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Just trying to help. You shouldn‘t take it personally. When and if you do basic/SQ/infantry training your instructors will probably yell and say things that aren‘t very nice to you. Just understand thats it‘s not personal, they are doing their jobs which is to HELP you become a good soldier.

To avoid any further issues, I‘ll just say this:

In the Canadian Forces, there is no easy or quick way into the special forces. Most people who make it are in their late 20s to early 30s and have a lot of time in and courses behind them. If you join at 16, count on spending at least a decade doing regular soldier things. Just work on your PT, be enthusiastic, work hard, and you‘ll get an opportunity eventually. **** even Andy McNab (Bravo Two Zero) failed selection the first time, and he was already a Sgt before he even tried out!!
There were some soldiers the were 5A on a few that ran in Petawawa through the CAR. I have the Pre Reqs with the Study package. Yes you require the ISSC or now JNCO, but there is a note that non JNCO personal can be slated if a recommandation through the CO. It like our ADV Armour Recce which was the old Recce Ptl Commanders course for the Armour it states 5B Cpl or above but it can be wavered if a CO recommandation is stated. But that Soldier cannot lead a Ptl he is only EOed as 2ic. Remember the old Pathfollower that was around back with the CAR. To all that asked for a copy I‘ll E-mail in a week or two week, if I can.
im am fully aware that this takes time and hard work.the thing that i dont like is when ppl act as if the ppl asking questions are completly clueless and hopeless.b/c im asking at 19 years old dosnt mean that i think i can get in by 20 or 21.im asking b/c i am very dedicated and have already been working out for 2 years with special forces in mind.
i‘d be stupid on my part to not have an idea of what i want and start asking questions when im 30.besides that,thnx for ur comments.
I hate to sound like mr negitive but screw special forces, we can‘t even afford to have our ships out at sea anymore or our aircraft flying.

Guzman, if i may. Don‘t be so quick to defend yourself or maybe don‘t defend yourself so loudly. if im teasing a new guy or whoever and they feak out for lack of a better word, i‘d just bug more. It sounds harsh but look at it like this. It‘s a way for soldiers to test one another and single out the ones whoc an‘t handle stress.

It‘s cool that your interested in special forces/operations. Sad truth; if you ask about it your gonna be pegged as a kid wanting to join the army to be like the stuff from computers. Is it true, probably not but thats how it is. Especially when someone ribs you a bit for it and you almost trip over yourself trying to defend yourself.
To get where you wanna go you have to joint he reg force infantry. Do that, get some courses and from there you can try and go where ever you want.
Forgot to mention;

Pathfinders are trained to penetrate behind enemy lines using a variety of insertion techniques ranging from high-altitude parachuting to off-shore submarine insertion.

off shore submarine? The only working submarine we have is in that giant mall in alberta :dontpanic:
I hate to say this and sound like a turn coat, but, has anyone ever though of asking one of the many many terrorist cells in canada for money?
We could say

"Hey guys we know were infidels BUT if our army crumbles then the US will invade us and you wont have anywhere to hide, so, give us some cash "

Beefing up the jtf i can understand but what happens when were deployed overseas and theres no infantry to guard the canadian bases. They will have to do it themselves :warstory:
Even those don‘t work so good. One‘s fallen off the track before. :)
ghost,i understand what ur saying.but using the same example u used,what would happen to that same soldier being teased if he didnt stand up for himself.specaily when the things being said are a sad sterotype.
but its ok,im not sweating it anymore.ppl just keep responding to it,so i reply.lets leave it alone now.
Well, if you think you‘re going to have problems being teased and you want to serve in Canadian military, you either have to grow some thick skin, or have great wit and tease them back.

Because you‘ll continually be teased and be teased until the day you die for every **** up, screw up, embarrassing moments, etc, though most of them will probably be told with beer in hand, laughing your *** off. And yes, some of those teasing will be stereotypical. So what? It‘s just jest and having fun with your comrades.
*sigh*...i dont have a problem being teased.its a little different when they do it over the internet and act as if they know me.id have no problem if he could look me in the face and call me a kid for asking questions and being intrested in special forces.
True enough.

However, you forget that most of the guys here are members of CF. Whether they know you or not and if it‘s done in real life or not, the interaction between them, who are mostly CF members and you, who is just another potential recruit, is real.
Sometimes the best way to "stand up for yourself" is to just sit there and take it.
You can be in a situation where some beligerent is egging you on trying to make you start yelling back, lose your cool and swing at him or whatever else.
I hate to go all yoda on ya but let your actions defend who you are not your words.
If your joining the CF get ready to be stereo-typed off the bat.
All due respect....guys....ya kinda got of topic here.

Guzman....Pathfinders cool, JTF2 cool, infantry...cool, Armoured recce...cool... Join up...set your goals...and work work work.
Where was that list of the prerequisites for the pathfinder course? I want to take it eventualy, and would like to start training for it now.
The pre-req‘s for the Patrol Pathfinder Course are as follows:

-PLQ=Primary Leadership Course.
-Basic Para
-RECCE (recommended but can be overlooked)
-DZ/LZ Controller (usually done just prior to the course)

that list is from Doug‘s post in The Canadian Army » Pathfinders?!?!?!?!
Since I can‘t join for another year or so, I have some time to actually figure out what I want to really do in the army, and I‘m leaning towards Pathfinders. What types of courses would I need to start out with? or ones that could help me achieve that.

Also, is there anywhere I could also learn more about Recce ? I want to go into that sort of thing, by ground or by air. :)


- Patrick
Unfortunately there are no longer any pathfinder platoons in the CF. However, they may bring them or something along those lines back in the not-to-distant future because we are in dyer need of a rapid-reaction green ops force and some politicians are starting to catch on. The pathfinders course is still being run but snatching a spot on it is very difficult. I‘m not to clear on what the prerequisites are but basic para, LZ/DZ controller, recce, and a leadership course (ISCC, JLC, or JLNCO, don‘t remember what it‘s called now) are definitely recommended both for getting on the course and passing it.
Just to throw in a point from the Air Force side of things. Air recce is no longer, when they retired the Kiowa (Bell Jet-Ranger) they retired the only source of airborne recce. There is talk about the Griffon being used for recce, with the advent of the ERSTA system, who knows!

The way it used to work (with the Kiowas), the pilot would fly right seat and the observer would sit left seat. At this moment, the Griffon is NOT a single pilot aircraft, so those sort of issues would first have to be breached in order for a recce capable Griffon.
A few of my Arty buddies remustered to Air OP in the 80s. What helicopter are they using for that now? Didn‘t they use the Kiowas back then?