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Logistics Officer - Sea [Merged]

SentryMAn has a number of good suggestions, and his point on difficulty level is spot on.

LOCC is like being fed with a firehose. The exam sucks, hard. The time constraints you will be under, you have likely never experienced before (even if you had served in the ranks or in a previous trade).

You will work long days, you will have a great deal of homework and reading to do and you will have group work/presentations to do as well. If you are not proficient in powerpoint or comfortable speaking in front of large, potentially very critical crowds, try and work on that.

Let's put it this way, we had multiple ex-WO Chief Clerks on my course, they found the course and the testing to be challenging. One ex-MCpl failed and was sent home.

Is the course do-able? Absolutely, or I wouldn't be sitting here in the position I currently hold. I was a Veh Tech previously. I knew how to look through parts book and repair manuals, but CFAOs and DAODs were pretty foreign to me (other than 9-13 lol).

My advice, have a look through stuff like this. You don't have much time apparently lol:

As for the networking comments, truer words were never spoken. Not a week goes by that I am not emailing someone that I went to course with, especially LOCC. I am a TN guy, so my Fin and Sup are not the best, but I know lots of people that did take those specialties. We help each other out all the time.

Just be prepared as best you can, but don't get uptight. The staff will give you more  than enough rope.

Hey, Can anyone tell me about the daily life of the army logistics officer?

        I have memorized the job description and videos on the CF's website but it still does not tell me the exact hard truth of the job. I need more then " running the management in your desired field or warehousing" as an answer. What is involved in management or warehousing?

Will i spend most my days behind a desk calculating and setting up balance sheets or recording transactions? or directing warehouse storage and marking it down in the books?

I am very interested in the job but I am trying to see if it is a "military accountant".
Italiansoldier13 said:
Hey, Can anyone tell me about the daily life of the army logistics officer?

Some information:

( See reply #10. )

Answered here as well. Lots of info when you use the search function a little deeper.

Wookilar said:
Answered here as well. Lots of info when you use the search function a little deeper.

It is good source of information about Log O's (For Sea and Land).
I am interested in Log O's Air
Wookilar said:
Logistic Officer Common Air (LOCA)

The LOCA is the final phase of basic-level officer training for Logistics Officers. LOCA candidates will have completed their Common Air Phase (CAP), followed by their Logistics Officer’s Course, Common (LOCC). The CAP, conducted at the Air Force Academy by Air Force personnel, introduces the officers to operating within the aerospace community. The LOCC, conducted at CFSAL, introduces them to the world of logistics.

LOCA builds upon this foundation by now educating these officers with regards to their duties and responsibilities upon a posting to a Wing, more specifically into a position as a Flt Comd, as of a part of a Mission Support Unit (MSU), as a Squadron Logistics Officer or into a similar position as part of a Wing Logistics Organization. Candidates are educated as to the structures of these units and the support concepts employed by an Air Expeditionary Units (AEU) and MSU in the field. They are introduced to managing human resources, replenishment operations, and financial operations at the squadron level as well as supporting deployed operations. Given the importance of the command post and operating in a field environment, the candidates are also given the theoretical introduction to those tasks.

Upon successful completion of the course, students will have the skills required to cope with their initial employment within a Wing and will possess the ability to continue honing and refining the basic Air Logistician ability they have gained at CFSAL.


In order to be selected for this training, the candidate must have successfully completed or been granted equivalency for:

Air Log O Env Trg Ph II (10293)
Logistics Officer Common Course Part I & II (AILJ)
Transportation Management, Supply Officer (AIHS), Pay Accounting Officer (PAO), or Human Resource Management


The course currently consists of 26 training days and includes:

PO 001 - Managing Human Resource Operations at the Squadron Level
PO 002 - Managing Replenishment Operations at the Squadron Level
PO 003 - Managing Finance Operations at the Squadron Level
PO 004 - Provide Deployed Logistical Support at the Squadron Level
I heard too much about  Common Army  Phase , but less about  Common Air Phase
It is usually  for DEO  after CFLRS (BOTP)?
What does  Common Air Phase  look like?
One more question.
For Air Log O's  is Level II or Level III  of security clearance ?
secondchance said:
One more question.
For Air Log O's  is Level II or Level III  of security clearance ?

Level II is the minimum; certain positions will require an upgrade to level III.
May be this information can be usefull for people  who already applied for Logistic Officer. Selection board will be in end of August 2012. It looks like I can not be in time. In my case back check and previous service ( I was in CF and did VR) check can take up to 6 weeks. Good luck for those who are already passed all steps and merit listed. It looks like once time per year this selection board? I don't know should I applied if any case I can not be sent to next board in August 2012. And I must wait till Aprill 2013 ?
My Common Air phase was 2 weeks in Winnepeg at 1 Wng.
History of the Air force mostly and some other stuff.  Gets you equated with some of the interesting things that happen there and with your co-workers that have all entered with you.

it was nothing like CAP, but I did hear that the RCAF has plans to change this course to move more towards a CAP style course but that was a couple years ago now and I'm not sure if anything has changed.

Does anyone know when the next Course start date for Phase 4 Log is? 
I'm on my way back into the Forces and think I'm going to be in sooner then I think by what some are telling me.(but who knows)
Good information to know about selection, I was told by a friend it seemed my app was getting pushed a bit.  They didn't think everything happened quite as fast as it has for me(from complete application to Interview that is).  Getting nervous and excited all the same, the fear of the unknown(where I'm going) and doing something I've wanted to do since I watched a certain few early 80's and late 80's movies/tv shows is exciting! 
Exactly it will be 29 August 2012. Today  I visited CFRF .  Log O's  is open.Log O's  require  is Level II of security. I as returned after VR (4C) have hope to pass medical and interview before  29 August 2012 but  I am not sure.
Only 30 days left... God only knows .... I can not say if I am getting nervous or excited.
I just want to return to CF after my VR. I feel really sorry about my VR what I did 8 months ago.
secondchance said:
Exactly it will be 29 August 2012. Today  I visited CFRF .  Log O's  is open.Log O's  require  is Level II of security. I as returned after VR (4C) have hope to pass medical and interview before  29 August 2012 but  I am not sure.
Only 30 days left... God only knows .... I can not say if I am getting nervous or excited.
I just want to return to CF after my VR. I feel really sorry about my VR what I did 8 months ago.

Good information to know as I am being processed for Log O as well.