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Pay Increase

What will our pay raise be?

  • 6.6% or higher

    Votes: 16 16.8%
  • 6.5% or lower

    Votes: 35 36.8%
  • Quit wondering

    Votes: 44 46.3%

  • Total voters
"Environmental and special allowances"

Is TD one of those?
BKells said:
"Environmental and special allowances"

Is TD one of those?

TD isn't an allowance, they're talking about allowances like Aircrew, Sea Duty, Paratroop, FOA, etc.
The list of Allowances and Special Allowances are as follows and are available on the DPPD site


Paratroop Allowances
Casual Paratroop Allowance
Rescue Specialist
Aircrew Allowance
Casual Aircrew Allowance
Diving Allowance
Casual Diving Allowance
Sea Duty Allowance
Casual Sea Duty Allowance
Hypobaric Chamber Allowance
Submarine Allowance
Casual Submarine Allowance
Exceptional Hazard Allowance
Joint task Force 2 Allowance
Field Operations
Survey Allowance

Special Allowances

Isolation Allowance
Submarine Specialty Allowance
Posting Allowance
Medical and Dental Officer Specialist Allowance
Maternity Allowance - Members on Leave without pay and Allowances
Parental Allowance
Allowance for Personal Requirements - Persons held in service custody
Stress Allowance for Test Participants
Special Allowance - CFS Alert
Inch said:
It came down the chain, I got it from 423 Sqn this morning and 406 Sqn an hour or so later. The one from 423 was the one I posted, the one I got from 406 was an actual link to the CANFORGEN. I'll post it tomorrow if you really want to see it, but you'll need to be on the DIN to access it of course.

No need to post it bud, I got a boo at it late in the day.  I was leery becuase I couldn't find it on the DIN, and we had been talking about how easy it would be to fake a CANFORGEN by using an old one, changing key dates and sending it through the email without the big CANFORGEN header at the top last week.
I can't follow the intERnet link in the CANFORGEN and I've got a couple of questions which might sound stupid, but hey....

1) Do they tax the retro-pay? (I assume so, but who knows - not me obviously)
2) What's the difference between an adjustment and "economic" adjustment? Is the former the future increase and the latter the retroactive?
Yes retro pay is taxable; unless during a period of that time you were on Tour, then it is a nice tax free bonus.

For the other questions, you would be best advised to talk to your local pay clerk.

An economic adjustment means the raise was given to offset inflation (If you look at the Bank of Canada website, the past few years inflation has been hovering around 1.9%, so 2.25% is above and beyond)

A bland 'adjustment' is your typical raise for doing a good job.
Pay tables have been updated for those of you that aren't very good at math.  ;D

well the pay raise is not the problem it is the cost of living if you are a Pte just getting in with a family of two or more kids the cost of a PMQ on most bases he/she cant afford to live in because they cost so damn much i thought the whole idea of having base housing was to make it affordable to serving member not to gouge all the money you can out of them.
i also don't see the reason paying U.I i cant collect it until after my pay as a service member, is not able to be counted as income because our severance package is to great if you have any more time then three years of service your income is to hight to allow you to collect it so i cant see the reason to pay for some service i can never use i might as well be paying breast implants on flies
CFL said:
I know, which trades are spec 2?   I know do a search but its late.

Flight engineer ( requires 6 years as AVN tech) , SAR Tech and Marine engineer artificier are spec 2 trades
First of all i have to say this, if the money isnt good then find another job else where. Not many jobs will pay you a wage of $13.86 an hour (based on 40hrs per week) unskilled. Some one is going to say we dont work 40 hrs per week. No not all the time, but once you get past the initial training you will realize some times you work less then 40 hrs a week. Think of this, as a student who usually pays you the decent wage of what a private makes to go to school and learn a trade. very few companies do, I do mean very few. after your second year you will make $16.95 an hour then in your third year $20.00 an hour. These pay raises are automatic. After the time has elasped. One of our problems is we think we deserve much more then we have. The military pays you based on what is a fair and reasonable wage, we are one of the highest paid militarys in the world, you shoudl be thankfull for that. I for one would like to see the goverment implement projects such as how the Canex use to be and housing use to be where things were at just above cost, when gas was 10cents cheaper then the local civie station, housing was lot cheaper. This i think would solve soem of our problems with reguards to quality of life for the memebers. I do feel for a Pte who has a family and has limited income, at the same time you shoudl have done the research to see if it was viable for you to have joined the military. The amount of money you make and military housing prices can all be found on the internet if you look hard enough. It is all about career descisons, what i want, what do i expect my employer to give me, what am i willing to give to my employer. Then you need to look at the situation and the money aspects, and long term goals of such. If the military does  not pay a competitive wage and provide with competitive benifits then why join in the first place. You should have known how much the pay was and if you could live off of it or not. So please do not say you dont make enough money to support your family, and if things are that bad then go see a financial expert who can help you manage your money  alittle better. the CF has them free of charge i beleive. I do understand that the starting wage is not as great as we think we all deserve but it is a nice and fair wage non the less. In closing I just want to say that their are always exceptions to the rule about some people, do to mishaps are in bad situations financally, but these are far and few between and an exception not the normal. For these people i hope your leadership steers you in the right direction as to how to gain a foot hold. For the rest of us well i dont think i need to say any more.   
One person mentioned before that if we make the public think we are paid enough then we will stop getting pay raises. I disagree. I do think that the public needs to know more of what we do and how we do it so they can make better informed descions as to our job and wages. The problem lies with Memebers who think they should be making more money and that we are piad poorly for what we do. The fact is if we pay you $80000 a year you still would not be happy, so you need to jump into reality and figure out if you liek the jop or just liek the money. if it is the latter then you can make better money else where. and please do go their. I think if our wages are kept where they are now and the goverment stopped the inscessant gouging of our memebers for things such as health care and housing, returned back to where the Canex and housing and other base support services actually had the intention of giving the memebers of the military sevice with out the need for profit gains then those benifits coudl out weigh the need  for such large pay increases all the time. The military shoudl also have things such as low interest loans for memebers to buy houses and such.  well i shall end things their for now and wait for the rebuttles, i really do think though that any rebuttles will be with memebrs who really do think they are owed more then they are. have a good day 

