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Pan-Islamic merged mega thread

Seems the radicalized recruits keep coming:

AP Exclusive: 20,000 foreign fighters flock to Syria, Iraq
Associated PressBy KEN DILANIAN | Associated Press – 12 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Foreign fighters are streaming into Syria and Iraq in unprecedented numbers to join the Islamic State or other extremist groups, including at least 3,400 from Western nations among 20,000 from around the world, U.S. intelligence officials say in an updated estimate of a top terrorism concern.

Intelligence agencies now believe that as many as 150 Americans have tried and some have succeeded in reaching in the Syrian war zone, officials told the House Homeland Security Committee in testimony prepared for delivery on Wednesday. Some of those Americans were arrested en route, some died in the area and a small number are still fighting with extremists.

The testimony and other data were obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press.

Nick Rasmussen, chief of the National Counterterrorism Center, said the rate of foreign fighter travel to Syria is without precedent, far exceeding the rate of foreigners who went to wage jihad in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen or Somalia at any other point in the past 20 years.

Associated Pres via Yahoo News

Plus, a cyber attack by ISIS:
Defense News

CyberCaliphate claims Newsweek Twitter hack
The Twitter account for Newsweek was briefly hacked Tuesday morning by a group calling itself the CyberCaliphate, which claims to be affiliated with the Islamic State group.

Newsweek's Twitter feed, which has about 2.5 million followers, sent out one tweet threatening President Obama and his family. Others claimed to have "confidential" Pentagon documents detailing "warfare in social networks." Some of the documents were labeled for official use only and did contain personal identifying information for Defense Department personnel.

I don't like where this is going. Let's see if the neighboring countries step up their efforts.
And where is the 'anonymous' group? Didn't they declare 'war' on the caliphate after the killings in France? I would have expected something by now.
Well this wasn't in the recruiting brochure  ::)

But at least for the less-skilled foreign recruits, the experience of fighting for the new caliphate is often brief and bloody. Kurdish and Iraqi commanders on the front lines of the war whom I interviewed in the last two weeks say that the suicide bombers and first-wave attackers deployed in Islamic State offensives are almost entirely made up of units of foreign fighters. These highly risky missions mean that the new "immigrants" fighting the infidels end up as cannon fodder, while the more prestigious organizational jobs and less-risky defensive assignments go to Syrian and Iraqi Arabs.

Excellent, if they want to use up the western POS in banzai charges or other fatal excursions all the better.  They won't be a worry for the rest of us with coming home to carry on their crap here.
More ISIS atrocities:


Islamic State releases video purporting to show beheading of 21 Egyptians in Libya
Reuters – 51 minutes ago

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State released a video on Sunday purporting to show the militant group beheading 21 Egyptian Christians kidnapped in Libya.

In the video, militants in black marched the captives, dressed in orange jump suits, to a beach. They were forced down onto their knees, then beheaded. The video appeared on the Twitter feed of a website that supports Islamic State.

A caption on the five-minute video read: "The people of the cross, followers of the hostile Egyptian church."

Loachman said:
"Execution" implies legitimacy.

This was no "execution". It was a brutal, savage, murder.

IS does not "execute". It has no legitimacy.

Terminology is important.

Now if we could get the MSM to realize and report it as such. I think we do ourselves a disservice and add to the fear by calling these murders any thing but murder. ISIS(IL) count on the revulsion of the phrases horrific, barbaric, etc. Not to downplay the extent these animals will lower themselves to, but we have to stop helping them with their propaganda.
So why is it that when the Rwanda experience was occurring, with Hutus and Tutsis being genocidally slaughtered, the MSM media told it like it was happening but they can't seem get it right with ISIS/ISIL ?
Jed said:
So why is it that when the Rwanda experience was occurring, with Hutus and Tutsis being genocidally slaughtered, the MSM media told it like it was happening but they can't seem get it right with ISIS/ISIL ?

Because, it involves Islam.  They're shyte scared of being accused of not being PC to the max when it comes to radical Islam.  Everyone else is fair game, but those jokers have far too many running scared.  Today's boogeymen.
jollyjacktar said:
Because, it involves Islam.  They're shyte scared of being accused of not being PC to the max when it comes to radical Islam.  Everyone else is fair game, but those jokers have far too many running scared.  Today's boogeymen.

