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Minister says Canada‘s soldiers are ‘going to take a rest‘

‘yeah really what a waste of money on that registery of guns the death rate in Canada was never at a alarming rate and if you compare current death rates in Canada with that of American death rates you have to take into account the huge diffence in population between the two countries.‘

Your right thats why you convert it into percentages.

As a potential new recruit I was wondering what my chances would be for going overseas in the next few years seeing missions are going to be scaled back. I look forward to the experience thats why I ask.
Personally as another future member of the CF i look forward to doing whatever it is they ask ( tell) me to do...weather it be shoveling 10cm‘s of snow in toronto or going overseas...as long as i‘m serving my country i‘ll take pride in whatever it is i‘m doing and give 110%

If when i get in there and they ask (by ask i mean tell) me to take a rest...i‘ll take a rest with pride knowing i‘m serving the country the best way politicians see fit