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John Tory press release 04/05/06

McGuinty okay with armed forces paying tax even though feds cover their health care

(Queen’s Park) – Progressive Conservative Leader John Tory today said Dalton McGuinty should not be forcing members of the military to pay his health tax when the federal government pays for their health care needs.
“Ontario doesn’t pay for our soldiers health care but Dalton McGuinty makes them pay his health tax,” said Tory. “Canada’s armed forces put their lives on the line and Dalton McGuinty is making them pay more and get absolutely nothing for it. He promised not to increase taxes and he definitely never promised to ask our military to pay more and get nothing.”

Despite being in the Legislature today, Dalton McGuinty refused to answer questions from Tory about the McGuinty tax on armed forces as well as questions about year-end government spending. Other provinces in Canada such as Alberta and British Columbia, exempt armed forces personnel from health care levies or taxes because their health care costs are covered by the federal government.

“Dalton McGuinty’s refusal to be accountable for his health tax says it all,” said Tory. “Not only did he break his signature promise, he refuses to even answer for the fallout from that broken promise. Our men and women who fight for Canada deserve much better than this.”
Sorry but this is the kind of crass politicalism that makes me wanna hurl.  John Tory doesn't give a shit about the military except to the extent that service members can be used to shoot down the Liberals.  No doubt he has read a poll someplace that suggests that the Canadian public supports the troops and is trying to capitalize on it.  He should be ashamed of himself. 

Oh well.  That gives me one more reason on my *Why not to vote Conservative* list.
I guess no military person in Ontario has a family?

Stupid cheap political point grab try.......
Yes, my wife resides with me here in Petawawa, however, she pays this tax herself at her civilian job.  So why am I paying it?
What if she didn't work?  Any children?.....they work and pay also?
It is the employer not the employee in ON who pays the health tax. I do my company's books and nothing is deducted from the employee.
I think they are refering to the "not a tax" tax when you are just about finished your federal tax form.
CF members should not pay tax.  You risk life and limb for your country you should not have to pay tax.  A nice little recruiting incentive. Give CF members a chance to build up a nice little nest egg.  It could even help retention.  Think of you what you could save over 25 years.  The government might even think of doing the same for police/fire/EMS.
Nicholas2004 said:
CF members should not pay tax.  You risk life and limb for your country you should not have to pay tax.  A nice little recruiting incentive. Give CF members a chance to build up a nice little nest egg.  It could even help retention.  Think of you what you could save over 25 years.  The government might even think of doing the same for police/fire/EMS.

And the worm can has been opened.... Pardon me while I go put my Asbestos suit on.......

and I cant even begin to list the number of reasons why having them not pay tax is a really really BAD idea.... other then the big ones, like
a) its just not feasable
b) no one else in the country would tolerate it
Being posted in Alberta, I can't understand why all this budget surplus isn't going to defer our provincial health care costs. If Alberta's so rich, why do they need my $44/month?
Cpl Thompson,

I agree with part b) that the Canadian public would not tolerate it but some solutions are not always popular ones.  

Would you please expand on part a) not being feasible.  If Bay Street executive who makes $100 million in the stock market and manages not pay a single cent in tax I think it is possible for 60,000 individuals to be exempted from payroll deductions and filing tax returns.

My two cents.  

Time to think outside the box.
In BC I pay for my wife and son.  A family costs me $48/month in extra health care tax.  If I was single I would not pay this tax.  The CF deducts this rate directly from my pay - if you look on your stub under Medical Insurance you will see a box for Provincial.

While we're on the "no income tax" kick - how about this?  One income tax rate for all CF members, one driver's license Canada-wide for CF families, ditto for license plates and insurance.  In the U.S. servicemen and women can choose which state to pay their income tax - caveat being that they must have resided in that state before enlisting.  Most members choose NY as it has a lower rate.
Ok....I'm sticking my nose in here......I'm a civilian, have never been in the military or worked in government, reside in Quebec and am in the highest tax bracket possible.....in my opinion.....active military personnel should not have to pay income tax on any income derived from or through the military.
I think a flat military tax would be fair. That way you don't get crazy fluctuations based on postings.
Genetk44 said:
Ok....I'm sticking my nose in here......I'm a civilian, have never been in the military or worked in government, reside in Quebec and am in the highest tax bracket possible.....in my opinion.....active military personnel should not have to pay income tax on any income derived from or through the military.
In QC, Members on full time service (more than 180 days) are covered by blue cross and are not "dinged" for additional health tax..... then again, we pay an amount for the Quebec Parental Leave program
Nicholas2004 said:
Cpl Thompson,

I agree with part b) that the Canadian public would not tolerate it but some solutions are not always popular ones.  

