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National" Borders- Trouble at The Cornwall Crossing

Piper said:
Native groups have already made it quite clear they intend to disrupt olympic events. Should be fun.

Most BC native actions are for bargaining chips. I have been blockaded on the way to a minesite, yet they allowed their own people to go there to work, as the proponent had hired the band members to carry out environmental and traditional use surveys. The whole thing was quite relaxed, we show up, they say sorry no can go, we say see you later. After the proponent agrees to a few demands the blockade comes down. Most often it's about economic benefits to the band.
Akwesasne residents are being charged for failing to report to Cornwall customs by the CBSA.

From the Standard Freeholder

Does anyone have any news regarding this crossing?

I read a blog from someone in Cornwall saying the both the US and Canadian bridges have been closed.

The CBSA website is also saying the border crossing is closed in both directions.

What's going on there?
I just checked with CFRA. The person in the newsroom confirmed that the Cornwall crossing is closed, but they have not been able to get any information.

If I was of a suspicious nature, I might opine that there is a linkage between the two posts immediately above this one.
Early reports from MSM indicate some people are going back and forth without reporting to Customs:
There's a renewed sense of crisis for Akwesasne residents going through the temporary Canada Customs checkpoint at the north foot of the International Bridge.

"Akwesasne residents are being charged for failing to report to Cornwall customs -- people are being charged as we speak," said Grand Chief Mike Mitchell Friday, taking a short break from an "emergency" meeting with other Akwesasne council members to "explore legal options."

Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) requires pedestrians to report to customs if they are leaving the U. S. to enter Canada.

But with the temporary customs located off Cornwall Island, some Akwesasne residents have decided not to drive the extra few kilometres round-trip to customs after leaving the U. S. side of the reserve and the Quebec Mohawk villages of Snye and St. Regis.

Those Mohawks fingered at customs for failing to report earlier are being asked to pay $1,000, or watch their motor vehicles be impounded.

The charges and seizures surprised Akwesasne officials, who didn't have time to warn residents. "We were definitely off-guard, even though we knew this might happen at the end of (September),"Mitchell said ....

And this from a web page called "Cornwall Free News":
The entrance to the International bridge to Akwesasne and the US was shut down this afternoon after another vehicle seizure.

Reports indicate that after a single person attempted to block the roadway CBSA officials requested that Chief Swamp of the Akwesasne Police Force shut the bridge.  This after a warning to MCA officials last night.  Perception from a number of people I spoke with at the tent is that an excuse was being looked for to close the bridge.

Cornwall City Police joined by OPP have shut the bridge to all traffic including this reporter.  Foot traffic has also been denied access.  Reports also indicate that the US side has also closed access.

Word is that CBSA officials from Ottawa are helocoptering in for a meeting at approximately 2:30 PM today to negotiate the bridge re-opening....

Usual caveats on early MSM reporting apply, and I can't vouch for the reliability/credibility of the latter web page.
Police have blocked access to a temporary border crossing in Cornwall, Ont. because of a protest by Akwesasne Mohawks on Cornwall Island.

Cornwall police say they were called in by the Awkesasne Mohawk police to close a bridge leading to the United States until a dispute between Mohawk protesters and border services can be resolved.

The incident stems from a disagreement over fines recently issued to members of the Mohawk community who failed to report to a temporary customs office located off Mohawk territory when returning to Canada from the United States.

However, the Akwesasne Mohawk Council disagrees with the penalties, saying it makes no sense to fine Mohawks who use native land to travel between the two countries.

"They are not entering Canada, but traveling only within Mohawk territory. When they do travel to Cornwall, they report at the Cornwall Port as do every other visitor to Canada," reads a statement issued by the Akwesasne Mohawk Council on Friday.

The council says some residents have been fined $1,000 for failing to report to customs. If the fine is not paid, the council says border agents will seize vehicles when they leave Mohawk territory to enter Cornwall.

Now, the council is advising all of its residents not to travel to Cornwall until the issue can be resolved.

"The leadership regrets that CBSA's actions once again threaten the relationship between the Cornwall and Akwesasne communities, but the interests of the Mohawk community must be addressed."

Akwesasne Mohawk police say members of the community are currently engaged in a peaceful demonstration on Cornwall Island.

As a result, the border has been closed. Meantime, travellers are asked to use the crossing at Dundee, Que., located 45 minutes east of Cornwall; or the crossing at Prescott, Ont., about 45 minutes west of Cornwall ....
According the Cornwall Free News and the CBSA website the border crossing is open again.  :o
...such as it is, from the Canadian Press, shared in accordance with the "fair dealing" provisions, Section 29, of the Copyright Act.
The Seaway International Bridge, a temporary border crossing in Cornwall, Ont., was briefly shut down Saturday amid a dispute between the Akwesasne First Nation and the Canada Border Services Agency.

Cornwall police were called to shut down the bridge around noon and remained on site to divert traffic away from the border crossing.

