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Media Bias [Merged]

Slimeball cons CBC

No evidence he’s being held captive at Somali airport
By TOM BRODBECK, Winnipeg Sun
15 September 2010


The next time the CBC gets a phone call from a repeat, violent refugee offender who’s been deported to Somalia and who claims he’s being held captive at an airport by armed extremists, they’ll probably think twice before running a story about it.

Looks like our public broadcaster got duped this week by convicted criminal and known con artist Mohamed Said Jama.

Jama, the criminal refugee I told you about earlier this year who was at large in Winnipeg after a failed deportation order last year, has finally been punted from Canada.

He was deported Sunday.

Public Safety Minister Vic Toews and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney issued a joint-release Wednesday announcing the successful deportation of Jama, which occurred without any major incident.

“The deportation of this serious criminal from our country is welcome news for the safety of our communities — I know Manitobans and many Canadians have been waiting for this day for some time,” Toews said in the release. “We will not tolerate those who come to this country and commit violent crimes.”

The CBC reported this week that Jama phoned them from a government-chartered plane in Bosaso, Somalia.

In a “telephone interview”, Jama said he was being held hostage by armed “extremists” who had surrounded the plane he was on at the airport.

According to the reports, Jama said the extremists wanted $100,000 or they would kill him.

The CBC ran a story Wednesday saying the extremists had fired a shot at the plane, hitting a man in the leg.

See any corroborating evidence in this fairy tale Jama cooked up?

The CBC ran two days of reports based solely on the word of a slimeball, violent criminal who — had the CBC done its homework — would have known is a perpetual con man and a master at manipulation.

The Winnipeg Sun exposed in a series of stories earlier this year how Jama stalled his deportation orders through a number of legal challenges and how he was eventually released by Immigration and Refugee Board member Leeann King on Feb 5.

Jama, who has a lengthy criminal record that includes stabbing a man in the face during a violent home invasion, immediately took a powder — big surprise — and was apprehended after the Sun reported there was a Canada-wide warrant for his arrest.

When officials attempted to deport Jama in October of last year, he managed to foil the removal by smuggling a cellphone into his holding room in Nairobi, Kenya, where Canadian escorts had planned to put him on a chartered plane bound for Somalia.

Jama was able to use his phone to contact family in Somalia and stir up enough trouble among rival tribes that Canadian officials no longer felt safe sending a chartered plane into the area.

So he was returned to Canada.

According to confidential memos obtained by the Sun, removal to Somalia had become so problematic and unsafe that deportations to the war-torn country had been temporarily suspended by the Canada Border Services Agency last fall.

It appears they’ve made progress on that since Jama is now there and there is no evidence of gun-toting extremists holding up the government-chartered plane demanding $100,000.

“The removal followed set procedures and unfolded according to plan,” the joint government release said.

Maybe Jama thought he could tap in one last time to Canada’s public treasury by convincing the CBC to wire him $100,000.

Fortunately, the jig is now up for Mr. Jama and the streets of Winnipeg are safer for it.


I just went into CBC site to see if they had any comments. I have no idea what made me think they'd ever recant any of the nonsense stories they print! Its all over the internet, and they seem to be sticking to their story. They're such a joke! Unfortunately, a lot of people think it must be gospel if CBC prints it.

Haha, and here I thought it might be (thread title wise) because the local CBC radio afternoon drive home show has been having a former well known Political ( who was famously know for insisting he was "entitled to my entitlements" ) as a guest giving advise on how to negotiate.  The listeners have been going off the deep end with the selection of this guy and feel that he is.... well, a slimeball.  The host's response was that he was perfect as he negotiated a "Mint" from the Mint on leaving.

Back on thread.  It's good to see that Jama has been shown the door, doesn't happen often enough with some of the turds that sneak into the country.  CBC however can't resist running with the bit between their teeth can they. 

