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Nov 6th

Ready to go here :salute: Just have to double check things and tie up loose ends around the house.
it states it in the joining instructions,on mine anyway;) oh i forgot to add that i am not taking mine. I would not suggest bringing anything of that value, and i doubt we would have time for it.
The cpl who handled my enrollment suggested bringing a couple pairs of civilian clothing (like jeans and stuff). If we get any weekend leaves it would be nice to be able to take a little trip to montreal while not looking like a golfer :P. So, i'm going to bring two pairs of addition clothing and a cell phone.

Now I just need to pack it all  :'(
Blackwater said:
The cpl who handled my enrollment suggested bringing a couple pairs of civilian clothing (like jeans and stuff). If we get any weekend leaves it would be nice to be able to take a little trip to montreal while not looking like a golfer :P. So, i'm going to bring two pairs of addition clothing and a cell phone.

Now I just need to pack it all  :'(

Drunk in montreal with the platoon, sounds fun  ;D
Danjanou said:
Don’t worry troops just screwing with ya a little bit there.  >:D

I’t good that you’re starting the bonding process already, it will make thing easier. Enjoy BMQ/SQ  ;D and welcome to the profession of arms.

Danjanou, you're evil...  ;D

Folks, congrats on all of your acceptances into the CF!  Good luck on your training.  I hope things work out for all of you, and you become a valuable member of the Forces team.

Danjanou was just prepping you guys for when it seems like your MCpl isn't happy with anything you do and it seems the fun police are pulling you over after every step you take.  ;)

I have to say, I'm impressed with the spirit and drive of the many young (and in some cases, not-so-young) men and women joining the CF today, in particular given how things are played in the media, etc...  good on each and every one of you.

Just remember, when you feel lousy, like you want to quit and go home and do something else, just remember....there's someone having a harder time of it than you and the sense of accomplishment you'll feel after you graduate is something that you will likely not have experienced in your life.

Once again, good luck and thanks for choosing to serve your country!  :salute:

A buddy of mine that I work with is heading to St. Jean, he didn't say when. You'll know him when you see him, he is the fugliest looking kid around.

Anyways good luck to you all (still waiting on my call, which reminds me I should try calling THE RECRUITERS)
Just remember, when you feel lousy, like you want to quit and go home and do something else, just remember....there's someone having a harder time of it than you and the sense of accomplishment you'll feel after you graduate is something that you will likely not have experienced in your life.

Just want to say that again G2G and add that we can and should lean on each other in those times.

For every dark night there's a bright day after, so keep your head up, stick your chest out-->and handle it :salute: We're all in this together.
ready to go said:
Just want to say that again G2G and add that we can and should lean on each other in those times.

For every dark night there's a bright day after, so keep your head up, stick your chest out-->and handle it :salute: We're all in this together.

This man speaks powerful words of wisdom! See ya saturday Mike.
Right now I'm more worried about tying up all the loose ends here (I still havn't moved all my stuff... which is a lot) and I still have to go shopping for another set of shoes and some PT clothes.

To make things worse, I knocked out half of one of my front teeth the other day, lost my wallet and ID yesterday, and banged my leg up at work.

Really, I'm not worried though.  Feeling the pressure to get everything done around here, but i'm not worried.
DirtyDog said:
Right now I'm more worried about tying up all the loose ends here (I still havn't moved all my stuff... which is a lot) and I still have to go shopping for another set of shoes and some PT clothes.

To make things worse, I knocked out half of one of my front teeth the other day, lost my wallet and ID yesterday, and banged my leg up at work.

Really, I'm not worried though.  Feeling the pressure to get everything done around here, but i'm not worried.
Sorry too hear about the tooth and ID loss. I know how that feels. I always misplace stuff expecially my wallet. I hope it turns up. Ya I still need PT clothes. I got all my stuff Packed just taking some pictures with friends before I leave. Just going over my list and autobiography, even though its pointless. I am getting really excited now to meet you all and get this through with. Well ttyl guys. Cya soon!
i am going crazy waiting for sunday haha i've been packed for a few days! dont get too much P.T stuff cause we are getting issued stuff. I am just bringing 2 P.T outfits. See you guys on sunday!!
I kicked a stub of rebar at work the other day (should have wore my steel toes :P). My toe is purple and it kills to walk, let alone run. But hey, a little bump along the road makes things interesting ;) Watch now because I said that the car will break down en route to the airport and I'll miss the plane  :o Yeah right, the only way I'm NOT getting on that plane tomorrow is if I'm  :skull:!

Don't forget your poppies! See you guys there!
That chipped tooth is going to be a pain while in bmq. I've had it happen to a tooth of mine...twice, so I know how you're feeling. Good luck with it!
krystal said:
i am going crazy waiting for sunday haha i've been packed for a few days! dont get too much P.T stuff cause we are getting issued stuff. I am just bringing 2 P.T outfits. See you guys on sunday!!

Not sure about quality of current issue running shoes...those are an item I'd bring my own, FWIW.

Good2Golf said:
Not sure about quality of current issue running shoes...those are an item I'd bring my own, FWIW.


And I would second that. The only one I know who likes those old things is I-6.  >:D