Akwesasne spokesman Brendan White said the border crossing reopened late Saturday afternoon after talks between the agency and the Mohawk band.

On Friday, the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne accused the agency of seizing vehicles and fining residents who failed to report to Canada Customs after coming to the island from the U.S.

White said "to do so would have required our community members to travel out of the way before going home."

Since the checkpoint opened in mid-July, Akwesasne residents have had to check in at customs when coming from New York State to Cornwall Island.

Due to conflicting reports, it was not entirely clear who asked for the bridge to close Saturday, but the agency said it did not initiate the bridge closure and stressed its temporary border point remained open.

CBSA confirmed it did meet with Mohawk council to discuss the situation and a spokesperson said the agency was "committed to ongoing dialogue."

The agency has made it clear to the Akwesasne what the legal requirements are to cross the border, Tracie LeBlanc said in an email Saturday.

"Since July 13, we have been clearly and consistently communicating the legal obligation for travellers to Canada to report directly to the Port of Cornwall," she said in the email.

CBSA said it has put up signs and has started a leaflet campaign to ensure travellers know what they must do when using the temporary crossing.

The temporary crossing is a short-term solution and the CBSA continues to look for a permanent solution, she said.
....according to today's Public Safety Canada Daily Infrastructure Report:
.... on September 27, the (Cornwall) Standard Freeholder reported that officials with the Akwesasne First Nation Community near Cornwall, Ontario, are to set up a checkpoint at the Cornwall Island port of entry along the Canada‑U.S. border to try and satisfy safety concerns and reporting requirements for community members. Grand Chief Mike Mitchell indicated that the proposed plan would see the port of entry reopened and manned by Mohawk security officers with the support of the Akwesasne police service. Chief Mitchell also indicated that security personnel would monitor the people and goods arriving at Cornwall Island from the U. S., and non-native individuals would be instructed to continue on to the temporary Canada Border Services Agency facility set up at the foot of the Seaway Bridge in Cornwall. A spokesperson for the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne indicated that the move is to address the needs of Akwesasne residents to be able to travel within their own community while at the same time improving security along the international corridor. However, a spokesperson for the CBSA indicated that it is the only agency that has the legal authority to provide border services at ports of entry and that all travellers entering Canada from the U. S. are required to report directly to the CBSA temporary port of entry in Cornwall as required by Canadian law.
More hijinx......

A group dug a border marker on the US-Quebec border.


Here is a video of the incident.

Here, reproduced under the Fair Dealing provisions (§29) of the Copyright Act from Akwesasne Womens Fire, a ‘local’ news source, is a report (with a distinct Mohawk bias) on the latest bit of  ‘sovereignty’ theatre:

November 2nd, Akwesasne Celebrates Removal of US & Canada Border Markers, Iron Curtain, Berlin Wall

On November 2nd, a celebration was going on overseas to celebrate the removal of the Iron Curtain.  Link to story with details from The Globe and Mail is at http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/border-guards-refusal-to-shoot-let-the-iron-curtain-drop/article1348981/ How ironic is it, that here in the Lands of Onkwehonwe, the Americus Empire, (english speakers refer to our location as U.S.A., Canada, America), some of our people are actually wrongfully accused of being ‘illegal immigrants’ within their very own homes and communities?

Some of our families in Akwesasne,  have homes where the USA and Canada corporations force their ‘land border marker’ right through the center of their homes.  Other families in Akwesasne are actually being threatened by the Canadian Border Services Agency’s Union agents with vehicle theft too.

Can you imagine being surrounded by USA & Canadian corporate union agents that threaten to arrest you, strip search you, steal your vehicle, and worse,  if you do not ask them for permission to enter or leave your own home, school, business, and doctors appointments?

Some of our Onkwehonwe that live in Akwesasne, get their vehicles stolen by CBSA over and over again, even when they do ask for permission each time they go to work, pick up their children from school, attend dr. appointments, and pickup groceries.  CBSA states they do not report fast enough when the bridge is loaded with cars that are lined up for more than a mile with a wait time of longer than 2 hours.

Regardless of the constant threat of theft, arrests, and being labeled as criminals, just because we are fortunate to be born as Onkwehonwe, the  past few days have been very interesting and exciting around Akwesasne.

On Friday afternoon, October 30th 2009, a stone obelisk (U.S. & Canada Land Marker) was removed out of Kanatakon.  The english incorrectly refer to the location as ‘Akwesasne’ or ‘St Regis Quebec’ or ‘Hogansburg NY’ or ‘the US’ or ‘Canada’ or ‘Mohawk territory’.

The stone obelisk was so heavy that, even though it was gently loaded onto a trailer, it nearly went through the bottom.  A dump truck would be more appropriate for removing the illegally forced land markers.  Inscriptions were discovered on the stone base, underneath the ground that day that stated ‘RENEWED AUG. 1902′.

On Monday, November 2nd 2009, the stone base of the obelisk was disconnected, to make transportation safer.  Everyone was surprised to discover that another obelisk of metal, with inscriptions on it from the early 1800s, was hidden inside the stone base!

