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Pan-Islamic merged mega thread

The US will either have to go into Iraq with a Corps sized force from Kuwait or allow the Iranians to do the heavy lifting,which might ignite a civil war.ISIS has taken advantage of the civil war in Syria to expand its power.They control Syrian and Iraqi oil resources generating $2b in revenue.Currently they are dumping oil on the open market at $20-25 a barrel.To stop that the mission should be to retake those oil resources and deprive them of the revenue.
ISIS recruiting entire families to "recreate" what they see as a 7th century caliphate...  :o

Hoping to create a new society, the Islamic State recruits entire families

LONDON — Last month in Syria, Siddhartha Dhar stood in front of a banged-up yellow pickup truck, holding an assault rifle in his right hand and cradling his newborn son with his left.

Dhar’s first four children had been born in London, his native city, but his new baby, wrapped in a fuzzy brown onesie, was born in territory controlled by the Islamic State.

Someone snapped a photo of Dhar, 31, and he proudly tweeted it out as proof that he; his wife, Aisha; and their children had fled Britain and were now living in what the militants consider an Islamic caliphate that will one day reign over the world.

More at the source below...

Washington Post
RoyalDrew said:
Courtesy:  The Indepedent http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-fighters-shoot-down-usled-coalition-war-plane-and-capture-pilot-9944068.html

Seems ISIS's reported shootdown of a Jordanian fighter pilot was greatly exaggerated...perhaps pro-Assad forces shot him down?

Business Insider

US Military Says ISIS Is Lying About Shooting Down A Jordanian F-16 In Syria
By Hunter Walker | Business Insider – Wed, 24 Dec, 2014 3:40 PM EST


US Central Command released a statement on Wednesday afternoon disputing a claim made by the jihadist group Islamic State (also known as ISIS and ISIL) that they shot down a Jordanian F-16 aircraft earlier in the day.

"Evidence clearly indicates that ISIL did not down the aircraft as the terrorist organization is claiming," the statement said.

Islamic State fighters in the Syrian city of Raqqah released photos showing a man they identified as a captured Jordanian pilot. The Jordanian Armed Forces, which are part of the international coalition fighting ISIS, confirmed one of its warplanes went down on a mission in the area.

The capture of the pilot is not an exaggeration.  The shooting down of the plan vs. the plane crashing is the potential point of exaggeration.
Speaking of which:

Although it has not been officially confirmed yet, pictures posted on Social Media seems to prove a Royal Jordanian Air Force F-16 has crashed in Syria. Pilot, whose military ID card was recovered and posted on Twitter, was captured by Islamic State militants.




source: the aviationist
SupersonicMax said:
Unfortunately, I can't go into specifics anymore than I did.  I recommend you speak to your Int O if you want to know more about the kind of systems available to ISIL and Talibans in Afghanistan...

There is irony that we are being secretive about the weapons available to our enemies. I suspect they are quite aware of what they have. I must surmises that the information is being withheld to protect the guilty parties that supplied them.
Colin P said:
There is irony that we are being secretive about the weapons available to our enemies. I suspect they are quite aware of what they have. I must surmises that the information is being withheld to protect the guilty parties that supplied them.

I don't agree it's an irony.  We don't want them to know what we know about them. They may have some weapons/programs we should not know about but for whatever reason, we do know about it and we developped counter-tactics or systems to defeat it.

It's also a matter of protecting our sources of information.  It is not to protect the guity parties that supplied the weapons; the US would have no issue pointing the finger at Russia (if it was the case).
true, but if it was a US/French system supplied by the UAE that would be embarrassing yes?

I wonder what the Jordanian F-16 anti-missile defense are like?

This is from wiki

RJAF recognized the need to give these aircraft a mid-life update (MLU) in the next 2 or 3 years. (2 F-16A Block 15 ADF and 1 F-16B ADF aircraft crashed over the years of service),[5] Jordan received 3 F-16A from USA in 2008. 13 F-16 ADF (12 A, 1 B) Block 15 were sold to Pakistan

MLU Block 40 (Peace Falcon II, III, IV)/ 50 (Peace Falcon V, VI)

One F-16AM MLU crashed in feb 2011, 17 F-16 A/B upgraded by Turkish Aerospace Industries to F-16 AM/BM MLU standard Peace Falcon II, 16 F-16 AM/BM from Belgium Peace Falcon III, 6 F-16 BM from Netherlands[3] Peace Falcon IV[4] & An additional 9 F-16 AM/BM MLU-M4 (6 F-16 AM, 3 F-16 BM) delivered in July/ Aug 2011 from Belgium in 32 million euro Deal Peace Falcon V . RJAF bought 15 F-16 MLU-M5 [11] (13 F-16 AM, 2 F-16 BM) from Netherlands in 2013 in 100 million euro Deal Peace Falcon VI.[4][5][12][13][14][15]
"Running Away to Join the Jihad" Lesson #682:  turn off the geolocation function on your Twitter account unless you want to be the bomb magnet in your section  ;D
A jihadist from New Zealand who is fighting with the Islamic State in Syria has been inadvertently publicizing his location – and that of his colleagues – by tweeting with geotag tracking turned on.

Geotag tracking, which is also available with Facebook, Instagram and Flickr, provides the user's location when using Twitter.

