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Issued Tac Vest

Should we go with Tac Vest or Old Style Webbing or MOLLE/PAL or nothing

  • Tac Vest

    Votes: 58 40.6%
  • Webbing

    Votes: 10 7.0%
  • Molle, Pal, Custom

    Votes: 68 47.6%
  • nothing

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • webbing?

    Votes: 4 2.8%

  • Total voters
Kevin's right.  Didn't we just finish 20 pages of yakking about this stupid thing.  If I recall correctly, most people on Ops didn't like it one bit.
NATO Boy said:
Yes...people are whining about the Raingear; and spare socks, food, water, ammo, and pretty much anything else that's mission essential. LMG and GPMG gunners especially get screwed over by having to compromise how kit is carried. But this has been stated hundreds of times; since the Small Pack (for Reservists, anyway) won't be available for a while to replace the butt pack we miss so much, we have to address the issue ourselves. A nuke bag may be the only some people have; not all of us have a couple hundred bucks to shell out for a better bag and if you have to look like an idiot to get the job done, so be it. The bottom line is we still have to be able to live out of our tac vest for 24 hours; the Vest was only designed for immediate combat and water supply (and even then it somewhat fails at that purpose.) As for no Rain Gear being a petty complaint, consider this: How will your Platoon Commander be able to read a map with red light in Enemy Territory if he has no Rain Coat to keep proper light discipline? Rain gear isn't always about keeping dry, at least that's why I was taught to always have mine on me...

i completely understand, your argument, but what im saying is that when the small pack comes out, ppl will be raving about the tact vest and all the LBE...the small pack system has spots for your raingear, also, if u read on the CTS web site, it says that you cna live out of the tactvest for 24hrs, but then yoiu read the same for the smalllpack system, and it says 24hrs...now obviously they wouldnt make both livable for 24hrs, because that would be stupid and a complete waste of money...(well it IS the CDN gov...)but i think that both were PLANNED to be issued together...but obviously contracting and other things hindered that....but all of this is My personal opinion....and for everyones info, im not exactlly a RECRUIT, i have been in 1yr...i jsut didnt take my SQ and BIQ this summer, all i have is BMQ....so plz respect what little training i have...
RECRUIT, i have been in 1yr...i jsut didnt take my SQ and BIQ this summer, all i have is BMQ....so plz respect what little training i have...
So your not "soldier" qualified, nor are you "basic infantry" qualified.  That sounds like a recruit. Unless the PC term is untrained private because recruit sounds bad?

Don't take it to heart MacAulay.  Were just pointing out that perhaps your opinion ont he matter is lacking a judgement based on hands on experience.
I've never really put much thought into all that "you can live out of it for 24 hours" crap.  What exactly do you need to live for 24 hours?  I know babies and children were living for a week on their own after the tsunami.. 
Anyhow, you should take a look at the tacvest threads.  I used to think the tacvest was gods gift to the infantry. I'm willing to bet the points brought up in the thread will change your views.
CF_MacAulay said:
both were PLANNED to be issued together...but obviously contracting and other things hindered that...

If CTS had released the entire load-carriage system in the first place, there wouldn't be anybody bitching about it this bad...that's my main argument. Even then the vest still has problems that won't go away by just issuing the Small Pack. But I think Ghost778 really hit the mark with this:

Ghost778 said:
you should take a look at the tacvest threads...I'm willing to bet the points brought up in the thread will change your views.
We got the CTS pack 6 months ago - did not do anything for the fact the TV still sucks
CF_MacAulay said:
ppl crying about rain gear, oh my...god forbid you get a lil wet... buy a nuke bag....

Obviously you've never had hypothermia in the rain.

Nature is a great teacher, but a harsh discplinarian.
When your looking for information about a new car, do you go off of what the car salesmen is telling you?
Or, would you listen to the mechanics who work on the car or drivers who have actually tested the car out.

Same thing with kit, ie the tacvest.

Are you going to believe everything that the guys designing this thing (or promoting it) say?  "It can do this this and that, it's the greatest piece of kit ever" 
Or are you going to listen to the "mechanics" who actually use it and have nothing to gain or loose by pointing out both the pros AND cons.
Ghost778 said:
Are you going to believe everything that the guys designing this thing (or promoting it) say?  "It can do this this and that, it's the greatest piece of kit ever" 
Or are you going to listen to the [soldiers] who actually use it and have nothing to gain or loose by pointing out both the pros AND cons.

Well said, Ghost, well said..and believe me, there are a shit load of threads on this vest since the day it came out.
Even with all the stated drawbacks,I am looking forward to getting the vest.The one thing I never complained about,in reference to kit,was the webbing.I always found a way to carry everything I ever needed and more in it,and still carried a nuke bag for the easy to reach items.If the tacvest is as limited in capacity as what is stated here,then I'm sure that I will find a way to carry what I need to be mission ready,wether it be in a nuke bag or some other aftermarket pouch.If you need it,you'll find a way.
All in all,the CTS stuff is a step in the right direction.Compared to what we were issued 10 years ago,I will not complain one bit.The main items are great,and all the "snivel"kit they issue now is the icing on the cake.
my 2 cents
gun plumber said:
If the tacvest is as limited in capacity as what is stated here,then I'm sure that I will find a way to carry what I need to be mission ready,wether it be in a nuke bag or some other aftermarket pouch.If you need it,you'll find a way.

As a fan of after-market kit, I totally agree you can find a way to carry mission essentials. But as an infanteer, some combat loads just don't fit on the vest. The best example is a Grenadier Loadout:

C7 Mags x 5
C7 spare ammo x 100rds (3 boxes and a stripper clip)
M 203 Grenades x 36

..plus his EIS, water, and buttpack essentials...

Even with both the new M203 pouches attached, you can only carry 12 M203 rounds...and if you use the dressing pockets, now you have to move all your water and shit to a nuke bag (bunk for ammo and heavy shit, good for snivel kit like fleece.) But then again, the 82 pattern webbing was bad for grenadiers too (you needed to use the bandoliers to carry rounds, also bunk.)

My point is that fighting order should be able to hold your combat, water, and buttpack loadout just on the vest/webbing/whatever for "quick" access; a nuke bag or small pack just don't give you that...
Well just to add my two cents worth: I carried the TV for 6 months (7 days a week) in Afghanistan and I love it. I did however have a patrol pack with me at almost all times. We also didnt have alot of call for rain gear there..lol  :salute:
Well I just did survey of the 8 of us in the office (all were in Afghan) and none of us ever saw a Sig guy with a TV on...

and the brief TV survey I just did scored 0/8 in our poll as well...

But hey if I want some comms related advice I'll email you.
Well I just did survey of the 8 of us in the office (all were in Afghan) and none of us ever saw a Sig guy with a TV on...

You need to pay more attention to details:

I carried the TV for 6 months (7 days a week) in Afghanistan and I love it.

<insert your own snide CSS heckling one-liner here>
