What is that old adage? "Don't write anything on the Internet that you wouldn't otherwise yell in a room full of strangers"? Something like that.
Well, you posted some inflammatory stuff on a website that has I don't know how many THOUSANDS of members. And it garnered what I think would be a similar reaction had you shouted it out in a room full of thousands of people. Now, maybe you are right and the majority of us are wrong. But the basic principles of statistics and the law of averages is not on your side. I haven't seen any posts that agree with your POV, so the silent majority either doesn't care enough about the issue to support you or are in silent agreement with those who have posted.
Maybe what you wrote wasn't as well articulated as you would have been had his been a face to face conversation. The onus remains on you to better explain what you wrote. But I haven't seen anything that better and more reasonably explains your point of view.
So yeah, the mods on this site are acting like I would expect the PMC of your mess to react if you had stated your opinion there. Which is " why is that crowd of people circled around that ONE guy and why are they agitated and poking him in the chest?" The PMC would likely come over to investigate, try to defuse the situation and make sure things don't get further of of hand. If one particular individual appears to be the instigator of all this discontent, then the PMC has to address that somehow. The mods are doing something vey similar.
You are, and remain free to post what you want here providing it adheres to the site's rather liberal guidelines. But seriously, if you post controversial or inflammatory and, in my opinion, poorly worded and ill considered opinions, well bud, it's a free country and be ready for some feedback from people who have opposing points of view.
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