It appears he’ll be prosecuted by the state. Kev can correct me, but I believe federal statute for sentencing wouldn’t apply to a state prosecution.
In effect each state has its own Criminal Code inclusive of sentencing, and separately, federal prosecutors can prosecute similar offences if something places it in federal jurisdiction.
I haven’t seen anything suggesting the feds are involved in this one.
Federal Murder charges generally require more than just a murder (as silly as that sounds).
Generally they require some Federal linkage.
Federal Elected or Appointed Officials
Federal Judge or LEO (or the immediate family of a Fed LEO)
Attempts to Influence the outcome of a Federal Court case by murder
Murders during Bank Robberies, Rape, or Sexual Exploitation of Children, Drug related murders.
Murder for Hire, Murders using the Mail (just US Post, as you apparently can UPS/FedEx a bomb and kill someone without it being Federal unless it crosses state lines), Murders of Ships or Aircraft (or interstate transport; bus, train)
A few more but that gives the gist of it.
Now where the Federal Aspect often pops up is in relation to people’s civil rights. This was big in the South when dealing with African-American and civil rights workers ‘disappearing’ (think Mississippi Burning) as they proceeded to charge for Fed Murder under Civil Rights Violations.
I’m m unsure if this could pop up if the State doesn’t adequately address the issue to the satisfaction of the Federal Government.