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Metal cap badges for all!!


Jr. Member
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At the risk of offending some, I think the metal capbadge should be brought back for everyone regardless of trade, personnally I think it looks sharper, more professional.  Some of us wear metal capbadges daily and wouldnt think of wearing anything else.  I personnally think that there is nothing worse than looking at a filthy cloth capbadge, it doesnt exactly spew regimental pride.  I know certain trades have metal capbadges they wear on certain parades ie:EME, but I think the metal looks sharp no matter what the trade or Regt and should be worn on a daily basis.
out to you....
I don't understand why RCR MWOs, CWOs, and officers wear cloth capbadges. I think that the metal ones that privates to WOs wear look much better. While it does make it easier to know who to call "sir", one still has to look at the rank insignia to know whether to salute.   ??? :salute:
Absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!  The metal cap badge looks far better than a clothe badge.  And it does instill a degree of pride in the soldiers that wear it.  Speaking from an RCD perspective, I believe that the metal badge looks so sharp.  When young Dragoons recieve their first cap badge, it looks like hell.  It is metal, but there's absolutely no shine to it and the Springbok's hair is clearly visible as well as the grass veldt under it's feet.  The point of giving the badges like this is for the newbies to spend some time grinding it down with metal sandpaper, emery clothe etc. to get rid of the hair and grass so that the badge is smoothe and gleaming.  The end product is beautiful and again, the metal badge just looks far superior to clothe.  The officers in my Regiment (Unlike our RCR counterparts) also have metal, but theirs is a black metal that requires no polishing (go figure) and makes Officer recognition from afar much simpler.
grayman said:
At the risk of offending some, I think the metal capbadge should be brought back for everyone regardless of trade, personnally I think it looks sharper, more professional.  .
out to you....

reccecrewman said:
Absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!   The metal cap badge looks far better than a clothe badge.  

I whole heartily disagree...

I got a line for you:

Get Bent!!!
reccecrewman said:
Absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!  The metal cap badge looks far better than a clothe badge.  And it does instill a degree of pride in the soldiers that wear it.  Speaking from an RCD perspective, I believe that the metal badge looks so sharp.  When young Dragoons recieve their first cap badge, it looks like heck.  It is metal, but there's absolutely no shine to it and the Springbok's hair is clearly visible as well as the grass veldt under it's feet.  The point of giving the badges like this is for the newbies to spend some time grinding it down with metal sandpaper, emery clothe etc. to get rid of the hair and grass so that the badge is smoothe and gleaming.  The end product is beautiful and again, the metal badge just looks far superior to clothe.  The officers in my Regiment (Unlike our RCR counterparts) also have metal, but theirs is a black metal that requires no polishing (go figure) and makes Officer recognition from afar much simpler.

Black metal?  Or is it oxidized silver?
Army medic.. nice reply on the capbadge issue, spoken like a true wog!!  You oviously dont have a clue on regimental pride !!
As for the answer from Reccecrewman roger out to you, give a young troop something to work for, I know that our young troops work their ass off for that tiny piece of brass and it becomes one of their proudest days to take of the crappy old infantry capbadge and wear their highly shone Patricia cap badge for the first time.
Reccecrewman we will have to sit back and swill a cup of gravy together one day !! HAHA
grayman - knock it off with the "wog" comments - go re-read the Conduct Guidelines

This was your freebie

Thanks in advance

Army.ca Staff
I've seen the odd Log guy wearing the metal cap badge (not talking about the officer's gold wire one). Dress regs are kind of vague for NCMs as they just say cloth or metal, but are not unit or branch specific. Anybody know what the Log branch policy is on cap badges? I have a metal one in my top drawer and wondering if I can get away with wearing it.
Pencil Tech said:
I've seen the odd Log guy wearing the metal cap badge (not talking about the officer's gold wire one). Dress regs are kind of vague for NCMs as they just say cloth or metal, but are not unit or branch specific. Anybody know what the Log branch policy is on cap badges? I have a metal one in my top drawer and wondering if I can get away with wearing it.

