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Media Bias [Merged]


We used to have an annual licence fee to fund the CBC. I recall that my dad purchased it in the local post office. The fee was abolished at some time after I saved Western Democracy by enlisting, perhaps when I was in Germany.
Old Sweat said:

We used to have an annual licence fee to fund the CBC. I recall that my dad purchased it in the local post office. The fee was abolished at some time after I saved Western Democracy by enlisting, perhaps when I was in Germany.

Interesting...  Wonder what the result would be if people could "vote" by buying a license or paying an annual license fee to own a TV?
Tony, the people of Canada have already voted. The CBC's market share is 8% as stated in the links to this thread.
Rifleman62 said:
Tony, the people of Canada have already voted. The CBC's market share is 8% as stated in the links to this thread.
At one level (passive consumption), yup, but how much would the equation change if people were told, "You want the CBC?  You'll have to pay out of pocket for it."?  Would people fork up? 
Sell CBC as a subscription channel on cable and Sirius radio and you will have the definitave answer.
Without further comment:


More non-bias
March 19th, 2009
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“The federal Conservatives have introduced legislation…” -

CBC Radio One news

“Prime Minister Harper’s government has introduced legislation…” -

AM 770, CHQR Radio, Calgary

Not that we’re in the business of documenting every instance of a media double standard when it comes to conservatism but, as with chicken soup, it couldn’t hurt. These two quotes were reporting the same event - the government’s proposal of mandatory minimum sentencing for gang-related crimes a few weeks ago. Many media outlets, but particularly the CBC, continue to refer to “the Conservatives” or “the Tories” as if they weren’t actually the government. Or they want to add the name “Harper” (and they do say “Harper”, not “Mr. Harper” or heaven forbid “Prime Minister Harper”) to something they think negative or controversial. Too bad for them when it’s mandatory minimums, which people generally support.

The “Harper” thing is very conspicuous; I even heard Deborah Grey repeatedly saying “Harper” on an As it Happens panel. Very bad form. No wonder I laughed when I saw an American commentator bending over backwards to say “Mr. Obama” or “President Obama” about a dozen times in one short feature.

Lastly, conservatives are just too fair and balanced. Even such a sterling writer as Lorne Gunter wrote about the CBC’s “predominantly left-wing coverage”. Predominantly? Does it have to be 100% before you stop qualifying the assertion? On that topic, I’m sure CBC Radio One’s saturation coverage of the election in El Salvador last weekend (because the left candidate was poised to win) was just a coincidence too. Liechtensteiners can look forward to similar coverage the next time they trudge to the polls. Yup.
BravoCharlie said:
IMO CBC slants the news is such away that it persuade it's listeners to hold political belief that is reflective of a "good people".  The CBC challenges our nation to be empathetic and compassionate towards it's own citizenry and it is wary of thought or culture that would undermine those qualities.

By not promoting the ideals of mass consumption, environmental irresponsibility, zealous christian belief, or selfishness the CBC provides Canadians and International fans with the flavour of maple syrup, fresh air and clean water. It also tries to protect us from drowning in tailings ponds, suffocating from mass emissions, and becoming obese fast food junkies.

So Yes the CBC has a bias of which they are always taking suggestions from their audience on how to improve and; I don't always agree with everything the CBC says, I conclude that the CBC bias is one that is good for Canada

In your opinion.

Your attitude is no different from the American far right who feels that anyone a hair width to the left of him is "un-American". 

Quite frankly, it pi$$es me off to no end. 

My family has been in this country long before Confederation, and to suggest that my views are "un-Canadian" or "un-good" is the height of hubris.

To suggest that because I do not worship at the altar of left-wing public broadcasting makes me less of a citizen than a "lefty from East Vancouver", is contemptible and disgusting, especially in a free society such as ours.

This morally superior attitude that the "CBC slants the news is such away that it persuade it's listeners to hold political belief that is reflective of a 'good people' " is why only urban left-wing elitists hold the CBC in high regard nowadays.

You're awfully close to being that which you accuse me off. 

