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Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

I saw a post on X that said they'll happily pay $10 an egg to see where this goes.

Trumpism to many is change. And that's what's coming.

For those in Canada that are on the cancel-everything-USA, including those musing about cancelling the F-35 deal, they are only going to hurt themselves/Canada. Especially if they think Canada will get some magical deal better than anything the US can offer. EU and other countries care even less about Canada than the US does.
Carney? That man has the charm and friendliness of a hermit crab.
Bit of the pot calling the kettle black innit?
Thats not what I said and you know it. They need to hold onto the Canada first message, the 4 pillars (Ax the Tax, Build the homes, Stop the crime, grow the economy) and keep digging at Liberal wounds. Now, lets see where else they take this fight. We have an election to get to very soon, and they may have to wait to see what fumbles Carney makes. Then exploit it.
Verbing the Noun is the opposite of what needs to be maintained strategy-wise if the Conservatives want to salvage something out of this election. If anything good comes out of this, it will be the Reform dorks getting purged from the higher echelon of the Party because they can't win shit.
The CPC needs to stop with the silly name calling in their ads. It just sounds so childish and unserious and it makes PP sound like Trump in style...definitely a 3rd rail you want to stay away from right now. Things like "Carbon Tax Carney" and "Sellout Singh" just make you think about Trump and his "Sleepy Joe Biden", "Crooked Hillary" and "Crazy Kamala".

Serious times call for serious leaders and silly labels and slogans just don't sound serious.