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JTF2 & AFG (merged)

mover1 said:
WOW.... Just like they have been doing for 4 years!

I'm beginning to have a very grudging, ever so slight level of respect for the NDHQ public affairs 'team.'  Globe and Mail reporter LeBlanc is acting pretty much as a stenographer - revising an NDHQ press release to make it fit the space available and conform to the Good Grey Globe's style book.

That being said:

"¢ General Hillier is speaking over the heads of DND officials and the national commentariat and directly to sailors, soldiers and aviators and their families and to ordinary (which equals woefully ill-informed) Canadians.  Maybe he is doing this despite the public affairs branch - he is a blunt, cheerful sort of fellow, a good 'stump' speaker, but some of his comments read like a well coordinated script; and

"¢ That 'script' and the chart which accompanies with print article (the text is in the version above) is, if it is reasonablyaccurate, very informative - especially for those ill-informed 'ordinary Canadians' but also for people like me - retired folks who are no longer plugged in' to the serving military establishment and to families, too, I think.

Yes, 'they' - the 'they' we all know - have been doing that for years but this is 'news' to many, many Canadians and it is beneficial, to the military, to have the points made on the front pages and TV screens.

These "dipsticks" have been fighting for a very long time and many were trained by "dipsticks" from the west while the Afghans were fighting the Russians. Lets not forget that only a few years ago some of the "dipsticks" were though of as heros or warriors by western countries. Many "dipsticks" in South West Asia come from a very long line of "dipstick" warriors some going as far back as the Crusades. Besides it may not have been common knowledge that the JTF2 were doing these type of operations but common sense would dictate that they are, were and will always be there for the duration.
Gramps said:
These "dipsticks" have been fighting for a very long time and many were trained by "dipsticks" from the west while the Afghans were fighting the Russians. Lets not forget that only a few years ago some of the "dipsticks" were though of as heros or warriors by western countries. Many "dipsticks" in South West Asia come from a very long line of "dipstick" warriors some going as far back as the Crusades. Besides it may not have been common knowledge that the JTF2 were doing these type of operations but common sense would dictate that they are, were and will always be there for the duration.

Your point is what exactly, other than not liking what I call them?
If you read the last sentance of my post you will see what my point was.
So why give us the superfluous history lesson with the jab at my comment then?
Simply because I found that the comment minimizes what people are up against in these countries thats all, I didnt take offense to the comment. I just wanted to address that they are up against fully trained combatants (for the most part anyway) .
Holy sensitivity bat man, don't take it so personally.   Gramps was just giving a little back ground to his rebuttal.

Gramps is right though
I don't think they are dipsticks.

PURE GENEOUS is more like it.
Predictably, the Toronto (Red) Star left out the salient quote about the purpose of the Canadian Forces...

It is nice to hear someone who isn't dissembling for a change.
The shocked faces of the CBC news anchours was priceless. There was a comment on the CF's new "aggressiveness", good christ do they have any idea what the military's ultimate job is. 
I think that the general public and the mass media are a little ignorant to what the CF's job, or function really is. You cant really blame anyone specifically either, the blame should be spread on the Public Affairs, the media, the CF, and to some extent the public as well. For the last decade or so, all people have heard about when it comes to the CF is "peacekeeping, peacekeeping, peacekeeping". Many people believe that we are here strictly for peacekeeping and nothing more so it is no surprise to me that when they hear or read about an actual aggressive military operation they are to some degree shocked by it.
Lets all hope though that this fosters more public support for us (which in turn leads to more funding hopefully), with the realization that the CF does dangerous stuff and need the equipment and manpower to be able to do that.  But the more our CDS is with the public, the more I envision Jack Layton and his kind demanding the replacement of Hillier and the return to our warm and fuzzy peacekeeping ways :-\
:D :D :D :D :D :-* :-* :-* :) :) :) :warstory: :warstory: :warstory: :warstory:  :) :) :) :-* :-* :D :D :D :D :D
                                                                        :cdn: :cdn:

Hahaha that is hilarious, except I don't think they would have a tank (I don't think we have any either ;)) it would be to intimidating and militaristic.
Found the perfect smiley to replace the tank for the NDP army,



Now let's get this back on topic shall we?  8)
I was watching the CBC a couple of days ago and Gen. Hillier came on and gave a brief 5 minute speach on how Canada can become more and more involved in the "War on Terror"...

Personally, i think Hillier is just trying to introduce the Canadian peoples heads around the idea that this is going to involve them too, and that we cant afford to wait for our own 911 or London train bombing before we take action...  I kinda like his aproach!
Hatchet Man said:
I am sure this one line  is going to piss a lot of people off (mainly the NDP lib-left type)

Actually, I mentioned this to a "NDP Left-lib type", a union organizer no less, and she said "well, it's about time. It needs to be done and that's what the
Army is for, right?"

So don't be so sure that "left-leaners" don't support the military. Many civvies may not really understand the military or the issues involved, but support is out there, in all quarters!  :)

Frankly as mentioned in the other post of Hillier, this is exactly what we need in our CDS

100% in agreement, it's refreshingly honest.
it's about time this country kicked it into high gear, i wish i was over there right now killing those terrorists. every canadian worth thier salt should want too as well, we should be supporting our military 100% and trying to protect the freedom our forefathers fought and died for. :cdn: :threat: :threat:

Currently being phased out, the ILTIS is a 4 x 4 light utility vehicle. In service since 1948 the ILTIS were poorly armoured and difficult to maintain.
The iltis has been in service since 1948?
Future Unknown said:
The iltis has been in service since 1948?
It just looks and drives like it has. Der Kanadische kubelwagen.

Absolutely X-Grunt. The CDS comes out with yet another great zinger of a quote and all some people seem to be interested in is how shocked the NDP, the CBC, etc. etc are going to be blah, blah, blah, and how Gen. Hillier MUST be talking over the heads of all the other bogeymen, and so on. You know most Canadians probably actually think we always were trained to kill scumbags and think that's fine, actually. We should stop talking like an aggrieved minority. The CDS was enunciating current government policy, as he has from the day he was appointed (without any interference or contradiction from the PM or MND). The government, yes the (gasp!) Liberal government appointed this man to do a job. This is Canada's defence policy and this is what we have all moved on to.  For God's sake, get over the NDP. This is a democracy and everybody is entitled to their opinion. Our fight is not with other Canadians. The CF is going to Kandahar so that maybe one day Afghans can have peace and a free democracy, complete with their own leftist weenies and right-wing grumblers.