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Merged 64 Pattern Rucksack thread

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What is the better ruck sack?

  • CF Issue Rucksack

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pack 64 Jump Ruck

    Votes: 4 100.0%

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What is everyone using in the field these days? i keep hearing kifaru , but i dont wanna spend like 600 bucks just to find out i cant use it in the field or on deployment
Uhh, how about a 64 pattern rucksack then....
uhh....i was thinking of a 64 pattern, just wondered if anyone was allowed to use other rucks for deployment
I have never heard of anyone being allowed to not use their 64 on a tour. Have you ever checked out dropzonetactical.com? They have some pretty awsome bags for 64's. Also check out the mutha rucka!
sorry for the confusion, but i just wanted to know if anyone can use something other than a 64 pattern ruck? 
I have never heard of anyone being allowed to not use their 64 on a tour.

Roto 0, Athena with 3RCR. We were told in no uncertain terms, if you weren't in a jump slot, ditch the 64.
I didn't know that the 64 was so prestige to jump units. And when was the last time Canada jumped over Afghanistan?
I didn't know that the 64 was so prestige to jump units. And when was the last time Canada jumped over Afghanistan?

64 patterns are issued to personnel in Jump positions.  That's because the issue piece of garbage can't take the impact experienced upon landing.

The reference to Afghanistan was peripheral to recceguy's point.
So every other soldier in afghanistan should use the piece of crap 82 pattern ruck just because they dont have a maroon beret?
Krazy-P said:
So every other soldier in afghanistan should use the piece of crap 82 pattern ruck just because they dont have a maroon beret?

Good point.  Unfortunately, the 64 pattern is no longer in production (as far as I know).  The fact remains that currently, the 64 patter is an operational requirement for jumpers, but not the rest of us.  I was fortunate in that I was able to retain my 64 pattern after leaving the Airborne Regiment back in '89.

As far as why the RSM of 3 RCR would not allow non-jump tasked soldiers to use it, I cannot comment upon - I wasn't there, and more importantly, I wasn't the RSM in question.
i think i will take my chances when i go to afghanistan and take a 64 pattern ruck. what are they gonna do, send me home?
Krazy-P said:
i think i will take my chances when i go to afghanistan and take a 64 pattern ruck. what are they gonna do, send me home?

Brave words. 

Try repeating them to your Pl WO when your kit is inspected prior to departure.  Let us know how you make out.
Is your unit anal or WO one of those," back in my day we used only issued kit people"? Not to disrespect, but this is not back in the day. Don't get me wrong, I was raised to have respect for others and I do respect RANK. However it makes me so sick when you have one of those NCO's who thinks our issued kit is the greatest things since the invention of the wheel. Now I'm not saying we should be allowed to grow our hair long and have beards and where north face rucksacks. Up to certain point if it's cadpat or OD then why not, let the troops use it. As long as you have a repair kit in case. When troops are in field training for, dare I say it "war", who gives a crap about issued kit or uniformity! Discipline is important yes, BUT UNIFORMITY DOESN'T WIN BATTLES! I've heard this from one of my section commanders and in my short time I've always believed it. There is better kit out there, if a troop wants to spend his own cash then why not, as long as it's cadpat or OD or not easily noticed! I'm the one wearing it, I'm the one using it and I'm the one carrying it. Maybe the troops should be allowed to be soldiers and feel professional once and a while!
recceguy said:
Roto 0, Athena with 3RCR. We were told in no uncertain terms, if you weren't in a jump slot, ditch the 64.

Bizzare.  I had no problems taking my modded '64 pattern overseas with me in 1VP.
On my 64 frame, I kept the 64 bag at the bottom and put on the 82 yoke and kidney pad but left off the belt (got in the way of the webbing!).

I didn't even think off putting the 82 bag on it... :-[
I went to A'stan with an '82 bag on a 64 frame in 2002.

I used a pressure moulded foam hip belt from mec (80$ - but worth it) and lots of para cord to secure all of the loose ends.

A7A straps x2 over the top and a third  wrapped around the middle to hold the rest of the crap in (M72, water, radio, claymores etc.)

Issue shoulder straps, and 2x 2qts on the sides, bugeed on with tubular nylon over top to hide the white.

Worked really well for the first 4 months, then the frame broke - but once it was all back together it worked fine.

Of course you can get away with mods like that on tour. :)

The end cost of the whole works was 80$ plus some elbow grease sewing some of the stuff into place.

And once we had the first bug out kit inspection - it was right back to stock  :rage:
Hey all, I'm looking for some advice from all those here with all that great field experience.

I have the opportunity to buy a 64 pattern frame from a buddy of mine, fairly cheap and in pretty good condition.  My question is simple: Is it worth it?  I know everyone here says it's the cat's arse compared to the 82 pattern, but I'm in the PRes, so I don't get too spend much time in the field.  I'm pretty new to the army so I don't know if its worth my money. 

Thanks in advance.
I think it's great!

I attached the 82 yoke and kidney pad (it's a bee-otch to get on) and left the original bag on.  I find it keeps the heavier kit in the valise higher up and more comfortable to carry.  Also sits high above the webbing butt-pack.

I've heard some guys here attach the 82 bag or other after market bags to the frame.  I never even thought to do something that original... :-[
No there isn't unfortunately.  He showed me the kit in person.  But as background for the kit goes, he was an uber-zeleous cadet in his youth and ordered it from wheelers.  Now he's older and trying to get rid of all the kind of junk he accumulated.  It's actually in very good condition (almost new condition, only about 4 years old).  There's no question about the state of the kit.

I guess the main question I'm asking is whether it's worth it for a reservist to spend money on kit if I'm only parading one evening a week and in the field only every other weekend.