Being PC is biting us in the a$$. If we can't identify them as "Islamic Terrorists" without being attacked by our OWN side (media and fuzzy headed people who think hot chocolate and hugs solve every problem) we are fighting with one hand tied behind our collective backs.
In my opinion, fighting the islamic terrorists shiuld not be done only by force. The best way is to track the people who fund them, and the people who recruit them, and the people who promote wahhabism(wahhabism is radical islam that got created in he 19th century in saudi arabia, with the alliance of the saudi family and muhammad ibn wahhab). This form of islam rejects anything that is against it, beginning with muslims themselves. So once saudi arabia and qatar stop promoting wahhabism and funding those groups, they will dissapear automatically within a few months. How is isis surviving in syria and irak? Who gives them ammunitions? Who gives them sophisticated anti-tank weapons? These are the main questions that have to be answered. Why is Turkey still recieving them from all over the world and dispatching them in syria and irak? Turkey have no control over its borders?
We have to fight them ideologically as well. Thus far they are winning the battles because we are too afraid to "offend" anyone.
Stacked said:
Did you gents read about the 21 Egyptian Christians beheaded on a beach by ISIS yesterday?


Sorry for the bit of a rant I am just so frustrated by all of this..... Something needs to be done....

And here is Egypt's response to the killings of its citizens:


Egypt says it bombed Islamic State targets in Libya: state television

CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt's military said in a statement on state television it had carried out an air strike against Islamic State targets in Libya at dawn on Monday, a day after the group released a video appearing to show the beheading of 21 Egyptians there.

The attack focused on Islamic State camps, training sites and weapons storage areas in Libya, where Islamist militants have thrived amid chaos.

Hamish Seggie said:
Being PC is biting us in the a$$. If we can't identify them as "Islamic Terrorists" without being attacked by our OWN side (media and fuzzy headed people who think hot chocolate and hugs solve every problem) we are fighting with one hand tied behind our collective backs.

I'm guilty of this tbh.  Not so much trying to be PC but rather defining it as something more or maybe less than what might be the obvious label.

This article actually defines it quite well and defines exactly what it is and the mistakes we are making in the west.  Something that has made me look at this in a different light and agree that we are in fact dealing with Islamic Terrorists.


It is long but very much worth the read.
Here's where the problem is. (by the way, his nibs was in California for a three day golf/fund raising weekend).  This post is a continuation of  http://army.ca/forums/threads/117789.0.html
White House:Taliban not a terrorist group. It’s an Armed Insurgency’.


The White House

Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
February 15, 2015
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Murder of Egyptian Citizens
The United States condemns the despicable and cowardly murder of twenty-one Egyptian citizens in Libya by ISIL-affiliated terrorists. .......

Citizens, no mention the reason they where beheaded was that they where Christians. And who did it: radical Islamic Terrorists. No, the WH won't say that. They are ISIL-affiliated terrorists.

The video is “Safety for you crusaders is something you can only wish for,” one of the militants said in the video, as he stood with a knife in his hand. The video was titled “A Message Signed With Blood to the Nation of the Cross.”

It's obvious even to the Pope that these men where killed because they where Christians. Obvious to everyone but the Obama Administration.

Stacked said:
Did you gents read about the 21 Egyptian Christians beheaded on a beach by ISIS yesterday?

Know what gets me about that.. Is that I haven't seen any articles yet of Muslims dencouning this. Yet i read numerous articles about the three Muslim college students who were shot over a parking spot (police say religion wasn't a factor) saying that it was an act of terror...  And that we are all islamaphobic is north america.    Everyone was very quick to jump and denounce the killing of the three muslims students, but nobody seems to care about the 21 beheaded christans...

Sorry for the bit of a rant I am just so frustrated by all of this..... Something needs to be done....

Things are being done, but those 'things' might not be on as big of a scale or as timely as 'we' would like to see. 

ISIS reportedly burns alive 45 people in western Iraqi town

Published February 17, 2015 - FoxNews.com

Islamic State militants have burned alive 45 people in the western Iraqi town of al-Baghdadi, its local police chief told the BBC Tuesday.
In this case, the enemy of our enemy is not our friend. Hezbollah is just a Shia/Shiite terrorist group that happens to oppose ISIS.

International Business Times

Hezbollah Actively Fighting ISIS Alongside Americans, Kurdish, Other Forces In Iraq -– Leader

The leader of Lebanon’s Shiite movement Hezbollah has admitted its presence in Iraq, fighting against the ISIS alongside forces from the U.S. and the Kurdish, among others.

