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Payment Inquiry

breezie said:
It'll still be pretty big, the advances were only a portion of what I would have gotten, and I have only gotten a few since I arrived. C'est la vie I suppose. Hopefully it will all get sorted before I get promoted to Major (I'm an OCdt now)! ;)

OCdts get paid.... real money!!?  ;D (just kidding, sorry couldn't resist)
Teflon said:
OCdts get paid.... real money!!?  ;D (just kidding, sorry couldn't resist)

Apparently not eh!! I'm going to go talk to them AGAIN today, wish me luck!
If you don't get any headway, it might be time to involve someone in your CoC if you haven't already.  As an OCdt, you don't carry any weight in your unit yet, so if you get no response, I would take it up the CoC.  Pay is pay and no one should not get paid, even if they are  a *penny*.
Thanks. Our orderly room is going to call Ottawa again, but I'm not holding my breath. I did talk to my Captain about it before Xmas, and she said there's nothing that can be done except to wait. Terribly helpful.
breezie said:
Thanks. Our orderly room is going to call Ottawa again, but I'm not holding my breath. I did talk to my Captain about it before Xmas, and she said there's nothing that can be done except to wait. Terribly helpful.

I never accept that answer...but thats me.
breezie said:
Thanks. Our orderly room is going to call Ottawa again, but I'm not holding my breath. I did talk to my Captain about it before Xmas, and she said there's nothing that can be done except to wait. Terribly helpful.

and I call BS - there is always something that can and should be done.

Calling ottawa again?? How about emails for tracking? Did they tell you what the problem is? What have they done to resolve it? Have they informed the CoC of the problem?  After this length of time your CO should be aware there is a problem. You mentioned you started in Aug - 7 months!!  I could not imagine someone giving me such a song and dance and expecting me to take it. When I transferred from Res to Reg the clerk at base told me I might not get paid on pay day as I wouldn't be in the system on time.  Next day I was into the Chief's office and I did get paid on pay day - local cheque.

At minimum what they can do is raise a pay card and issue your full pay locally until the matter is resolved. Assuming the problem is Ottawa then they could and should be putting pressure on.  Why call the same people they already got no wheres with?  Get the name, get OC Name and draft a nice letter from the CO to the OC requesting an enquiry into the matter - often works wonders.

Crap - this is po ing me - no one should ever have to wait for their pay.  When I think of all the things I have done to ensure people get their pay and then hear about this stuff it really winds me up.

Wonder if it was their pay would they accept that answer?  Bet the Capt wouldn't and I'm sure the Clerks wouldn't.
Thanks for all the support guys, I appreciate it! It's nice to know I'm not nuts for thinking something could actually get done, and that my situation isn't normal! But actually, when I was talking to the MCpl in the pay office about it, one of the other clerks piped up and said that it took 7-8 months for her to get her pay, so it's not that uncommon. Another woman said it took about the same from when she transferred from reserves to reg force to start getting her proper pay. And as far as talking to my CO, basically at my unit, my Captain is it. I don't have access to anyone higher than her, and the rest of my CoC is aware of the problem, but as I'm not the only one in the same boat (there's about 20 of us out of several hundred having this issue), they don't seem to be willing to do much. At least they are going to organize 'advances' into my bank account directly, so I don't have to physically hand-carry money from my unit into town to deposit. As far as what the problem actually is, I've asked and asked, and no one is giving me any clear answers. Frustrating, but only being a brand new OCdt, I don't want to push my luck.
Breezie, just because it took someone 7 months to have their paperwork processed properly does not mean you should be expected to endure the same.

what the problem is ?... ask for a copy of the explanation from the higher level of authority... you have a right to know & there is no reason for them to deny you that info.
I know, I don't care if it sometimes takes that long, it shouldn't. Thanks for the encouragement, I'll try asking again.  :salute:
Geo is right - just because one suffered does not mean everyone has to.

The clerk piping up about it taking 7-8 months for her to get paid deserves a kick in the arse - instead of using that as an excuse for others to have to wait she should have learned what went wrong in her case and taken action to prevent the same problem for others.  Seems to me the unit has a very negative attitude about taking care of people. 

For the woman that transferred to regs and had to wait for proper pay:  again, because she suffered others should?? Because either she did not take care of herself or had crappy clerks take care of her you should put up with it??

Without knowing all the details it is hard to advise fully how to proceed.  You could request a copy of your pers and pay file to see what, if anything, they have done.  It may have information on what the problem is.

Understand about not wanting to push your luck as an OCdt but if done properly this could be a chance to shine a bit. Talk to the Capt and explain to her that the main frustration is the lack of communication. You have 20 members that have pay problems and no one is telling you what the problem is.  Suggest that perhaps the master Jack from the OR could give a small brief to you as a group explaining what the problem is and what the unit is doing to resolve it as a PR measure for clerks.  Explain that at the moment it appears that the clerks either don't know what they are doing or simply don't care (of course stress you are not saying this is true but that it is the appearance as info is not being passed). It would help if you could talk to some of the others that are having problems and get 1 or 2 to go with you - thus it takes away from the appearance that you are just a trouble maker.

