Scrooge_Des said:
career_radio-checker said:hmm, it looks like a problem with the flux-compacitor.
"Um, guys, we better look busy. You KNOW that Captain Scarlet can see WTP from his house. Heck, I even heard he has his own permanent call sign on Range Control!"Scrooge_Des said:
George Wallace said:
Captain Scarlet said:"Um, guys, we better look busy. You KNOW that Captain Scarlet can see WTP from his house. Heck, I even heard he has his own permanent call sign on Range Control!"
Bzzliteyr said:Crap, speaking of Ponderosa George, might it be possible that your name in permanently written in some concrete up at Petersville? Once, I was waiting for a ride right by the PV medical shack when I glanced down and saw your name on a piece of cement. I took a cameraphone pic, I must try to see where I uploaded it.. wait out.
Mr.Wallace...a Vandal? No way!! Well, that I will have to see.Bzzliteyr said:Crap, speaking of Ponderosa George, might it be possible that your name in permanently written in some concrete up at Petersville? Once, I was waiting for a ride right by the PV medical shack when I glanced down and saw your name on a piece of cement. I took a cameraphone pic, I must try to see where I uploaded it.. wait out.
Scrooge_Des said:Having met Mr. Wallace, I'm having this funny image in my head, him wearing his signature cap, and spray painting his name on a wall! ;D
GO!!! said:More like a sepia print of him in wool uniform and puttees, Ross Rifle on the ground next to him, his horse eating oats behind him, and he writing his name with the guidon pole in this strange new invention called "poured concrete" which unbelievably (at the time) was to replace cobblestone.