CTD said:
First of all i have to say this, if the money isnt good then find another job else where. Not many jobs will pay you a wage of $13.86 an hour (based on 40hrs per week) unskilled. Some one is going to say we dont work 40 hrs per week. No not all the time, but once you get past the initial training you will realize some times you work less then 40 hrs a week. Think of this, as a student who usually pays you the decent wage of what a private makes to go to school and learn a trade. very few companies do, I do mean very few. after your second year you will make $16.95 an hour then in your third year $20.00 an hour. These pay raises are automatic. After the time has elasped. One of our problems is we think we deserve much more then we have. The military pays you based on what is a fair and reasonable wage, we are one of the highest paid militarys in the world, you shoudl be thankfull for that. I for one would like to see the goverment implement projects such as how the Canex use to be and housing use to be where things were at just above cost, when gas was 10cents cheaper then the local civie station, housing was lot cheaper. This i think would solve soem of our problems with reguards to quality of life for the memebers. I do feel for a Pte who has a family and has limited income, at the same time you shoudl have done the research to see if it was viable for you to have joined the military. The amount of money you make and military housing prices can all be found on the internet if you look hard enough. It is all about career descisons, what i want, what do i expect my employer to give me, what am i willing to give to my employer. Then you need to look at the situation and the money aspects, and long term goals of such. If the military does   not pay a competitive wage and provide with competitive benifits then why join in the first place. You should have known how much the pay was and if you could live off of it or not. So please do not say you dont make enough money to support your family, and if things are that bad then go see a financial expert who can help you manage your money   alittle better. the CF has them free of charge i beleive. I do understand that the starting wage is not as great as we think we all deserve but it is a nice and fair wage non the less. In closing I just want to say that their are always exceptions to the rule about some people, do to mishaps are in bad situations financally, but these are far and few between and an exception not the normal. For these people i hope your leadership steers you in the right direction as to how to gain a foot hold. For the rest of us well i dont think i need to say any more.    
One person mentioned before that if we make the public think we are paid enough then we will stop getting pay raises. I disagree. I do think that the public needs to know more of what we do and how we do it so they can make better informed descions as to our job and wages. The problem lies with Memebers who think they should be making more money and that we are piad poorly for what we do. The fact is if we pay you $80000 a year you still would not be happy, so you need to jump into reality and figure out if you liek the jop or just liek the money. if it is the latter then you can make better money else where. and please do go their. I think if our wages are kept where they are now and the goverment stopped the inscessant gouging of our memebers for things such as health care and housing, returned back to where the Canex and housing and other base support services actually had the intention of giving the memebers of the military sevice with out the need for profit gains then those benifits coudl out weigh the need   for such large pay increases all the time. The military shoudl also have things such as low interest loans for memebers to buy houses and such.   well i shall end things their for now and wait for the rebuttles, i really do think though that any rebuttles will be with memebrs who really do think they are owed more then they are. have a good day    

Exactly...............and very well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well guys..I for one am happy that we are getting this pay raise. If you really don't want it or need it, you can always go to your pay office and whatever extra is given to you, you can have that donated to the charity of your choice.
I am very thankful for the raise, although I have never complained of being underpaid in the CF.   Yes, we do put ourselves at more risk than our civy counterparts, but you have to look further than just the paycheque.   I am going to make at least 20K less in the military than I do in my civy job which is the same trade (well as close as it gets).   That, plus my wife will no longer be working will mean a loss of over hmm about 70K or so each year.   But I'm not complaining.   I'm happy to take the less money and enjoy the other perks the military offers.   Its what you make of it, and I'm darn well going to make the most of it.

I am not saying the pay raise isnt nice i for one am looking forward to it, had i of not gotten it, i would not and did not complain about the money that we made prior to the raise. I am saying that some members seem to think the military owes them everything. And because they cant makes ends meat on a entry level pay it is the militarys fault, some cant make it on  spec pay. I hate this saying but "no one forced you to join the military with three kids and a wife". 