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Kev were can I get this rig

Dude I got some Crye gear - They dont have resellers...
It's at least $3,000 in Canadian Rubles, so don't get your hopes up.
well that's one way of looking at it.  The other way of looking at it is does it provide better protection then what the CF currently uses.  If the answer is yes I'm not sure $3000 is too much to pay.
Eagle CIRAS -- $480 plus  - $950 SPEAR/BALCS IIIA soft armour - $350 Level III plates  all prices USD.

Cheapest intergrtaed option out there

I guess so  :o -- but I make more than a CF Cpl and I think that price is too steep...

Did you ever find out if the CIRAS works with Canadian armour?
Yeah I know if you think its too much then common sense would dictate in me that its too much.  I't almost be tempted to get it if I knew I could wear it over there.
The CIRAS, RAV and Warhammer run the SPEARS/BALCS cut armour -- the CF PSP from the frag vest is ot cut like that and unless you have a mat tech cut it (danger Will Robinson) it will not fit.

The CPC ceramic plates will fit since they are SAPI standard sized.

If you where to want to run Cdn Armour you could use the GEnIII/IV PBA and then use the CIRAS as a LBE/Plate Carrier -- but it would be very bulky.

Some guys only run plate carriers (no soft armour) but that REALLY reduces your protection zone -- and requires th euse of Stand Alone plates -- or the threat may not be defeated by the plate (standard plates require IIIA soft ro both reduct back face deformation/trauma - and/or prevent pentration of the plate by speading the impact over the are of the soft armour).

Body Armour is not something to screw with for the uninformed --

As well several compnaies now have side impact plates that fit into the pockets of the RAV's cumberbund - to add side impact protection (I will check a buddies CIRAS here when he gets off duty - but I am pretty sure they have the same accomodation).

Um Kev, laymen terms here man.  Perhaps a spelling out of acronyms too.
Can/should I get ceramic plates instead of using steel?  Is soft armour like what the police have?
Don't know about the other stuff, but "soft" armour is your basic vest that police, security, armed guards wear.
Personally I like the poly plates they are very light weight (3lb/plate)

DO NOT buy steel plates -- they need a spall liner - and are rreally heavy -- most militaries use ceramic.

SAPI - Small Arms Protective Insert  (Ceramic Plate to USGI specs)

PSP - Pacific Safety Products

CPC - Cermamic Protection Company

IIIA Soft -- Kelvar armour that provide against PISTOL threats and soem fragmentation threats

III Plate - Multi Hit M80 Ball (7.62x51 NATO) M855 (5.56mm NATO - same as C77)

IV Plate - Single Hit AP (30-06 AP)   * there are some multi hit LiV plates but they state MULTI HIT on them.'

SPEAR/BALCS  (SOF Personal Equipment A - forgot R - forgot   / Ballistic Armour Load Carriage System)

Well its lunch - then off the Bhagram -- the hadji's have a shit load of stolen kit them sell just off base -- Camelback BMF backs etc for $40 USD (they are $300+) and other gear ---I'll look for an Armour set up for you

Thanks for straighten things out.  I will have a few more questions I'll PM ya after I do some more research.
Further Clarifications

The CF issue vest has soft IIIA armour panels inside it -- these panels are removeable -- (some have frag only panels that have NO bullet resistant properties).  The cut of the PSP panels is NOT the same as the BALCS panel - while you can fit a BALCS panel in a CF PSP vest a CF PSP will not fit in a BALCS vest.
So from what I gather, if one were so inclined, they could buy a RAV/CIRAS vest with IIIA soft armour, and use the issue CF plates in them to save some $$?

I've been playing with my issued CF CBA and Tac Vest the whole tour and it just doesn't work well at all. It's a little late to make the switch now, but next time for sure... unless Kev knows where I could get one here that is! ;)

short final said:
aircrew vests are ceramic

Do you mean they have ceramic plate inserts, like most other vest? An all-ceramic vest sounds very uncomfortable, but that's just me...

Mike_R23A said:
So from what I gather, if one were so inclined, they could buy a RAV/CIRAS vest with IIIA soft armour, and use the issue CF plates in them to save some $$?


I've been playing with my issued CF CBA and Tac Vest the whole tour and it just doesn't work well at all. It's a little late to make the switch now, but next time for sure... unless Kev knows where I could get one here that is! ;)

It is 10days shipping to my APO - guys have got CIRAS's within 10 days even...

Do you mean they have ceramic plate inserts, like most other vest? An all-ceramic vest sounds very uncomfortable, but that's just me...

I am sure that is what he meant.