Just wait and see if they can't somehow try connect the CF into causing his predicament.  Seems  as if they are grasping a any straw to punch the CF as of late.
Refugee’s safety not our problem
By TOM BRODBECK, Winnipeg Sun
Last Updated: September 18, 2010 10:04pm


My sources tell me Mohamed Jama is sitting comfortably in a hotel in Bosaso, Somalia right now. No extremists holding him up at gunpoint at the inn, nor in a government-chartered plane on the tarmac of the local airport.

That despite what the CBC was reporting all week.

I notice our public broadcaster hasn’t issued a retraction or a correction on their story, after being duped by Jama that he was under siege by gun-toting extremists.

The Canada Border Services Agency has confirmed repeatedly that the deportation was carried out as planned and without incident and that there were no gun-toting extremists firing at a plane Jama was in, as the CBC reported.

Instead, the CBC perpetuates the story that somehow the Government of Canada did the wrong thing by deporting Jama to a dangerous, war-torn country and they rely on a phony story cooked up by Jama to prop up their editorial position. Pretty pathetic.

At this point, whatever happens to Jama is no longer our problem. He was a repeat, violent offender who showed no signs whatsoever of changing his ways. CBSA had an obligation — for the safety of Canadians — to deport the refugee, notwithstanding any dangers he might face back home.

The position that we should compromise the safety of Canadians in favour of Jama’s safety back home is misguided. I think the people who hold that position would change their tune very quickly if they or their families became Jama’s next victims had we not deported him.
CBC gun registry report ripped
By ALTHIA RAJ, Parliamentary Bureau

OTTAWA — The Conservative Party is alleging the CBC purposefully misled viewers by airing a report that, it said, suggests the National Rifle Association was helping them abolish the long-gun registry.

Jenni Byrne, the party’s head of political operations, wrote CBC Ombudsman Vince Carlin last week over what she said was concern by the public broadcaster’s “blatant agenda-driven reporting."

“During its nightly newscast, the CBC reported that the National Rifle Association (NRA), a U.S. third party advocacy group, is behind efforts by some Canadian lawmakers to abolish the long-gun registry...Yet shockingly, the CBC does not provide any evidence to connect the Government of Canada, the Conservative party and any U.S. advocacy group,” Byrne wrote. “Conspiracy theory journalism with a clear political agenda is not an appropriate practice for Canada’s national broadcaster.”

Byrne’s alleges the CBC was also in cahoots with the Liberals because some of its MPs came out flying with similar accusations after the broadcast.

Carlin said he received 11 complaints about the item.

The public broadcaster responded but one complainant was not satisfied by CBC’s answer, Carlin said, so he will investigate.

“I’ll probably do this fairly quickly just because we are in the political season,” he said.

The Conservatives sent info-alert e-mails to party faithful after the broadcast aired saying “CBC’s claim is offensive and its motivation is obvious.”

CBC spokesman Jeff Keay said the broadcaster was reviewing a complaint from the Conservative Party of Canada and would respond “to that letter in due course.”
Currently watching the CBC and the press fawning, idolizing and performing symbolic fellatio on the corpse of Trudeau on the tenth anniversary of his death.

I have to change the channel and go puke.
recceguy said:
Currently watching the CBC and the press fawning, idolizing and performing symbolic fellatio on the corpse of Trudeau on the tenth anniversary of his death.

I have to change the channel and go puke.

Yeah, but at least he's dead.  ;)
recceguy said:
It will be interesting to see what kind of spin the CBC puts on these comments to it's own poll, if indead it even considerers them, as a true commentary on their existence or whether they see it as an organized, right wing Harper\CPC led misuse of data.
Wait no longer!
CBC News has now completed its comprehensive News Balance Study.

In June, we released the interim results and I explained then in some detail why we think it's important to evaluate the journalism we do and the way we do it.

So what have we learned? First and foremost, that Canadians are sophisticated and critical consumers of news who are not satisfied getting information from any one source.

Canadians' perceptions about journalism are changing. They believe journalism plays a vital role in society and is critical to the health of democracy.

