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Would sitting on the washers be considered fraternization  (for some!)  ;)
paracowboy said:
that's probably why it's so shocking to me then. All my time has been in 3 RCR and 3 VP. The NCOs and Officers who taught us when we first got to 3 Chicken were all 3 Cdo, and we adapted their ways, both at work and in the shacks.

Funny how we learned lessons in honesty and integrity from members/ex-members of a unit that the government of the time saw fit to disband. :threat:

But that's a completely different rant!
I was in Svc Bn in Pet at the same time some of you seem to have been.  We had the same barrack justice system to uphold honesty and integrity.  We all treated each other like we each wanted to be treated.  It would never cross my mind to not wait and fold someone else's laundry so I could get the machine, instead of turf it out and take the machine. Sometimes it was something different to do on the weekends.
What's that movie's name...Pay It Forward.  Seems to work in most instances. 
I spent 6 months IR(here) in the shacks, and barely knew the guy next door, let alone the others on the floor.  No comraderie, and a few times had my laundry piled on the counter all crumpled and wrinkled.  Maybe we're just old...or Old School. Thieving was definately O-U-T.  You never ever stole from a buddy, but you did "acguire" from the system.
I've posted a few times to "advise for FNG's", and this is another thread newbies should look at.
On another note, any of you ever had a new Pte tell you "what to do" (using the F word) and where you can shove it????? I'll tell ya, it'll make you fume for awhile.
My .02 worth.
Hence comes two of the 10 Commandments.... 'Do onto others as you would have them do onto you' and 'Thou shall not steal'. May sound a little bit too religious for some of you but it was in my upbringing and I passed it on to my son.
gov_mac, what is the whole story behind this thread then?  Has anything happened after the initial incident?
govenor_mac said:
Hence comes two of the 10 Commandments.... 'Do onto others as you would have them do onto you' and 'Thou shall not steal'. May sound a little bit too religious for some of you but it was in my upbringing and I passed it on to my son.

Um.. mac...

Do onto others as you would have them do unto you...

NOT a commandment  -  Biblical YES... commandment , no.

They think they know who took the items. I have to send the serial # to my son so he can pass it in. I am sure it is a hopeless case. It is just the damn senseless of it  happening in the first place,and not being able to trust your fellow man to boot.
govenor_mac said:
Your right Trinity...was uncertain of that one....important none the less.

Tis the Golden Rule.
But lets' add a commandment..thou shalt not covet!!
Coveting leads to stealing...if it ain't your combats it could be your wife!!
I'm surprised by all these posts regarding the lack of comradeship in the shacks.

I remember my tasking at Meaford last summer, I spent a large portion of my time getting to know and party with a lot of soldiers from different units.

It was also pretty common to find my clothes folded for me or placed neatly back in my laundry bag.

Yes, there was no drinking and crazy partying in our shacks, but our floor did provide a good space for us to chill, watch movies, play xbox, and typically gather everyone together for that nights festivities.


The "Golden Rule" was spoken by Siddhartha 500 years before that li'l Jewish fella walked the Earth. Plagiarist.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.
Gaspasser said:
On another note, any of you ever had a new Pte tell you "what to do" (using the F word) and where you can shove it????? I'll tell ya, it'll make you fume for awhile.
My .02 worth.

Well not me BUT...to one of the Sgt's on his QL2, when he said "F you man, John told me I could man".  The Sgt had recently taken the FRP back in the day and had been a Fd Engr with 2 Commando at the time.  Fastest I ever saw a Sgt ramp-up and first time I think I saw a recruit begin to crap himself.  ;D

Good times!

I am in the shacks here, with Snr NCOs and officers and its like living in the building all by yourself most of the time..the odd guy says hi in the hallways or whatever.

Definitely not like Gagetown was.

Dunno what happened to the way it was in the A lines there, lots of good times and good memories.

Maybe thats part of it too.  Doesn't seem like the guys in the shacks are "buddies and pals" and all that, and when  the heck can the average soldier get the nads to steal from a buddy??
Gaspasser said:
On another note, any of you ever had a new Pte tell you "what to do" (using the F word) and where you can shove it????? I'll tell ya, it'll make you fume for awhile.
My .02 worth.

I had a new private who would come in to work at 8 in a track suit and then change into uniform making her at least 15 mins late starting work every day.  One day I said something to her about it (I was a Cpl at the time) and she looked at me and said "what is it to you?"  The worst part was the Sgt(Air Force) who was our supervisor thought it was funny.
rmacqueen said:
I had a new private who would come in to work at 8 in a track suit and then change into uniform making her at least 15 mins late starting work every day.   One day I said something to her about it (I was a Cpl at the time) and she looked at me and said "what is it to you?"  The worst part was the Sgt(Air Force) who was our supervisor thought it was funny.

Sorta like 2 weeks ago for me...on Stad.  Stopped the car, turned it off, stepped out, come to Attention and salute as flag is being raised at 0800.  The OS to my left was saluting like his sleeve was sewn to his side and someone was trying to stick a doughnut in his hand.  Flag is raised...I say "Sailor.  Come here."

He walks over to me...says "who the hell are you?"

Didn't go off the deep-end.  Explained, calmly...his salute was "not to standard"...he says "ya ok".

So I said.."I suggest you get your LS or MS to show you the standard...and don't be yappin' your flapper off to POs and Snr NCOs when they are correcting you" and carry on and that sorta stuff...

He walked away and shook his head...and then the CP02 that was walking by stopped me and told me to "lighten up there Sarge...this isn't the Army around here..."

I give up. 

I  mean, it WAS only when the flag was being raised afterall... ::)

Wonder if he hawked anything off his roomie that day...

rmacqueen said:
I had a new private who would come in to work at 8 in a track suit and then change into uniform making her at least 15 mins late starting work every day.   One day I said something to her about it (I was a Cpl at the time) and she looked at me and said "what is it to you?"  The worst part was the Sgt(Air Force) who was our supervisor thought it was funny.

Well, perhaps she had permission from that Sgt to do PT in the mornings prior to reporting for duty? This is not uncommon, especially in Units where 'regualarily scheduled PT' is a problem due to the provision of support. I've been there as the supervisor, new Cpl to the section querying/bitching as to "the girls" taking off early for lunch every day at 1145 and me not doing anything about it. I told him that A) they didn't need his permission; B) Regulations allowed me, the supervisor, to allow them time off/early departures under certain circumstances and that I did not have to seek his approval prior to doing so; and that C) He was quite welcome to join them at the gym each lunch hour for tai-bo and aerobics.

He declined the invitation.

ArmyVern said:
Well, perhaps she had permission from that Sgt to do PT in the mornings prior to reporting for duty? This is not uncommon, especially in Units where 'regualarily scheduled PT' is a problem due to the provision of support. I've been there as the supervisor, new Cpl to the section querying/bitching as to "the girls" taking off early for lunch every day at 1145 and me not doing anything about it. I told him that A) they didn't need his permission; B) Regulations allowed me, the supervisor, to allow them time off/early departures under certain circumstances and that I did not have to seek his approval prior to doing so; and that C) He was quite welcome to join them at the gym each lunch hour for tai-bo and aerobics.

He declined the invitation.
Nope, that was just what she wore to work everyday
I'm reading a book about the USAF called The Wild Blue right now... It was the first time I'd actually heard of a blanket party, and I must say, society in the civilian world should take that on. Imagine seeing a bunch of guys out on sidewalks with blankets over them, and guys beating them up... I guess it would get pretty chaotic, though.
Apex said:
I'm reading a book about the USAF called The Wild Blue right now... It was the first time I'd actually heard of a blanket party, and I must say, society in the civilian world should take that on. Imagine seeing a bunch of guys out on sidewalks with blankets over them, and guys beating them up... I guess it would get pretty chaotic, though.

Take away the blankets, go to the Tignish Legion or any like place after closing back home and you have a good Friday night!  ;D