Dimsum said:
My one parting shot would be if WOs (in the US sense) were instituted, that would require us to completely change the rank structure.
a) What would be the authority to do so - is it just a DND thing or higher?
b) What would we call those new ranks? Obviously Warrant Officer and Chief Warrant Officer are out because of obvious confusion
It would require a change to the
Schedule of the NDA where the ranks (and the absence of the MCpl) are listed.
In my humble opinion that part would be fairly easy. One such solution would be as follows:
1) return the WO rank to it's previous Staff Sergeant (and an Air Force and Navy equivalent);
2) rename the MWO rank to Sergeant Major (and an Air Force and Navy equivalent);
3) rename the CWO rank to Regimental Sergeant Major (or the ever popular US Command Sergeant Major and an Air Force and Navy equivalent)
4) introduce a new class of member between "Officers" and "Non-Commissioned Members" called "Warrant Officers" which lies in between the existing rank structure in seniority between Regimental Sergeant Major and Officer Cadet. It could use the terms WO, MWO and CWO or any other such designations (such as WO1 etc) depending on how many rank steps one wants.
Now comes the harder part:
5) make the consequential changes throughout the definition section and other portions of the of the NDA to define the roles, responsibilities etc etc of the three rank classes.
6) amend all of the subordinate regulations, directives, policies etc to comply.
While it might be tempting to use a different and simpler system (such as a modified recruiting entry system which would create a two track officer or other ranks career stream (such as no university requirement for officers or a direct entry at the sergeant rank level for specialists) that would not really solve the basic issues.
The trades and skills required by a modern military has for some time been becoming more and more complex. Our current bi-cameral rank structure has it's genesis in an aristocratic officer class leading an uneducated mob rank and file. That basic construct hasn't been true for a half if not a full century. IMHO we need a tri-cameral system where rank is based on the need for leadership at the combat unit level (principally NCMs and officers); a technically skilled operator and supervisor class for the more esoteric functions (principally WOs and some NCMs); and a managerial class for high command (principally officers and some higher WOs and NCMs).
A system that might have worked well for archers and swordsmen and transformed adequately well during the transition to gunpowder might not be the most suitable for AI and UAVs and autonomous ground combat vehicles and cyber warfare in a volunteer force where there is massive competition for the skilled worker/supervisor from civvy street.
If you feel that we could be well served by adding on a specialty rank structure/career track (and thereby recruiting, training and retention structures) for the ever expanding need for the highly skilled (rather than merely grafting some of those skills onto the existing two-tier career system) then it's worth ripping the band-aid off and making some deep changes.