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Pay increments

CDN Aviator said:

That i got from a few posts above works just fine......

Probably because he just posted that, and the links he posted wasn't even from the same thread. :)

I resurrected a 3 year old dead thread.
Starting August my transfer from the Reserves to Reg Force will be complete. Ill be doing NCMSEP.
For the first year I have a salary of 32000 and the second year 38000.

Now what im trying to figure out is how much of that money is take home money, because i need to plan my life according to the salary, ie where to live and if ill be able to afford a vehical.

Ive talked to my unit and the recruiting office and no one knows.

So are there any private out there who can tell me how much they take home monthly on 32000?

Thank you.
Why do people come to this site to be spoon fed answers?
The worst part is many are accepted at the "higher" entry level for some reason:

$32,000 gross
(-$4,800) 15% Federal tax
(-$1584) 4.95% CPP max
(-$553.60) 1.73% EI max
(-$3200) CFSA, 10% pension plan
(-$960) SDB, 3% death benefit

$20,902.40 potential net pay or $871 every two weeks, without asking us to take time out of our beauty sleep to answer the same question again...and again..and...I should count these to go to sleep.  :nod:

Dedict rations and quarters from that $871 as your situation demands.

No this does NOT answer all financial questions. This is to stress, you should look up your own answers.
As for staring the Reg Force, yes we allow it under certain circumstances.  You're allowed to stare at the wall/bulkhead when being "gently counselled" by the RSM/Coxswain. ;D
As of 2010 while in Quebec during BMQ

NCM – Private Single
Pay Rate 2663.00
SDB -6.45
EI -36.22
CF Pension $ CPP -265.50
Tax (Fed & Prov) -388.46
PPIP -13.47
Sales Tax -0.58
Quarters (bed space) -92.00
Rations -493.82
Net Pay 1361.94

NCM – Private Married
Pay Rate 2663.00
SDB -6.45
EI -36.22
CF Pension $ CPP -265.50
Tax (Fed & Prov) -388.46
PPIP -13.47
Sales Tax -0.58
Quarters (bed space) -0.00
Rations -0.00
Net Pay 1919.12
Gizmo 421 said:
As of 2010 while in Quebec during BMQ

NCM – Private Single
Pay Rate 2663.00
SDB -6.45
EI -36.22
CF Pension $ CPP -265.50
Tax (Fed & Prov) -388.46
PPIP -13.47
Sales Tax -0.58
Quarters (bed space) -92.00
Rations -493.82
Net Pay 1361.94

NCM – Private Married
Pay Rate 2663.00
SDB -6.45
EI -36.22
CF Pension $ CPP -265.50
Tax (Fed & Prov) -388.46
PPIP -13.47
Sales Tax -0.58
Quarters (bed space) -0.00
Rations -0.00
Net Pay 1919.12
What happened to equality  :2c:
Romanmaz said:
What happened to equality  :2c:

They get paid exactly the same amount.  One has another residence and dependants that they have to pay for and therefore is not penalized for being married/CL by making them pay for two residences.  The single dude does not have another residence and therefore has to pay for his rations and quarters.  There is nothing sinister or unequal about it at all.

edited for grammar...
CDN Aviator said:
There is no inequality there. You can get off your soapbox now.......
My soapbox? Is that supposed to be an insult? I guess sarcasm doesn't really work on the internet... :facepalm:
[sarcasm]When dealing with an audience that may include those who take the discourse seriously, and in some cases literally, it helps if you use the correct markup.[/sarcasm]
Michael O'Leary said:
[sarcasm]When dealing with an audience that may include those who take the discourse seriously, and in some cases literally, it helps if you use the correct markup.[/sarcasm]
Point taken
Gizmo 421 said:
As of 2010 while in Quebec during BMQ

NCM – Private Single
Pay Rate 2663.00
SDB -6.45
EI -36.22
CF Pension $ CPP -265.50
Tax (Fed & Prov) -388.46
PPIP -13.47
Sales Tax -0.58
Quarters (bed space) -92.00
Rations -493.82
Net Pay 1361.94

NCM – Private Married
Pay Rate 2663.00
SDB -6.45
EI -36.22
CF Pension $ CPP -265.50
Tax (Fed & Prov) -388.46
PPIP -13.47
Sales Tax -0.58
Quarters (bed space) -0.00
Rations -0.00
Net Pay 1919.12

I have a small question about the quarters and rations payment, I've read somewhere that if you have a renting contract you also do not have to pay the Quarters, rations, but somewhere else you also needed to be married, can I get a clarification on that? Because if I still have to pay 620$ for my rent per month + electricity, car etc I'm going to have a hard time for some times :(
If you are single and own a home/rent...you will not pay quarters but you will pay rations.

If you are married you will not pay either one.
Don't forget that common law is considered legally married. If you are single without any dependents or roommates and rent your accommodation, and expect to move away from your home area after BMQ I would recommend that you place your belongings in storage until you receive your first posting.
As a NCMSEP personal would I be subjected to ration costs? since ill be going to school out side the army and buying my own food?
g_12 said:
As a NCMSEP personal would I be subjected to ration costs? since ill be going to school out side the army and buying my own food?

No, if you're going to civvie college under NCM-SEP, while living in your own apartment/house/etc., you won't be paying rations or quarters.
So if my expencse for rent is 600 the army will help pay for that?