At my previous unit, only Sgts - CWO wore the metal capbadges(both LOG an EME), and the lower ranks just wore cloth.
grayman said:
At the risk of offending some, I think the metal capbadge should be brought back for everyone regardless of trade, personnally I think it looks sharper, more professional.   Some of us wear metal capbadges daily and wouldnt think of wearing anything else.

In the early years of MOBCOM, the cap badges weren't anodized = so you had to keep polishing them with Silvo (or Brasso). That's probably why I like the cloth ones ;) Being shiny, they also make good targets, when you consider that they were worn in the field with full combats.
I thought the metal badges were great until mine fell out while I was "cheering ship".  Now I'm a convert to the embroidered badge (with quite a bit of metallic thread, so it does still shine).  Additional advantage: it never goes crooked on me.
well i worn a metal log badge for years, i  took the cloth one off my  beret  and replaced it. i was a cpl and mcpl when i worn it.
i read some where that  the  tech trades were going to be all wearing sew on cap badges so they  could not come off when working on equipment and could not fly  off into moving parts...safety  thing.
i hated the cloth badges they  looked cheap i thought.

my understanding is there is a safety issue with metal capbadges...

The one excuse i heard was the EME or Log capbadge falling off and
into the veh's when servicing engines... causing a potential little flying object

but other than using them as a ninja star (which takes actual thought and stupidity)
on the soldiers part.. I can't think of anything wrong with them..

Oh well.. I have half metal/cloth trade badge..  it's on, stays on.. and still looks
as keen cause of the metal....  ;D
Not that I'm prone to defending medics (I'm married to one, and that's painful enough ;D), but armymedic IS a former Dragoon (as am I), and I think his "get bent" comment is in reference to the practice of bending good ol' Bambi (the Springbok) so it looks kewler (to use nerdspeak).


P.S Metal hatbadges, while requiring daily maintenance (for the REAL brass/silver ones), are where it's at. The cloth ones are pretty lame, and people who would rather wear one of those when given the choice, are probably the one's who don't polish/blacken their boots, de-lint their beret, burn threads off uniform, etc. In a word: idle.

My vote is for Metal Badges with cotter pins....

The present style of using tangs to affix the badge to said cap is just government parsimony.....leading to crooked badges, and lost badges....

Cloth badges are for the weak...

grayman said:
Army medic.. nice reply on the capbadge issue, spoken like a true wog!!   You oviously dont have a clue on regimental pride !!
As for the answer from Reccecrewman roger out to you, give a young troop something to work for, I know that our young troops work their *** off for that tiny piece of brass and it becomes one of their proudest days to take of the crappy old infantry capbadge and wear their highly shone Patricia cap badge for the first time.
Reccecrewman we will have to sit back and swill a cup of gravy together one day !! HAHA

Wog?!? Now you go get bent (this time I mean 90 degrees forward flexion at the hips)...I wore a Gun, a Springbok, and then the 8CH capbage before I became a medic. I might know something about regimental pride, and quite a bit about the pride of wearing a nice shiny capbadge. And yes, my get bent comment was about how we used to bend Bambi's head and tail. Also about how nicely one of my capbadges broke when my beret fell down under the turret...cloth don't break.

I totally disagree with the concept of all members of the army having a metal capbadge. Having it as part of your dress uniform (DEU 1), maybe, but as part of your daily work dress...definately not. Case and point...have you seen a new metal medical hatbadge? It don't shine and looks like crap. The new dress cloth one with the gold thread looks really sharp.

I like cotter pins on the metal capbadges as well., it fixes the capbadge much better.

Let everyone wear their metal capbadges on thier forge caps.
A good way to keep the metal capbadges from falling out is to cut a slit in the cardboard/leather backing and feed the prong into the inside of the beret. The extra thickness holds my capbadge quite well. Since doing this, I haven't had a problem with it.

View of slit from the outside (capbadge removed):

View from the inside with capbadge: