Bordercol said:Going to be a couple of us starting Basic on the 15th it sounds like !
V1994 said:I’m starting BMQ on the 15th as well.
garb811 said:Congrats! You should be headed to BMQ-L, but given the shift of the start date of the QL3 to the left into July in order to accommodate SFST at the end of the QL3, it probably isn't going to happen and I'd guess you're going to be told to take leave or get sent somewhere for a brief OJE period. If that happens, you should be sent on your BMQ-L shortly after arrival at your first posting.
You will get asked for your 3 potential choices not long after you start your QL3 but won't actually find out where you are posted until about a month before graduation.
meejye said:What does BMQ-L consist of?
Thank you!mariomike said:BMQ-L [Merged]
Sinah said:Well my ot went through and I got selected! So I'll see you guys on the actual course as I don't have to do basic or bmq land.
tEt2point0 said:Congrats! Where are you doing OJE? Or are you staying with your current unit until course?
Sinah said:I'm not sure, I have a tentative COS date of July so if I'm on the next course seems like I will be staying with my unit unless that date changes. I would prefer OJE but I won't complain I'm in a good spot at my unit so time will still fly by and I can help get some stuff done before I'm out of there.
The next QL3 is scheduled to start on 17 Jul 19, so if the timelines from last year hold, your actual posting date to BTL won't give you any time for OJE. As with any posting though, you can ask for a 30 day move to the left; the other option is to just ask to do your OJE informally prior to the posting to BTL.Sinah said:I'm not sure, I have a tentative COS date of July so if I'm on the next course seems like I will be staying with my unit unless that date changes. I would prefer OJE but I won't complain I'm in a good spot at my unit so time will still fly by and I can help get some stuff done before I'm out of there.
garb811 said:The next QL3 is scheduled to start on 17 Jul 19, so if the timelines from last year hold, your actual posting date to BTL won't give you any time for OJE. As with any posting though, you can ask for a 30 day move to the left; the other option is to just ask to do your OJE informally prior to the posting to BTL.
If you make it through BMQ-L in time, yes, you will have a spot.GermanWolf said:I just finished my BMQ last week and got posted on OJT in Ottawa for the time being. I have not been told when my next training would be (which I am assuming would be SQ/BMQ-L from what I am reading above). Are all MP candidates who finish basic before June guaranteed a spot on the next QL3 course in June, or is there a chance that I would miss this course and have to sit around Ottawa for a while?
mphopeful19 said:How is everyone doing? Anyone get the invite for the July MPAC happening in TO?