sheikyerbouti said:
We wil never back down but neither will the bad guys as long as they perceive inequities. It is reasonable to assume that Hakmed Durka-durk might resent the presence of millions of dollars worth of military vehicles and people driving down his rutted street, past his mal-nourished, poorly educated nieces and nephews.
as KevB said. But, Abdul Q. Public also sees the presence of millions of dollars worth of military vehicles and people arresting/killing those who make his family's life unsafe. He sees the presence of millions of dollars worth of military vehicles and people digging wells, building hospitals & schools, and playing soccer with children. (Note to anyone relevent: make sure your security team is watching their arcs. It's less embarrassing when the kids make you look slow and stupid, and they won't see you take your own rifle muzzle in the eye. :

If people only know war and are led to believe they must fight to regain control over their own lives, then how can we expect things to change? We must fight fire with salvation and hope.
uuuhh, yeah, we know that. That's why we do that. But, we can only do so much, as KevB said. Our role is to kill people, blow stuff up, and make a Safe and Secure Environment, so the tree-huggers and granola-munchers can do their thing without losing their heads.
With respect to the costs involved, why wasn't Rwanda or Biafra an issue? Or Chechnya or Armenia? the list goes on
ask our government and the apathetic Canadian populace. Every troop I know is willing to go anywhere, and kill anyone who needs it.
For too long we only sought to intervene on our own terms not those of the marginalized crying for help
and the money do run around the world to every shitehole in Africa, South-East Asia, Central America, South America, the Middle East, and make life better will come from? And where do we start? Who deserves it more?
The CF's job isn't to be World Police or Doctors Without Borders. The government's role isn't to take care of other nation's populations. Their job is to promote/protect Canadian interests. We're killin' Jihadis because they brought the fight to us. It's in the interests of Canada to make them dead before they make our citizens suffer more than they have already.