November 2nd, Akwesasne Celebrates Removal of US & Canada Border Markers, Iron Curtain, Berlin Wall
On November 2nd, a celebration was going on overseas to celebrate the removal of the Iron Curtain. Link to story with details from The Globe and Mail is at How ironic is it, that here in the Lands of Onkwehonwe, the Americus Empire, (english speakers refer to our location as U.S.A., Canada, America), some of our people are actually wrongfully accused of being ‘illegal immigrants’ within their very own homes and communities?
Some of our families in Akwesasne, have homes where the USA and Canada corporations force their ‘land border marker’ right through the center of their homes. Other families in Akwesasne are actually being threatened by the Canadian Border Services Agency’s Union agents with vehicle theft too.
Can you imagine being surrounded by USA & Canadian corporate union agents that threaten to arrest you, strip search you, steal your vehicle, and worse, if you do not ask them for permission to enter or leave your own home, school, business, and doctors appointments?
Some of our Onkwehonwe that live in Akwesasne, get their vehicles stolen by CBSA over and over again, even when they do ask for permission each time they go to work, pick up their children from school, attend dr. appointments, and pickup groceries. CBSA states they do not report fast enough when the bridge is loaded with cars that are lined up for more than a mile with a wait time of longer than 2 hours.
Regardless of the constant threat of theft, arrests, and being labeled as criminals, just because we are fortunate to be born as Onkwehonwe, the past few days have been very interesting and exciting around Akwesasne.
On Friday afternoon, October 30th 2009, a stone obelisk (U.S. & Canada Land Marker) was removed out of Kanatakon. The english incorrectly refer to the location as ‘Akwesasne’ or ‘St Regis Quebec’ or ‘Hogansburg NY’ or ‘the US’ or ‘Canada’ or ‘Mohawk territory’.
The stone obelisk was so heavy that, even though it was gently loaded onto a trailer, it nearly went through the bottom. A dump truck would be more appropriate for removing the illegally forced land markers. Inscriptions were discovered on the stone base, underneath the ground that day that stated ‘RENEWED AUG. 1902′.
On Monday, November 2nd 2009, the stone base of the obelisk was disconnected, to make transportation safer. Everyone was surprised to discover that another obelisk of metal, with inscriptions on it from the early 1800s, was hidden inside the stone base!
Each side of the metal obelisk has inscriptions on it that have not seen the light of day since the early 1800s. Other objects were also found inside the metal obelisk and buried into the stone base. Onkwehonwe researchers are also looking at a mysterious metal disk and expect to report their findings soon. We have not found any inscriptions to show who made the metal obelisk yet, regarding a foundry.
I wish my Grandparents were still alive to witness all of this! Some of them were residential school survivors during the days that the obelisks were placed all over the Lands of Onkwehonwe. They were young children and forced to endure abuse, rape, torture, and even to witness the murders of their family members by the same government agents of the USA and Canada corporations, that were forcing their land markers through the middle of our villages and even homes.
The U.S., Canada, and Mexico violated Natural Law when they forced their Obelisks onto the Lands of Onkwehonwe. I seriously wonder if all their markers have similar objects hidden inside of them? Those Obelisks symbolize how the U.S. & Canada corporations planned to put a wall up around Onkwehonwe, herd us in like property, and they even hoped we would kill ourselves off.
The way that C.B.S.A., various border agents, and even mainstream media have treated us around Akwesasne, is a constant reminder of how they hope to make us their quiet submissive property.
When I observed the Obelisk being removed from our community, it was difficult for me to not yell out and Cheer. Today, I find it so ironic that overseas, a jubilant party was going on around the same time, to celebrate the removal of The Iron Curtain / Berlin Wall.
Each of the Four Sides of the Metal Obelisk has symbols. One seems to be a letter T, but it should not be assumed until the dust and stone is cleared off the metal inscriptions. So far, the inscriptions appear to state:
• ??? LT COL: I.B.B. ESTCOURT. H.B.M. COMssr
Here are a few photos showing the metal obelisk that was found hidden inside the stone base of the U.S. & Canada Land Marker Obelisk. I have lots more that I am processing and I will show what I can, as soon as possible. I look forward to your comments too.