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Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

Creating the positions is easy. Funding them is not.

As for recruiting, give them decent equipment (not a CF tradition, unfortunately) and the same hotel accommodations as your aircrew . . .
There are uptapped positions in the notional 71,500 PY establishment. They would be funded.
A bit testy aren't we?

Because YOUR solution isn't acceptable to this forum?
Yes I am testy, because no one seems to think we should change how things are done. You are all worried about your careers and promotions and not about having a capable fighting force. As Kevin said above, look at the number of GOFOs we have. it's ludicrous. Until we have at least one full strength and fully equipped brigade we can't call ourselves an Army. and that wont happen....
Yes I am testy, because no one seems to think we should change how things are done. You are all worried about your careers and promotions and not about having a capable fighting force. As Kevin said above, look at the number of GOFOs we have. it's ludicrous. Until we have at least one full strength and fully equipped brigade we can't call ourselves an Army. and that wont happen....
Nobody said the current system is good, or even working.

What people have pointed out is that your proposals are not realistic.

Changes need to be made to cut the admin burden, and streamline HQ staffs, so those positions can be put back into the operational portions of the CAF. Some of those changes can be made by the CAF itself, but some require changes from the GoC.

There are no simple solutions, and every change has unintended consequences that need to be accounted for. See CFHD as a "good idea" that has had unintended negative concequences...