However, they think there is much less fact and more opinion in contemporary journalism, that over time the quality of journalism has been declining and that most journalism reflects the corporate point of view of owners and shareholders ....
More on the GM's summary here, the full bias report here (PDF)

- edited to fix link -
Balance is most news reporting is nothing more than an attempt to manufacture controversy in order to gain audience share.

Balanced 'journalism' became popular on TV news when John McLaughlin began to replace boring "talking heads" with more exciting "shouting heads" on TV over 30 years ago. Now partisan political operators - like Scott Reid here in Canada and Donna Brazile in the USA are mainstays on "news" broadcasts because they will, reliably, make some sparks fly, on even the most innocuous issue, and, thereby, sell more advertising time. Of course they are accompanied by their Conservative and Republican and NDP and Labour counterparts on news broadcasts all over the English speaking world - even on CCTV's English service.

Even worse than the political operators are the incessant panels of MPs who 'debate' issues on so-called news shows. Both the CBC and CTV are equally guilty of using these drones to fill airtime when there is absolutely nothing to say about a topic.

Most real news requires a simple reporting of facts: to inform Canadians. Most broadcasters have, for 25+ years, totally ignored that function as they try to sell our 'eyeballs' to their sponsors by manufacturing controversy which we appear to lap up, à la Pavlov’s dogs.
There may be hope after all; NPR has repeatedly crossed the boundaries and now Democrat lawmakers have pretty much openly stated they support and fund NPR as their propaganda arm. Canadians see the CBC in much the same way (based on the minuscule numbers of viewers and listeners), how long for political support for defunding to finally emerge?


Juan Williams: Defund NPR

posted at 8:48 am on March 21, 2011 by Ed Morrissey

After being fired from NPR for expressing a controversial opinion on Fox News — along with a suggestion that he had mental problems — Juan Williams remained supportive of federal funding for public broadcasting.  What Vivian Schiller couldn’t do, apparently House Democrats could.  After the DCCC sent out a fundraising letter based on Democratic support for NPR lauding its ability to get out the progressive message, Williams now says enough is enough:

    But last week my line of defense for NPR ran into harsh political realities. Rep. Steve Israel (D- N.Y.) chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee sent out a fundraising letter with the following argument for maintaining public funding of NPR:

    “They [Republicans] know NPR plays a vital role in providing quality news programming – from rural radio stations to in-depth coverage of foreign affairs. If the Republicans had their way, we’d only be left with the likes of Glenn Beck, Limbaugh and Sarah Palin to dominate the airwaves.”

    With that statement Congressman Israel made the case better than any  Republican critic that NPR is radio by and for liberal Democrats. He is openly asking liberal Democrats to give money to liberal Democrats in Congress so they can funnel federal dollars into news radio programs designed to counter and defeat conservative Republican voices.

    Rep. Israel has unintentionally endorsed every conservative complaint about NPR as a liberal mouthpiece.

Kudos to Williams for his honesty and open-mindedness.  The Democrats fear the end of control over NPR that comes with federal funding.  Williams writes that NPR has to “stick its finger in the wind” to ensure that its Capitol Hill patrons like their coverage in order to ensure that their funding continues, and whatever else that might be, it’s not journalism in any significant sense.  Rep. Israel has let the cat out of the bag and revealed the real reason Democrats keep funding NPR, which is that they believe that progressives can’t compete in the marketplace.

But Israel’s missive reveals even more than that.  It confirms that progressivism is antithetical to open markets and private enterprise.  Israel and the DCCC want to keep government in the position of picking winners and losers in markets through heavy-handed interventions, a form of corporatism that distorts markets and leads to irrational and inefficient outcomes.  That’s true in every area of enterprise, from health care to the Internet and to political thought.  It’s an elitist philosophy that assumes that everyone except for an elect few lack the sentient ability to choose for themselves.  If progressives can’t get good ratings, well, it’s because the sheeple need to be spoon-fed progressivism at their own expense!

Hopefully Williams will someday realize that the NPR episode is merely a single manifestation of a larger problem with liberals and Democrats.  That column will be awesome.  Until then, this one’s well worth the read, too.

