Ok I'll take a stab at it.
Two things first:
1. I'm not necessarily a liberal voter. I haven't voted liberal in any election since 2015.
2. I see the CPC in general, but more specifically PP as populist, meaning they will do more of what LOOKS good for invidividual Canadians in the short term, regardless of the long term effect, whereas the LPC is more willing to look at things from a cosmopolitan and long term perspective.
Econony and Trade: LPC. PP and the CPC are trending "populist" and populism leans toward isolationism which is not good for economic growth. To truly grow in the modern age requires tapping into and becoming intwined with the international market even if that means some local industries suffer. Honestly, the only real liberal fumble over the last decade that has me irate is their unwillingness to at least TRY and unlock our LNG potential in the international market.
Security and Defence. It's a toss up. Both parties talk a big game but both parties treatdefence like a flagship without a fleet, only truly supporting it when it looks good politically but ignoring it when it doesn't. I would lean toward the LPC for two reasons: 1. because they have seemed to get us more involved in international missions, which builds both experience and builds relationships, and 2. Because it was the CPC that ordered those God awful AOPVs.
Housing: neither, sort of. Housing is a provincial issue and I don't believe either party can truly help. However, housing availability has been significantly affected by immigration, which saw explosive growth under the LPC. The Libs seem to have learned their lesson in that regars, so a few months ago I would have said CPC, but as long as the LPC doesn't change their tune, I dont see the CPC doing any better on this front. In fact, since the LPC is more concerned with social welfare, I could see the LPC doing a better job of creating programs that find people "homes" even if that doesn't necessarily mean "housing" growth.
Natural resources. LPC, but only from a certain point of view. Both economic growth and the exploitation of natural resources should not be treated like a soulless mega corporation, where there are no ethics other than maximizing shareholder value. Instead, you need to balance economic growth with the long term health of the country, it's people, and our environment. The liberals talk like they are Green-faced but deep down the majority of them want to drill drill drill (there are exceptions like that weasel Guilbeaut), but for the most part I believe the LPC will do a better job balancing thee need for growth our responsibility to safeguard the environment for our future.
Justice: LPC. I believe in restorative justice and fighting against the route causes of crime, whereas the populist approach is just more cops and harsher punishment.
Law enforcement: Well, the LPC executed a reasonable and limited use of the EA in order to restore law and order, so, them. Come at me.
Foreign Interference: neither. Both parties will talk a big game, but in the end both will look at what 'politcal' effect their reactions might be to FI and will do what's best for them and not for the country.