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National" Borders- Trouble at The Cornwall Crossing

Statement by the Canada Border Services Agency on the situation in Cornwall (link to statement embedded in title)
CBSA statement, 12 Jul 09
Ottawa, Ontario, July 12, 2009 — The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) today made the following statement concerning the situation at the port of entry in Cornwall:

"Since closing the port of entry on Cornwall Island on May 31, 2009, the CBSA has met several times with the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and with other key stakeholders to discuss the feasibility of reopening the port of entry at Cornwall Island.

While discussions are ongoing, the CBSA will open a temporary facility that will be stationed at the base of the north span of the bridge in the City of Cornwall, effective 6:00 a.m. on July 13, 2009.

The CBSA also continues to explore all options concerning the long-term viability of the Cornwall port of entry.

At this time the existing CBSA facility on Cornwall Island remains closed. The CBSA will only reopen its facility when border services officers can work there safely with all of the tools they need to do their job, including their duty firearm. The CBSA is committed to continuing talks with the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne in order to resolve the situation.

The CBSA is dedicated to upholding its mandate of ensuring the secure and free flow of travel and trade across the border, and it will continue to work toward a permanent solution at Cornwall Island that fulfills all of its obligations."
This situation stems from the ongoing issue of "equality". In the past and in today's predicament, the government shies away from having to deal with the natives because any action taken against them WILL be construed as racist by some media and some natives. These natives have it in their heads that they are special, because they know that. The only long term solution in my own opinion, is to give them a cold slap of reality, and force the same law on them that the rest of us have to abide. This will send the message that if you want your voice heard, than do it like everyone else, without storming a border station or blockading our highways. We all live in ONE country now, its time to get over it and try to function as such. It seems simple to me, but I am pretty simple.
Temporary Cornwall border post opens

Another story from the Globe and Mail


Oh this is ripe.

In this story there is a quote from Akwesasne grand chief Mike Mitchell.

"But he said he is concerned for the safety of Cornwall Island residents because he's not aware of any additional measures to check those driving onto the island from the U.S., and fears that criminals from outside the community might now be able to enter."
Larkvall said:
In this story there is a quote from Akwesasne grand chief Mike Mitchell.

"But he said he is concerned for the safety of Cornwall Island residents because he's not aware of any additional measures to check those driving onto the island from the U.S., and fears that criminals from outside the community might now be able to enter."

Whats that Justin Timberlake song...Cry Me a River?

I quite honestly couldn't care less about the chief and the people living on that reserve. They support him, so they should suffer the same fate. Let them be overrun by criminals...although I doubt they'd notice the difference.

These stories really make my blood boil...I feel bad for the border guards, the citizens of Cornwall (and indeed everyone else living close to a reserve) and all other Canadians who have to put up with the continuous antics of these called 'sovereign nations'.
Here is another story from the Trentonian


The article contains the following excerpt which some people might consider a threat.....

Mitchell said there were still details that needed to be worked out to ensure the safety of his people and the border guards before any kind of new checkpoint was created. Relations could still be tense, he said.

“Traffic is still going to have to go through the island. If they don’t watch out, something can go wrong here,” Mitchell said.

I was in that part of the world recently on our way to a relative's cottage that is on the Quebec side in Dundee. I have never seen so much cigarette billboards in my life along a stretch of road.

I also found out that the Mohawk folks did their banking on the Canadian side
If Canada agreed to a treaty not to carry weapons...well who is wrong?I have changed my mind on this topic.
And what treaty would that be?  Something from 200 years ago that would preclude a British garrison on their land? 
Either scrap the treaty or close the border for good.  It is pedantic in the extreme to suggest that "just cuz" would be a good reason for CBSA members to not work adequately protected. 
Well I have been following this story in the Cornwall Standard Freeholder and judging from the comments on the articles I don’t think the CBSA should ever go back to the Cornwall Island facilities even armed.

Here are some of the lowlights….

- One woman is calling the CBSA officers a bunch of pedophiles.
- some are saying that they are being discriminated against because they are the only ones who have to go through customs to go from one part of Canada to another (so much for being a sovereign nation!).
- a bunch of them are taking great joy that a CBSA officer was hurt when a tent blew down on Monday
- they are complaining that the temporary facilities don’t have an “Indian Only” line like there was on Cornwall Island and now they have to wait like everybody else.
- when leaving from the US they are supposed to travel over to Cornwall and go through customs(the US are supplying the CBSA with plate numbers). Many natives have said they won’t do this. This will be a point of contention in the near future.

The only real options are to setup on the American side or just close the border crossing.
They don’t want anybody over there keeping an eye on their activities.

I vote blow the bridges up!
zipperhead_cop said:
Either scrap the treaty or close the border for good.  It is pedantic in the extreme to suggest that "just cuz" would be a good reason for CBSA members to not work adequately protected.
Look into it.
There's a reason we are hearing the whole story from the Natives and NOTHING from the Ontario Government.
I think it's sad that Canada cannot even defend it's own border.I think it's sad a small area can shut down a government ran center,and run their flag up the flag pole.
However no politician is gonna touch this with a ten foot pole.
I believe if all 1st and 6th nations joined together they could bring this country to a grinding halt.No fruit in posh Toronto markets, no transportation across the country.Then they will certainly get their way.Cause most people in this great nation are so f'in liberal at the first sign of hardship they would bow down to the natives and petition Parliament to end it at all cost.Cause little billy on younge can't have frosted flakes.