Besides, do we really need to throw taxpayer dollars at this smug and utterly heartless example of NPR humor?

    The “best and brightest” include a Muslim comedian named Maz Jabrani, whom NPR has been promoting as“the face of Middle Eastern humor in America today.”

    Judging from his latest bit performed on this weekend’s show, the face of Middle Eastern humor looks a lot like the face of your typical CAIR mouthpiece. Tea Party-bashers Ron Schiller and Vivian Schiller may be gone and the House may have defunded the public radio enterprise, but the conservatives=racist smear narrative is alive and well at NPR. ….

    The premise of Jobrani’s p.c. comedy gag is completely false, as actual readers of my work know. I was one of the first conservatives to criticize Birthers who go to the extreme and have never accused President Obama of being a “secret Muslim.” To the contrary, I’ve criticized him for his rather open and out-of-the-closet apologias for jihad and his perfunctory, bloodless, vague public condemnations of Islamic terror attacks on Americans. As for my “fear that there are Muslims amongst us who are hiding their true identity,” go ask Attorney General Eric Holder what “keeps him up at night.”

Jamie Huston sums it up well:

    NPR’s mistake goes far beyond mere slander. Their joke targeted the family of a specific conservative at a time when that specific conservative’s family is suffering a tragedy. Quite a coincidence. It’s been two weeks since Malkin’s cousin Marizela Perez went missing…Malkin has used her media presence tirelessly since then to help find her young relative. Either NPR and Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me are not nearly as well-informed in their news awareness as they’d like us to believe, or they cruelly decided to go ahead with a particularly tasteless joke.

    Ironically, just before this segment aired, they made fun of Gilbert Gottfried getting fired for his tasteless jokes about the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. Pot, meet kettle…

    …On top of that, here comes a radio show that singles her out during this crisis and makes fun of not just her, but goes out of its way to talk about her family. …If she were a liberal and Glenn Beck had made a joke like this, the mainstream media would be calling for blood.

Michelle has been my friend for many years, and for a couple of years my boss as well.  She’s certainly not above being criticized, as Michelle herself would be the first to tell you; in fact, when I first started writing here, Michelle said she looked forward to getting into open disagreements with me between our blogs, although those were few (but memorable).  But criticism of Michelle should stick to what she actually writes and says, not with silly strawmen that lie and mischaracterize her position — and shouldn’t involve her family at all.

Remember, your tax dollars went to support this.  And they shouldn’t.

Update: Michelle has an update on the search for her cousin Marizela Perez, and the fundraising that is allowing her family to work full time on finding her.  Keep up to date at FindMarizela, and thank you in advance for your generosity.
E.R. Campbell said:
Try this from a CBC friend.
Raw numbers alone don't tell the whole story.  Here in Thunder Bay, when two private radio stations started working out of the same building, creating a virtual monopoly on broadcast info outside of the CBC, nobody complained (apart from 1 or 2 letters to the editor).  When about 1/3 of a private TV & radio's staff were laid off, making community-based content harder to come by, nobody complained.  When there was a hint that CBC would close it's Thunder Bay radio outlet, I saw 200 people hit the streets to protest for a CBC executive visiting.  I also suspect those who do listen would be very active about any possible cuts or privatization.
For advertisers and content providers, raw numbers are EVERYTHING. Spending a billion taxpayer dollars to satisfy 5 to 7% of the national audience is a travesty.

For the ideal solution let the 200 protesters pay for the CBC out of their own pockets as a specialty channel that they can order like HBO or Sirius/XM. They get what they want, and the other 93% of the Canadian public can spend their information and entertainment dollars on what they want.

Surprise, surprise....


CBC Vote Compass is BS

Hundreds of thousands of Canadians have been using CBC's Vote Compass to determine which party closely aligns with their views and opinions.

This blogger was very closely aligned with, you guessed it, the Conservative Party.  I was actually a bit perturbed though, seeing where the Conservative Party is on the political grid, thinking they would actually be closer to the centre than they were placed.  But I was to the right and south of them slightly.