Nor should they tolerate it. Other than the current exemptions for income tax, that is enough of a fair tax break for anyone- and no, police, fire and ems should not be given an extra tax break simply by virtue of their occupation. They can "man up" like everyone else and pay their fair share.  Tax waiver for income earned in an operational theatre- sure thing, I agree with that. 

Would you please expand on part a) not being feasible.  If Bay Street executive who makes $100 million in the stock market and manages not pay a single cent in tax I think it is possible for 60,000 individuals to be exempted from payroll deductions and filing tax returns.

All taxable income, and your example is a bad one anyway. Comparing income earned from property and income earned fom employment is apples to oranges. The only way taxes that would not be paid on stock profits would be if a fraud was committed, or there was some offsetting or corresponding loss.  In any event, the brokerage is supposed to withhold the tax, the tax payer is supposed to report all income, and how they earned it. They are taxed accordingly.  There are ways to transfer property without paying tax, but when those assets produce income or are converted to cash - tax is payable.  Can you cite me an example of where an individual taxpayer, Baystreet executive, day trader or otherwise, made 100 million profit on the stock market and legally did not pay any taxes?  I'm asking you to cite to me the income tax provisions and supporting examples that are not [or were not] the subject of some investigation.

As for other like groups- police/fire/ems- they are already well compensated, usually in ranges far in excess of the average working incomes. They are not millionaires (although I know several who are), but they are hardly starving either! They also have access to pensions and benefits underwritten by taxpayers- many of those taxpayers have no access to such benefits. And don't give me that crap about putting their lives on the line for others- while that may be true there are tons of other occupations out there that perform valuable, dangerous, risk laden work for the greater public good. To deny that is self serving and dishonest.

I have never met or worked with a sensible, mature police officer, corrections officer, soldier or any other similar occupation who demanded or even opined that they pay less taxes than anyone else, or none at all. In fact, quite the contrary- in my experience they don't mind paying taxes as long as the taxes are reasonable, fair [not punitive] and the tax dollars are spent wisely on necessary items.  Just like the average Joe, IMO ...

People who demand extra-ordinary financial entitlements from taxpayers simply by virtue of their occupation sound like whiners to me. Or liberals - you know what i mean- living comfortably off the sweat of others. 
In Ontario it is a Tax and taken out of the Members pay as such.  In Alberta, it is a fee and the Members are reimbursed those fees.  It may be only semantics, but in Ontario the Soldiers are not being reimbursed funds for a Service that they can not use, as they are covered by the Federal System and must use the UMS/Base Hospital, unless it is an Emergency after hours.
"As for other like groups- police/fire/ems- they are already well compensated, usually in ranges far in excess of the average working incomes. They are not millionaires (although I know several who are), but they are hardly starving either! They also have access to pensions and benefits underwritten by taxpayers- many of those taxpayers have no access to such benefits. And don't give me that crap about putting their lives on the line for others- while that may be true there are tons of other occupations out there that perform valuable, dangerous, risk laden work for the greater public good. To deny that is self serving and dishonest.

Please explain why the Toronto Police Association keeps telephoning my house asking for money?

I made the point about tax incentives because of Canada's current demographic trend - the baby boom generation reaching retirement age.  Even now most employers (in my experience) have trouble finding enough capable/qualified people to fill the positions available. As the baby boom generation leaves the workforce there will be more jobs available and an even smaller pool of new entrants to the workforce fill them.  With CF apparently trying to increase its numbers (with young people mainly) in the face of this demographic trend I personally believe the recruiting group will have to improve its efforts if it is to compete with other employers.  With standards already fairly high for entry I think the CFRG will have a tough time meeting these new targets.

Nicholas2004 said:
Please explain why the Toronto Police Association keeps telephoning my house asking for money?

Thats disgusting. If a police association is contacting members of the public asking for money, you gotta ask what is wrong with that picture? If they want money, they can tax their own members through higher membership fees.  You might want to ask them where they got your contact information and what other personal information this union has about you if you are not a member. Then again, maybe its not really the TPA, and it is some sort of scam.
Nicholas2004 said:
Please explain why the Toronto Police Association keeps telephoning my house asking for money?

I would think that's a scam. Cops are always telling the public they do not solicit funds for any reason via telephone. There are all sorts of groups using similar names, such as Police Retirees Union, who make cold calls in the hopes of cashing in.