Having said that how many people have wrote their MP's to petition the opening of that border?To not back down from the Mohawks?
I'm willing to bet zero.

I say they win and lets move on.Shut the border.We will bring it up in a CBC movie in about 10 years.

Obviously CBSA must be wrong trying to carry guns on the res.... or the government would put them back on the post right?

"And what treaty would that be?  Something from 200 years ago that would preclude a British garrison on their land?  "
And we don't enforce laws from 200 years ago if they were the last written on the subject?...I guess you know your the police officer.
Good idea we should email Peter Van Loan who is the Public Safety Minister.

Here is his email address.....

X-mo-1979 said:
Obviously CBSA must be wrong trying to carry guns on the res.... or the government would put them back on the post right?

I have to believe that you are being tongue in cheek?  They aren't being put back in because they are not trained or equipped to engage in a fire fight with natives who have automatic weapons.  For whatever reason, nobody is willing to go force on force with native insurgents so they will continue to pull jackassy stunts.  But I suppose you would rather see a bunch of dead CBSA agents to try to trigger an incident instead of a tactical withdrawl?

X-mo-1979 said:
And we don't enforce laws from 200 years ago if they were the last written on the subject?...I guess you know your the police officer.

You were the one who mentioned a treaty.  I thought you had some useful info.  Once again, not so much. 
As for enforcing the law, I can guarantee I have dealt with every person who needed to be dealt with who ran against the law and I was in no way influenced by any heritage factors. 
And just because a law is written on paper doesn't mean it is enforced or is dealt with the way it reads.  That is what case law does for us. 
And in line with the general tone of conciliation and cooperation the band has followed throughout the process, the following which I found on nationalnewswatch.com reproduced from cbc.ca indicates that the band wants more. (Reproduced under the fair comment provision of the copyright act.)

Akwesasne chief pushes for Mohawk sovereignty
Last Updated: Saturday, July 18, 2009 | 2:10 PM ET Comments279Recommend100CBC News

Mohawks on the Akwesasne reserve plan to follow up their apparent victory in a dispute over the arming of border guards by pushing for sovereignty on Cornwall Island, according to Grand Chief Mike Mitchell.

The international boundary line cutting through the reserve — straddling Ontario, Quebec and New York State — should also be moved, Mitchell told CBC News on Friday.

He said "pulling back" the Canada-U.S. border would bring "the community back as one," but he didn't say where the line should be drawn.

The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne has said the federal, Quebec and Ontario governments see Akwesasne as a "jurisdictional nightmare."

Canada's public safety minister, Peter Van Loan, pulled a Canada Customs post off the reserve last Monday and set up a temporary post in the city of Cornwall, Ont.

The move followed a six-week standoff around the existing post on Cornwall Island, within Mohawk territory. Mitchell was elected grand chief on the Canadian side on June 27, several weeks into the protest.

The Canadian Border Service Agency said it was forced to remove the guards on May 31 because of intimidation tactics by Mohawks and their supporters.

Mohawk leaders had argued that giving guns to CBSA customs agents on the island reserve — a plan set to be implemented June 1 — raised the risk of violent confrontation.

The makeshift border post means people crossing on to the reserve from the U.S. are now supposed to drive into Cornwall and voluntarily report themselves.

The CBSA has said border guards are slated to return to their post on Mohawk land on Cornwall Island in four months.

However, Ron Moran, head of the guards' union, has indicated his members are reluctant to return because of long-standing tensions between the CBSA and Mohawk community.
So I guess sovereignty means they will be returning all cheques from the Indian and Northern Affairs, uncashed?  Or are they just "a little" sovereign?
SeaKingTacco said:
So I guess sovereignty means they will be returning all cheques from the Indian and Northern Affairs, uncashed?  Or are they just "a little" sovereign?

It is a "Sovereigntist philosophy" made so popular by the same government that brought us OKA.  Separation from Canada.  Separate Language Laws.  Separate Taxation Laws.  Different Legal System.  Sovereign Government.  But above all: keep the Canadian Dollar; all Canadian Pensions; all Canadian Government subsidies, grants and incentives; and drain as much as they can out of the Rest of Canada in whatever support they deem necessary, fiscally, legally, etc.
zipperhead_cop said:
because they are not trained or equipped to engage in a fire fight with natives who have automatic weapons.

All the more reason to shut the place down, and send in the appropaite authorities to deliberatly quash any group of so called warriors with loaded illegal machineguns. Gun-toting criminal thug mentality by anyone is not only dangerous but its wrong and against the law. This needs to be publically dealt with to set an example.

Any law abiding citizen of Canada does not want roving armed bands of dangerous machinegun carrying lawless 'private mercinaries' wandering their country making their own laws. Canada is NOT Somalia, nor a Mohawk republic.  These people arwe taking this way too far, and only in Canada could this be allowed to happen.

EDITed for yet again spelling!!!


Overwatch Downunder said:
All the more reason to shut the place down, and send in the appropaite authorities to deliberatly quash any group of so called warriors with loaded illegal machineguns. Gun-toting criminal thug mentality by anyone is not only dangerous but its wrong and against the law. This needs to be publically dealt with to set an example.

Again, Wes, the jurisdictional nightmare rears it's ugly head.  Those machine guns, while illegal on the "Canadian side" of Akwesasne, are quite legal on the "US side" only a short boat ride away and all within the boundaries of the Mohawk "Nation".

Having your internationally flavoured cake and eating it too is a cultural/political characteristic of Akwesasne.