I have not attempted to tell anyone what is morally correct, nor have I insinuated that people who have beliefs that are not congruent with mine or CBC's are not good either,  I merely voiced my opinion that the CBC has done a great deal of good for our country and I would like
to see the tradition continue.

And by the way

My rights,as a Canadian are exactly the same as yours, and unlike the military, I don't believe that your families "time in"  gives your voice any more strength.

And Jeez, the CBC is a centrist organization for christ sake, not a home for pinko's like so many believe.

BravoCharlie said:
And Jeez, the CBC is a centrist organization for christ sake, not a home for pinko's like so many believe.

How about a heads up the next time you make a joke. That's one of the funniest things I've read in some time!
BravoCharlie said:

And Jeez, the CBC is a centrist organization for christ sake, not a home for pinko's like so many believe.

Based on mean tendencies, and your earlier comments, that suggest that you see yourself as a centrist  and that you agree with the CBC.  You might even see yourself as slightly to the left of centre with your occasional disagreement with the CBC line being that they are coming at the issue from a perspective that is further to the right than your own.

Meself, standing on the ground I occupy, the CBC approaches issues from much farther left than I find comforting.

Its all about where the observer stands.
Bravo Kirkhill

Sa many of are perceptions become conflicts when we forget the relativity of it all and fail to empathize with one another.

BravoCharlie said:

You're awfully close to being that which you accuse me off. 

I have not attempted to tell anyone what is morally correct, nor have I insinuated that people who have beliefs that are not congruent with mine or CBC's are not good either,  I merely voiced my opinion that the CBC has done a great deal of good for our country and I would like
to see the tradition continue.

And by the way

My rights,as a Canadian are exactly the same as yours, and unlike the military, I don't believe that your families "time in"  gives your voice any more strength.

And Jeez, the CBC is a centrist organization for christ sake, not a home for pinko's like so many believe.

I do no such thing.  At no time have I suggested that someone of differing views is "bad" or "un-Canadian".

YOU are the one implying that "CBC slants the news is such away that it persuade it's listeners to hold political belief that is reflective of a "good people' ".  To me, that would suggest that my views, which for the most part are opposite, are reflective of a "bad people".  Since this is a national public broadcaster, this could be further interpreted that this my views, since reflective of a "bad people", are "un-Canadian". 

I agree that my family's "time in" does not give me any more rights than any other Canadian.  I only bring up my ancestry to show how ridiculous it is for a national public broadcaster to have the opinion that someone of my point of view would be "un-Canadian".  Unlike many people, I am of the opinion that my Canada includes a wide variety of viewpoints, however misguided.

And I'm not sure what you mean by "unlike the military, I don't believe that your families "time in"  gives your voice any more strength."  Last time I checked, the military doesn't give anyone's voice more strength based on family's "in time".  I assume that there is a typo in there somewhere.

I do object to a national public broadcaster taking my money and calling me a bad Canadian.  If they want to tell me how bad I am, then they should stop taking MY taxes to pay for it, and ask for money from those who do hold those beliefs.
A couple of points,

to hold views opposite of what the CBC champions, is indeed to be bad,
for example, your extreme belief that counters the CBC's opinion means that you would like to:

to embrace racism
to privatize health care,
to marry religion to politics,
to eliminate democracy as we know it
wage war on our allies
disrespect our soldiers and their families,

ect, ect , ect

so you are not actually holding all those opinions are you?  I don't believe you do, or that you are bad, just emotionally invested in saving your 9 cents a day,  If I am wrong: shame.

and what I meant by my statement about "time in", and I can admit my naivety on all thing military, is that time in is positively correlated to rank, when one looks  at individual members. 

I'm wet behind the ears as a military man so forgive my ignorance about thing related to the CF , but I AM an experienced citizen of this country who has been across it several times and can even believe that you are a good person too, although we may disagree on some things.

