Itl's literally in the middle of nowhere, there's a weather station and an "atmospheric research facility" about 3km away...and some weird looking abuse of some of the musk oxen there. The Arctic Wolves are strangely friendly and almost "talk" to you...
This is a very true statement. Middle of nowhere indeed - in the truest sense.
I'm from southern Alberta, and I've found myself in countless flat fields with absolutely nothing but an old grain elevator in sight...and even that felt like a small metropolis compared to how "middle of nowhere" it feels to camp out in one's car anywhere In that area
Also, the desert is pretty creepy at night. The first time I camped in my car down there I thought it was awesome! Now I definately invest in a motel or hotel
And what was your impression of the guy? Were his claims genuine or was he a gifted storyteller?
Honestly, I found the guy very genuine.
Despite very much being what others would call a conspiracy theorist, I DO try to approach these topics cautiously and with an open mind (and open to the fact that certain people may actually seem fake or dishonest in person)
My impression was that he's a genuinely friendly guy, who 100% believes in what he says.
A bit socially awkward at times, but I imagine I would be too if I had strangers approaching me with all kinds of
crazy questions, all the time...
I don't think he makes a ton of money by doing these appearances, and his story hasn't changed over the decades he's been telling it.
It hasn't been embellished or changed along the way, but now that he's a bit older & has had the years to process/remember things at different stages of his life, some of his opinions on the science have changed slightly.
But his story is his story, and none of those details have changed over the years.
- The videos he made with John Lear, all credible
- Him discussing element 115 (and even describing it's molecular structure & stability) was decades ahead of its time. Credible.
- His total lack of understanding of how some of the technology works, seems credible. His theories on where some of the craft came from were reasonable.
I don't think he's gained much out of coming out with his story, except elite celebrity status within a very small & socially awkward community

all things considered I'd say he came across as genuine & believable