Mark Taylor, also known as Abu Abdul-Rahman, reportedly deleted 45 previous tweets last week after discovering they revealed his exact coordinates.

His Twitter mistake was uncovered by iBrabo, a Canadian open source intelligence research group that tracks terrorist activity on social networks ....
More from iBrabo here.
The capture of the Jordanian pilot has caused Jordan to stop offensive operations against ISIS.Evidently the pilot is providing alot of intel to ISIS about current operations.
SupersonicMax said:
Anybody with a bit of money can buy some capabilities to shoot aircraft down.  Now the real question is what kind of system shot it down?  If it is anything radar guided, that's a capability that is far more difficult to buy and operate than shoulder-mounted IR missiles...

So you throw this out there trolling for comment and then follow it up with:

SupersonicMax said:
Unfortunately, I can't go into specifics anymore than I did.  I recommend you speak to your Int O if you want to know more about the kind of systems available to ISIL and Talibans in Afghanistan...

You need to focus less on passive-aggressive attention-seeking behaviour and speak/comment on generally open-source material.

There are a number of people on this site with clearances notably higher than yours who know and practice discretion.  You need to follow their lead. Anyone who needs or would like to know the details of what is going on doesn't need to be told by you to talk to their IntO...they can likely check things out on any number of high-side systems and if they aren't int-qualified already, probably know who to talk to for more information.  Please spare us your thinly-veiled 'I've got a secret but I can't tell you' antics.



It wasn't my intention, it got to a place I wasn't comfortable talking about it anymore.  I am sure there are a lot of open-source info, but I do not want to take either side even with that information.  People can search it for themselve and see.

It's no secret that they (ISIL and Talibans in AG) have S-A capabilities.  What I am not sure about is the level of classification of specific systems they may have.

I agree, I shouldn't have commented in the first place.

Happy New Year
Update on some of our young Jihadists who left to fight for ISIS.

SupersonicMax said:
It wasn't my intention, it got to a place I wasn't comfortable talking about it anymore.  I am sure there are a lot of open-source info, but I do not want to take either side even with that information.  People can search it for themselve and see.

It's no secret that they (ISIL and Talibans in AG) have S-A capabilities.  What I am not sure about is the level of classification of specific systems they may have.

I agree, I shouldn't have commented in the first place.

Happy New Year

Fair enough.  Cheers,

Good2Golf said:
So you throw this out there trolling for comment and then follow it up with:

You need to focus less on passive-aggressive attention-seeking behaviour and speak/comment on generally open-source material.

There are a number of people on this site with clearances notably higher than yours who know and practice discretion.  You need to follow their lead. Anyone who needs or would like to know the details of what is going on doesn't need to be told by you to talk to their IntO...they can likely check things out on any number of high-side systems and if they aren't int-qualified already, probably know who to talk to for more information.  Please spare us your thinly-veiled 'I've got a secret but I can't tell you' antics.



I don't know where you got any of that from his posts ???

Perhaps these two Sunni states see the Shia state that lies between them (Iran) as a future threat? Note that Pakistan reportedly sold nuclear weapons to Saudi Arabia, who also sees Iran as a rival, not too long ago.

Defense News

Pakistani Turkish Defense Ties Continue to Deepen
By Usman Ansari 10:50 a.m. EST January 3, 2015
ISLAMABAD — The Pakistan-Turkey defense industrial relationship continues to deepen with more bilateral projects being promoted and undertaken such as aircraft, ships and tanks.

"As a matter of policy, we encourage Turkish industry to broaden their business activity and defense cooperation with Pakistan," said a senior official with Turkey's Under Secretariat for Defence Industries. "Not only do the two countries have a fraternal relationship, politically speaking, but also there are prospective areas for technology sharing and joint development. We do not view Pakistan as a market but as a present and future partner."

A London-based Turkey specialist, however, highlighted the restrictions.

"Obviously both sides are keen to cooperate more than past and present. One major problem could be Pakistan's fiscal constraints."

The latest agreement was signed between Pakistan's Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) and Turkey's Nurol Technologies at Pakistan's biennial defense show, the International Defence Exhibition And Seminar 2014 (IDEAS2014), held Dec. 1-4 in Karachi.

Let us hope Turkey does not plan on setting up Nuclear facilities in it's earthquake prone areas. The Seeds of Candu's indiscretions spread far and wide.
ISIS now on the Saudi border?

Christian Science Monitor

Saudi border fight with militants: How much of a threat?

Early Monday morning a group of militants clashed with Saudi border guards near the Saudi city of Arar, across the border from Iraq’s Islamic State-controlled Anbar Province.

A deadly confrontation on the Iraq-Saudi Arabia border Monday – between Saudi border guards and heavily armed men operating from Iraq’s Islamic State-controlled Anbar Province – presents a problematic US ally with the worrisome threat of rising challenges to internal security.

Saudi Arabia has long battled efforts by Al Qaeda to undermine the Western-backed Saudi royalty and its role as keeper of Islam’s holiest sites.

But now the Islamic State (IS) has joined the battle against the Saudi government, especially since IS forces swept into Iraq from Syria last year and Saudi Arabia signed on to the US-led coalition that aims to defeat IS.
Colin P said:
I am struggling to find sympathy for the Saudi's in this one.

Then again, this might be just the sort of push the Saudi's need to roll the Armoured Divisions through Western Iraq.  Let ISIS keep hounding them.