Each side of the metal obelisk has inscriptions on it that have not seen the light of day since the early 1800s.  Other objects were also found inside the metal obelisk and buried into the stone base.  Onkwehonwe researchers are also looking at a mysterious metal disk and expect to report their findings soon.  We have not found any inscriptions to show who made the metal obelisk yet, regarding a foundry.

I wish my Grandparents were still alive to witness all of this!  Some of them were residential school survivors during the days that the obelisks were placed all over the Lands of Onkwehonwe. They were young children and forced to endure abuse, rape, torture, and even to witness the murders of their family members by the same government agents of the USA and Canada corporations, that were forcing their land markers through the middle of our villages and even homes.

The U.S., Canada, and Mexico violated Natural Law when they forced their Obelisks onto the Lands of Onkwehonwe.  I seriously wonder if all their markers have similar objects hidden inside of them?  Those Obelisks symbolize how the U.S. & Canada corporations planned to put a wall up around Onkwehonwe, herd us in like property, and they even hoped we would kill ourselves off. 

The way that C.B.S.A., various border agents, and even mainstream media have treated us around Akwesasne, is a constant reminder of how they hope to make us their quiet submissive property.

When I observed the Obelisk being removed from our community, it was difficult for me to not yell out and Cheer.  Today, I find it so ironic that overseas, a jubilant party was going on around the same time, to celebrate the removal of The Iron Curtain / Berlin Wall.

Each of the Four Sides of the Metal Obelisk has symbols.  One seems to be a letter T, but it should not be assumed until the dust and stone is cleared off the metal inscriptions.  So far, the inscriptions appear to state:

• ??? LT COL: I.B.B. ESTCOURT. H.B.M. COMssr

Here are a few photos showing the metal obelisk that was found hidden inside the stone base of the U.S. & Canada Land Marker Obelisk. I have lots more that I am processing and I will show what I can, as soon as possible. I look forward to your comments too.




It appears, from other reports, that the New York Mohawk Police attempted to stop this bit of vandalism but surrendered in the face of determined ‘warriors.’

Overall: <yawn> Canada border post stays where it is.
MODS:  Feel free to move this elsewhere if you think it's too far outside this thread's lane.

Peripherally related, here's an RCMP news release, advertising a couple of public meetings on the smuggling issue, if you're interested and live in the area:
The Cornwall Regional Task Force (CRTF) continues to identify, target and disrupt supply routes used by organized crime groups who attempt to smuggle illicit commodities into our communities.


Public Meetings

Those residents who are affected and concerned are invited to attend public information meetings hosted by the CRTF (Cornwall Regional Task Force) on the following dates:

Tuesday April 27th, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. at the Precious Blood Parish located at 18314 County Road 2, Glen Walter, Ontario

Thursday April 29th, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. at the St. Joseph’s Catholic Church located at 36 Oak Street, Lancaster, Ontario ....
Border security, must trump any and all Indian treaty rights. We live in a day and age, where our watchword must be “Eternal Vigilance” and we need to be ready to defend our borders against all threats, and not feel intimidated by poorly adjudicated legal decisions.
Ex-SHAD said:
Border security, must trump any and all Indian treaty rights. We live in a day and age, where our watchword must be “Eternal Vigilance” and we need to be ready to defend our borders against all threats, and not feel intimidated by poorly adjudicated legal decisions.

That's a great thought, but unfortunately special interest groups are far more precious and important than the good of society.  Those types write letters don't you know?  And when some groups get told "no" they can take up arms, engage in an insurgency and be given entire subdivisions as a reward. 
This is Canada, my friend.  Accountability is dead. 
Now, I know that in the short term it would be a political firestorm, but would it not be possible through either constitutional reform or amendments, to modify the land agreements made between the Indian Tribe and the Government of Canada?

Another option and I know this is more grounds for legal scholars, but couldn’t eminent domain be used by the government?
Ex-SHAD said:
Now, I know that in the short term it would be a political firestorm, but would it not be possible through either constitutional reform or amendments, to modify the land agreements made between the Indian Tribe and the Government of Canada?

Another option and I know this is more grounds for legal scholars, but couldn’t eminent domain be used by the government?

It is very do-able but nobody has the stomach for the gun battles that would ensue. 
I'm not making any accusations here but APPARENTLY the amount of illegal goods being smuggled into Canada via the Cornwall border crossing too a drastic drop.

I'd like to thank our friends on Cornwall Island for their part in getting the customs stuff moved to the Canada side and helping to reduce the amount of smuggling.   

I know many of you now complain how long it takes to cross the bridge- thanks for your patience.

Apollo Diomedes said:
I know many of you now complain how long it takes to cross the bridge- thanks for your patience.

They can't complain when they brought it on themselves. 
zipperhead_cop said:
They can't complain when they brought it on themselves.
Of course they can.  To do otherwise would be to take personal responsibility.