BravoCharlie said:
A couple of points,

to hold views opposite of what the CBC champions, is indeed to be bad,
for example, your extreme belief that counters the CBC's opinion means that you would like to:

to embrace racism
to privatize health care,
to marry religion to politics,
to eliminate democracy as we know it
wage war on our allies
disrespect our soldiers and their families,

ect, ect , ect

so you are not actually holding all those opinions are you?  I don't believe you do, or that you are bad, just emotionally invested in saving your 9 cents a day,  If I am wrong: shame.

and what I meant by my statement about "time in", and I can admit my naivety on all thing military, is that time in is positively correlated to rank, when one looks  at individual members. 

I'm wet behind the ears as a military man so forgive my ignorance about thing related to the CF , but I AM an experienced citizen of this country who has been across it several times and can even believe that you are a good person too, although we may disagree on some things.

You must have spent a lot of time to gather up all that amount of straw BC.

And by the way......

Racism is.
Health Care should be privatized
Islam and Judaism, not to mention Jainism, Hinduism and Catholicism do marry religion and politics (Same is true for Presbyterians, Methodist and Pentecostals)
Democracy is variously defined
It depends on which allies

I can agree whole-heartedly with the last one.

But you forgot the most important one......the sine qua non of the left.  The perfectability of the individual.  And that is not going to happen.
BravoCharlie said:
A couple of points,

to hold views opposite of what the CBC champions, is indeed to be bad,
for example, your extreme belief that counters the CBC's opinion means that you would like to:

to embrace racism
to privatize health care,
to marry religion to politics,
to eliminate democracy as we know it
wage war on our allies
disrespect our soldiers and their families,

ect, ect , ect

so you are not actually holding all those opinions are you?  I don't believe you do, or that you are bad, just emotionally invested in saving your 9 cents a day,  If I am wrong: shame.

and what I meant by my statement about "time in", and I can admit my naivety on all thing military, is that time in is positively correlated to rank, when one looks  at individual members. 

I'm wet behind the ears as a military man so forgive my ignorance about thing related to the CF , but I AM an experienced citizen of this country who has been across it several times and can even believe that you are a good person too, although we may disagree on some things.

That's the biggest bunch of bigoted horseshit you've spouted in, oh, the last day or so. Give it a rest. You're getting tedious, boring and have been regurgitating the same 'opinion' over and over again. Circling the drain as it were.

Had more, but I'd have to put myself on a warning if I hadn't deleted it.
Psssst, BTW the word "etcetera" is abbreviated "etc" - "ect" is short for Electro-Convulsive Therapy.  Just thought I'd throw some gas on the fire... :nod:

BravoCharlie said:
I can't wait to be among you.

And then you too might see situations where you know what has been happening, and it looks/sounds very different in the CBC story.  It's this kind of situation that fosters less-than-complete faith in some media outlets some here exhibit.
I read that CBC was announcing cuts later this morning, so I waited to hear more before posting this. CTV finally published enough details to update the discussion. Over all, I do not think the cuts are as bad as first anticipated.

CBC cutting 800 jobs amid sinking ad revenues
Updated Wed. Mar. 25 2009 12:12 PM ET
The Canadian Press

MONTREAL -- The cash-strapped CBC told employees today that it will be cutting 800 jobs in effort to save $171 million amid sinking advertising revenues.

Internal sources say CBC president Hubert Lacroix broke the news to staff at a town hall meeting in Montreal.

The plan is to cut 396 jobs in the English service, 336 on the French side, and 70 corporate service positions.

The public broadcaster also plans to sell $125 million in assets in a bid to balance it's budget, workers were reportedly told.

In recent weeks, Lacroix has been warning of deep cuts to staff and programming to cope with a significant budget shortfall.

He has also said there will a salary freeze for top executives.
Finally people that agree that CBC is totally biased to the liberal agenda. But I do think it is a good network, unfortunately to many people turn it into 100% truth and believe every word that comes out of the television set. And living on the west coast or left coast. Almost everyone here speaks of it as if it is the truth and nothing but the truth. Until something like the Pakistan footage, they think that they just sought out a single incident. As for the red they fluant around, it is almost like it is some sort of subliminal messaging. But that is just my biased opinion on others biased opinions.