Chief Hassan Nasrallah disclosed the information in a speech to supporters in southern Beirut on Feb 16, 2015. "We may not have spoken about Iraq before, but we have a limited presence because of the sensitive phase that Iraq is going through," Nasrallah said.

Nasrallah's speech came two days after Saad Hariri, his leading Lebanese opponent, urged on Hezbollah to withdraw from Syria. Hezbollah is already fighting alongside President Bashar Assad's forces against the al-Qaida affiliated Jabat al-Nusra. He said it would look ridiculous for people and entities to differentiate Daesh [IS] and al-Nusra Front. “They are one reality, one ideology, one approach and one goal."

More about how ISIS is spreading to North Africa/Libya:


Islamic State lays claim to North African outpost
By Patrick Markey and Michael Georgy

ALGIERS/CAIRO (Reuters) - The images match the worst of Islamic State's atrocities: black-clad fighters and an English-speaking jihadist taunt the West before slaughtering their victims in orange jumpsuits on a Libyan beach.

Their masked leader turns to the Mediterranean and points a bloodied knife towards Europe, declaring, "We will conquer Rome, God willing."

The execution of 21 Egyptian Christians by militants in Libya proclaiming allegiance to Islamic State was an announcement that the group, also known as ISIS or ISIL, has spread from Syria and Iraq to Libya. Militants have profited from chaos to claim a North African outpost a boat ride away from Italy's coast.

International reaction came swiftly. Egyptian jets pounded suspected militant sites in Libya, and Paris joined Cairo in calling for U.N. action to halt the militants' spread.


NPR - 19 Feb 15 - Bill Chappell

Obama Calls Idea That The West Is At War With Islam 'An Ugly Lie'

"The notion that the West is at war with Islam is an ugly lie and all of us — regardless of our faith — have a responsibility to reject it," President Obama said Thursday, at a summit on defusing violent extremism.

The statement echoes the president's remarks from Wednesday, when Obama said it's crucial to change the narrative about the intersection of religion, particularly Islam, and modern society. He called it "a generational challenge," as Eyder reported for the Two-Way.

Instead of focusing on Islam, the president and others have said at the summit, the U.S. and other countries should be trying to snip away at terrorism's ideological, economic and political roots.

Obama spoke on the issue today for more than 20 minutes, urging countries not to help lend legitimacy to extremist groups such as ISIS. Here are some highlights:

    "Nations need to break the cycles of conflict — especially sectarian conflict — that are magnets for violent extremism."

    "We have to confront the warped ideologies espoused by terrorists like al-Qaida and ISIL, especially their attempts to use Islam to justify their violence."

    "When people, especially young people, feel entirely trapped in impoverished communities — where there is no order and no path for advancement, where there are no educational opportunities, where there are no ways to support families and no escape from injustice and the humiliations of corruption — that feeds instability and disorder, and makes those communities ripe for extremist recruitment."

    "We must acknowledge that groups like al-Qaida and ISIL are deliberately targeting their propaganda to Muslim communities, particularly Muslim youth. Muslim communities, including scholars and clerics, therefore have a responsibility to push back — not just on twisted interpretations of Islam, but also on the lie that we are somehow engaged in a clash of civilizations, that America and the West are somehow at war with Islam, or seek to suppress Muslims, or that we are the cause of every ill in the Middle East."

Even before the U.S.-hosted Summit on Countering Violent Extremism began in Washington this week, the White House has been criticized for its position against using terms that directly link Islam or Muslims to terrorism.

Last month, Politico's Rich Lowry complained of "a haze of euphemism and cowardice" in a January article about the White House's stance, written following the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris.

That prompted The New York Times' Thomas Friedman to write, "I am all for restraint on the issue, and would never hold every Muslim accountable for the acts of a few. But it is not good for us or the Muslim world to pretend that this spreading jihadist violence isn't coming out of their faith community."

Yesterday, the Times explored the administration's stance:

"Obama aides say there is a strategic logic to his vocabulary: Labeling noxious beliefs and mass murder as 'Islamic' would play right into the hands of terrorists who claim that the United States is at war with Islam itself. The last thing the president should do, they say, is imply that the United States lumps the world's 1.5 billion Muslims with vicious terrorist groups."

Today, Obama said, "When people spew hatred towards others because of their faith or because they are immigrants, it feeds into terrorist narratives. If entire communities feel they can never become a full part of the society in which they reside, it feeds a cycle of fear and resentment — and a sense of injustice upon which extremists prey."