:facepalm: Don't give the member bad advice! It may not be a career course, but it certainly important. :facepalm:
The MP branch has decided that members need this course prior to going on their QL5 course, so many members are finding themselves delayed in their QL5 because they didnt have BMQ-L. Not to mention they aren't deploying members without it. What is more important, waiting a few extra months to be course loaded, or getting to trade qualified, getting caught in the tempo we are in right now, units not wanting to let their members go away for BMQ-L, then rushing last minute to fill them on courses because their 5s are coming up? Id argue the former.
I have seen members grieve and lose this issue recently. I have seen members miss out on deployments because of this, denied 5s because of it, and I have seen members from previous trades who have done it, have to do it again because its not the proper course code! If the member can substantiate a PLAR, proceed with that, but prepare to go just in case.
So before you go off giving bad advice, and how it wasn't that way for you, look at the bigger picture; this member is better off doing this course now and not having to worry about it later, even if that means a slight delay in loading on their QL3.
Further, advising the member to "make a few calls" is unprofessional and may land the member in hot water with their chain. How on earth is that beneficial to the member? Remember people who read these forums may be new to the forces and not fully understand how to go through proper channels(not saying this is the case with this member) but advising the way you did is not going to solve any of the problems.
Just my :2c: