are out of 7.62 for the Six. Then you can use the special Browning mount in the SF kit to mount the 9mm onto the Tripod. That gives the pistol an increase maximum effective range of 85 metres. 9mm Trace is pretty cool too. Its purple. As for cadets, I suggest you keep it a secret that you once were one of those...things...when you join the Grown Up‘s gun club. Instructors love riding former Cadets. :fifty:
I was wondering to......VERY informative post though. :)
Lance Master Corporal...Corporal that has the duties and position of leadership...without the leaf or the acting lacking. Its ficticious of course. Made up in good fun of course. I hope no one is offended by it. If so...well...we‘ll just leave it at "well". Has anyone tried the new Belt fed conversion kit for the pistols though? It‘s pretty cool. It comes with a bipod too. Changing barrels is a pain though. You also need a tweezers to change the gas settings. They work best on gas setting 3. Thats what I always keep mine on. I‘m still awaiting the mount for the C79 for the Browning. Can‘t wait to use that in the sustained fire role. :akimbo:
I know a reason to carry a personal weapon. in case you loose you rifle, or for close quarter assaults(urban warfare, fox holes, bunkers ect.) if i had to secure a house, i could use a mac11 (hoping not to get hit by a ricochet) or some kind of other smg, HK MP5, FN90. :akimbo: :cam:
Personally I‘d take the new CF Laser Rifle. I‘d keep it on a low setting so it doesn‘t completely burn through walls. But yeah, the Laser Rifles are one cool piece of kit.
"I know a reason to carry a personal weapon. in case you loose you rifle,"

I wouldn‘t want a pistol in that situation because your section commander or Pl WO will use your own pistol on you for being stupid enough to lose your rifle. Or if the CSM finds out...that pistol will be rammed up your *** ...with the help of his pace stick...
Have you ever handled any sort of smg or any military firearm AL-X? Until you do I think you may want to watch trying to put forth a "learned" opinion.
I was on the first course run for it. I‘m also qualified on the M2003 Photon Torpedo Grenade Launcher. ITs a great weapons system and will bring the Canadian Forces beyond the 21st Century. I can‘t wait for the LAV IV Hover APC to enter service... :gunner: :fifty:
I was wondering if officers get to choose if they get a C7 or C8? I was also wondering if your a shorter person could you choose a C8 over a C7?
no officers dont carry the C8 unless fighting in an area of restricted space, where as a C7 would be too cumbersome to negotiate in these places. you get the C7 because your main roll is to command fire power to where you need, the firepower is left to the NCMs on weapons other than the C7 with namely more firepower. and no you dont get to pick a rifle, it is picked for you by your leadership (section commander).
I‘ll sell you one, i know where they keep the keys to the QM.
How much are you willing to pay?
I appologize for the subtleness but...


Sometimes conversation in this forum cracks me up.

On a side note, my intention is to go regular force, but the reserve force recruiter wants me to *obviously* join his Regiment. How easy is it to transfer into regular force from reserves?

(Off topic for this thread, I appologize)