1,how long have they exsisted?
>>Since WWII
2,are they a seperate special force with its own CO? if so who and where are they?
>>They‘re not a special force, the Rangers are also not a special force. The Airborne, Marine Force recon, snipers, and other such groups are also NOT special forces. They are elite forces. While they have superior training and skills, they still employ conventional warfare and tactics. Green Berets, SAS, SBS, JTF2, Navy Seals and such are Special because they employ non conventional warfare (hearts and minds, anti terrorism, language training etc.). Pathfinders are not their own unit; they used to have a Pathfinder platoon in the CAR, but since their disbandment, they are scattered around, usually in the recce platoons of battalions with an aiborne infantry company.
3,what are the pre-reqs for trying out?can reserves get in?
>>Basic Para, military freefall parachutist, LZ/DZ, recce, ISCC, and maybe a few more. Maybe 100 people in the entire CF have it (out of 60,000). The last course to be run had 20 people start and only 5 passed, 2 of which were Americans. As a reservist, your chances are better of getting struck by lightning... 10 times. One reservist EVER has been given the course (while in the reserves), and he‘s part of the ONLY airborne capable reserve unit in Canada.
4,on completion,is there any insignia related to that course,unit...ect
>>You get the Pathfinder torch to wear on your uniform.
>>If you really want this, don‘t count on getting it for the first 15 years of your career. You‘d be better off going to the US... you can go on the Ranger course within a couple years of joining.
And ALL of this is assuming you‘re a pt GOD!!! The PT test just to get on basic para is tough enough, let alone all the other prerequisite courses.