Then, on advice of a friend, I decided to take the test again, but this time, choosing 'Neither agree nor disagree' and 'No Opinion' on all the questions.  And guess where I ended up?  Smack dab in the middle obviously, and closest with the Liberals.

What a joke. So if I'm completely a-political, I'm really a Liberal?  So who created this Vote Compass thingy?  Well, it was a bunch of University of Toronto students.  Go figure.

The problem with this compass thingy is that it ALLOWS you to have no opinion.  Not only that, but most of the questions are only relevant to today and not on general ideology.  Therefore, it is amateurish and non-applicable to the past or future.

A true compass thingy wouldn't allow it, which is why I recommend www.politicalcompass.org out of Britain. I've been using it for years to track my ideological views.  It is much more extensive and forces you to pick an actual answer.

Where am I on it?  +5 libertarian, +1 economic right.  Well, if you took where I am on it and transposed it to CBC's Compass, guess what?  I'm a Liberal!  Oh, the humanity!

No wonder the CBC is promoting the hell out of it and saying "Wow! Hundreds of thousands of people are using it!"  Why? Because they KNOW the default answer is LIBERAL!

Told ya those Liberals were sneaky.  Look for more sneakiness to come.  It's the only way they'll win. But they won't.

And watch it done on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNU3sL8T8RI&feature=player_embedded

Green platform includes $450 M for CBC, Radio-Canada

Cindy E. Harnett, Postmedia News April 4, 2011 2:44 PM

VICTORIA — The day before her party heads to court to fight for a spot in the federal leaders' debate, Green party leader Elizabeth May pledged $450 million in funding for the CBC if her party is elected.

The CBC and its French counterpart, Radio-Canada, are part of the broadcast consortium — which also includes CTV, Global and TVA — that decided to exclude May from the televised debates to be held April 12 in English and April 14 in French.

The party filed its claim in the Federal Court of Appeal; on Tuesday, party lawyer Peter Rosenthal will be in court in Ottawa to try to set a date to argue the case in advance of the debates which are being held in the leadup to the May 2 election.

The Greens are requesting a judicial review of CRTC regulations that say Canadian broadcasters are under no obligation to include all leaders in the debate, said Kieran Green, the party's director of communications.

The consortium said in a statement last week that the decision to exclude May was "based on the application of journalistic principles, and the fact that the Green party has never elected a member to Parliament."

In a campaign stop outside the CBC Radio studios in downtown Victoria on Monday morning, May said her party would provide the national broadcaster with stable base funding so it can continue to provide Canadian programming in both English and French.

"Concentration in Canadian media, corporate control of news content, slashing of local news content and the slow funding starvation of our national broadcaster — these are the issues the corporate TV executives would rather not see come up in this election. These are issues Canadians will not hear discussed if I am excluded from the national leaders debate," May said.

The Green platform, which is set to be released later this week, calls for a three-year investment in the CBC and Radio-Canada: $100 million in 2011-12, $150 million in 2012-13 and $200 million in 2013-14.

While the Greens are running candidates across the country, May is sticking close to Vancouver Island — the party's plan is to focus on Saanich-Gulf Islands, where May is trying to become the party's first elected MP. She faces an uphill battle in a riding long held by incumbent Conservative cabinet minister Gary Lunn. Other candidates include Liberal Renee Hetherington and the NDP's Edith Loring-Kuhanga.
© Copyright (c) The Victoria Times Colonist
That doesn't sound anything like a bribe.  :facepalm:
In this election, and in the last, May ran against incumbents she is most likely to lose to.........wonder why.......I wonder if the leader of the greens is able to saw off a paycheque as leader, but never have to do anything, except the occasional election...
GAP said:
In this election, and in the last, May ran against incumbents she is most likely to lose to.........wonder why.......I wonder if the leader of the greens is able to saw off a paycheque as leader, but never have to do anything, except the occasional election...
So is that possible? All those Green Party donations and the taxpayer financed credits used primarily for her and her staff's wages?