Infantryman2b said:
I don't see how beefing up American police is at all wrong considering the criminals and gangsters these days are carrying automatic assault rifles and heavy machine guns. Are they supposed to just continue using hand guns and riding around in lightly if at all armoured patrol cars? When a large population is rioting and looting in a country where firearms are plenty I think its fair that the police are as well armed and protected as possible. Gun violence is to much of a norm in America for the police not to be as equipped as possible. Its not like there patrolling the streets in APC type vehicles on the regular. Certain circumstances call for certain measures, and I fully support the police.
I have refrained from weighing in on this until now but this is the exact sort of sensationalist nonsense that is fuelling the militarization of the police force.
I don't see how beefing up American police is at all wrong considering the criminals and gangsters these days are carrying automatic assault rifles and heavy machine guns. Are they supposed to just continue using hand guns and riding around in lightly if at all armoured patrol cars?
When have organized criminal groups or gangsters ever been seen with Browning .50 Cal HMG's? When have police ever been required to drive around in vehicles designed to defeat IED's, RPG's and Sustained Small Arms Fire? Stuff that you would find in the worst warzones in the world. I will grant it to you that occasionally, this sort of response is called for but it's a tiered response and not everyone should have it. This response should also be measured against infringing against the rights of the citizens the police are sworn to protect.
When a large population is rioting and looting in a country where firearms are plenty I think its fair that the police are as well armed and protected as possible.
Ferguson, Missouri with a population of 21,000 represents a large part of a country of 318,000,000 people :

Again, more sensationalist nonsense fuelled by addiction to social media streams.
Gun violence is to much of a norm in America for the police not to be as equipped as possible. Its not like there patrolling the streets in APC type vehicles on the regular.
What is a norm to you? Is it a norm because you saw it on TV or read it on Facebook or the latest Twitter feed? Or, is it actually something that is statistically significant?
Also, contrary to what you said and given some other articles people have posted, it appears the police are patrolling the streets in APC type vehicles and using SWAT teams "regularly"
The fact is, statistically speaking, you and I have never been safer! Homicide-rates in Developed Countries are declining every year and overall crime rate is at an all time low yet you always hear about how much more dangerous the world around us is? Or is it?
The reason for this perception is due in large part to the increasing proliferation of media in our daily lives. No longer must we wait until the next day or week to get the latest news from around the globe. Nope, I can go on youtube and watch the latest video of a Jihadist blowing himself up, or watch a guy gun down a cop, or watch a fight, see car accidents, really anything scary, terrifying or horrific if I want to I can go online and in seconds access media footage of it.
Seeing as Humans are curious creatures we will want to watch this material and the internet along with 24/7 News (If you call violence and war news) have given us unprecedented access to an assortment of media which provides us with near continuous stimulation. As a result, it has changed the way we see and interpret information, the suggestion above that the "entire country is rioting and looting" is a perfect example of this.
Of course, lobbying groups have also cleverly used this proliferation of 24/7 media to their advantage and the police force, possessing a very powerful lobby, are no different in this regard. Through media, they have been able to create a false construct that the world around us is growing more dangerous and more unpredictable and as a result have been able to secure increased funding even though statistics show that the actual need for their services is in decline. The military could take a few cues from police lobbyists on how to open up the government coffers but I digress.
To conclude, the world is getting safer and safer everyday, the real danger in my mind is the increasing influence the media has over our society and its influence on our leaders decision-making processes.
Do I believe police forces are becoming more militarized? if by more militarized you mean more heavily armed and using more heavy handed tactics, than yes I do. This isn't the fault of the police or security forces though who are only carrying out tasks in accordance with the mandate they are given. It's a fault of our politicians and of the judicial system for not having the fortitude to stand up to lobbyists and the media who increasingly shape how we think and act.
My :2c: