Infanteer, I agree this is a war of ideals not economics, but economics, as in all wars is a factor.
Poverty, and boredom are major factors in the recruitment of the poor sods who hump the AK and RPGs of the OPFOR in this conflict.
Look at most any guerrilla/terrorist/freedom fighter organization you want to. Many grab their recruits from the poorer sections of that society, FARC, PIRA, PLO, Hamas etc etc. The only exception of the top of my head would be RAF and the Red Brigades in Europe and their North American counterparts THE SLA in the US and Direct Action here in Canada, all of whom recruited mainly from the educated middle and upper middle classes IIRC. Even some of the Timothy McVeigh militia types could be said to fit this model if you stretch it a bit.
Add to that poverty, resentment and envy, and the realization that there is no way out (education, job etc) and you have some frustrated naïve youth easily manipulated by an older, wiser person in "authority.â ? (kind of remind you of basic training and your favourite old guard Section Comd/Pl WO) and voila one future martyr for the cause.
You see the same thing in housing projects here and in the States where the role model for the young kids (usually in single parent households) is often the local gangbanger/drug dealer. Ooops excuse me I meant, "free lance recreational pharmaceutical salesman.â ?
Probably the reason that we don't see something similar here (yet?) vis a vis recruitment for terrorist cells is our cradle to grave welfare state that cushions the abject poverty to an extent. Then again we have our own issues regarding terrorist recruitment in this country.
The answer to winning this war, and it is one we have to win, is probably a lot more complex than boots on the ground, although that remains a major factor.
Yeah we have to go in and take the ones in the field out. Don't get me wrong, I'm an Infanteer too, not some mushy NDP type. When we do so, no middle ground, take them down hard and fast. However we also have to prevent or at least limit them from raising a new generation of recruits at the same time. Otherwise this becomes a numbers game that I don't think we can afford to play.
Hearts and Minds has always been a major integral part of any successful counter terrorist campaign (Malaysia, Kenya,) or conversely the lack of it a contribution to its failure (Vietnam, Algeria)