When I ran the pay office (back when there were real fin clks to take care of you  >:D) we started a nice system that involved a pay form - worked amazing. If you had a problem with your pay on pay parade (going back a bit here) you went to another table, completed a form and passed it to the clerk.  After parade I went through the forms and assigned them to the clerk to deal with.  Now comes the part I am sure you will really like - the following week a copy of the form with an explanation of what the problem was and how we were dealing with it was sent back to you approved by me. One week was all the time the clerk had to get you an answer and "it is Ottawa" was not accepted. Not saying the problem was fixed in a week but you knew what the problem was and that we were fixing it.  If needed we were able to circumvent the system and get you your full pay for you. (as a side, less than 1% were problems due to the Fin Staff.  At the time the accepted standard on the QL3 Fin practical test was a 70% accuracy, down from 90% when I did it)

At least request to review your pay card so you can confirm the dates with your records (you do have a record, right?).  Check it every month and ensure they are giving you your full pay, not just small "take this and be happy" amounts. I can never stress it enough - a problem with the system does not justify under paying someone.  There are numerous ways to pay someone.  Hell, I and some coworkers were known to get the member a cashier cheque and then go to a branch of their bank to deposit it for them, sometimes the mbr didn't even know there was a problem.
Nope, no pay card. Apparently the problem is that I'm not even in the system - when they first enrolled our info, me and about 20 others got "bounced back out" for some reason, that now must get fixed by Ottawa. If the OR types my name or service number into their computer, nothing comes up. So, no way to check what I should be getting paid (although they did show me roughly what I would be getting, based on someone who's living in similar barracks to mine), and whether any mistakes have been made in deductions, etc since August. All I'm getting is, "We're keeping on top of Ottawa to make sure you get into the system as soon as possible." Bah. If any of you out there still have contacts in Ottawa who might be able to help, I'd love to hear!
breezie said:
Nope, no pay card. Apparently the problem is that I'm not even in the system - when they first enrolled our info, me and about 20 others got "bounced back out" for some reason, that now must get fixed by Ottawa. If the OR types my name or service number into their computer, nothing comes up. So, no way to check what I should be getting paid (although they did show me roughly what I would be getting, based on someone who's living in similar barracks to mine), and whether any mistakes have been made in deductions, etc since August. All I'm getting is, "We're keeping on top of Ottawa to make sure you get into the system as soon as possible." Bah. If any of you out there still have contacts in Ottawa who might be able to help, I'd love to hear!


no pay card??? How are they tracking your attendance and what they pay you?  The fact that you are not in the system is not a valid excuse.  That is what pay cards are for (CF1 399 for Cl A, CF 886 for Cl B) - you enter the mbrs attendance for the pay period, calculate the gross pay and deductions, get the net pay and do a local payment for it.  Going off someone else's pay is what we call - lazy!! Don't see the problem there. Even reg f pay can be calculated, like we used to do (and occassionaly still do).  The fact that it has been seven months indicates to me that they are not keeping on top of it very well - who have they talked to in Ottawa?  How often? Is it the same person? Have they gone up the CoC?  By this time it should be at least the Admin O/Adjt or CO talking to at least the Oops chief.  Got to say right now from what you have posted I certainly do not have a very good picture of your units Admin and upper echelon.
Sigh indeed. I'm a full-time student, so I know our attendance gets reported to our Captain if we miss a class. Other than that, we have sign in/out procedures, lots of mandatory events, etc., so they always know where you are. So in theory, it should be really easy to calculate my pay, as other than rations and quarters, income tax, etc, there isn't really anything to deduct from our monthly pay.  Apparently its just not that easy, for whatever reason....
breezie said:
Sigh indeed. I'm a full-time student, so I know our attendance gets reported to our Captain if we miss a class. Other than that, we have sign in/out procedures, lots of mandatory events, etc., so they always know where you are. So in theory, it should be really easy to calculate my pay, as other than rations and quarters, income tax, etc, there isn't really anything to deduct from our monthly pay.  Apparently its just not that easy, for whatever reason....

Not that easy?? I have calculated Res part time and full time pay.  I have also done Reg pay too. I even did Reg F members out of country on OPs pay (lots of allowances there) so my answer is that it is that easy.

Just to clarify as I do not recall you actually saying what is your employment status? I was leaning towards P Res but am now thinking Reg F but can not imagine a reg f mbr having so much difficulty.  I have heard the stories of mbrs that CT from P Res to Reg having trouble but have never understood as I have always managed to get them on the system with a couple phone calls.  Usually it was a call to a clerk in Ottawa who would tell me the problem, call the P Res unit to find out what their problem was and have it taken care of, back to Ottawa to inform them what transpired and get them to action as required.  Meanwhile I did a local payment to mbr for their pay.  Next pay mbr was on the system and paid the same as everyone else.
I still think they are doing something wrong that it is taking so long.  Plainly something does not smell right about this.
2 years ago, when I CTd, my last day of RPSR pay was the 8th, first day of CCPS pay was the 9th.  When I went to clear in to Lounge-Point (I was at CFLRS when I CTd) to do my admin (HHT, etc), I requested my Reg Force pay for 9-15th on the 15th.  I left that day with my $ in hand.  It took them about 15 minutes to work their magic, and at that time, I hadn't even been entered into the CCPS pay system (my CT date was a Friday, and this was the following Monday morning, the 12th of Feb).

They then called me a week before the end of the month, to tell me I would have to go to the 5GSS OR/Det at CFLRS to pick up my local payment as my pay wasn't sorted out yet for end-Feb.  They even gave me a local payment amount that had 25% taxes taken just so I wouln't get dinged hard later.

So, it can be pretty easy.
I've only had two pay problems in the last 9 yrs and I am P Res. One was moving from Class B to Class B contracts and the other one was someone forgot to click on the next screen to update my IPC. Both problems where solved with a quick phone call/email to the Unit FIN NCO. One resulted in a contingency payment and the other was a retro payment on the next pay period.

Clearly IMHO someone in your OR/UNIT has droped the ball big time.
Been in for 35+ years & Even if I counted the number of times I had pay problems, I'd only need one hand... and I'd have lots of extra fingers not required.

The pay system is not difficult - it just requires that people stay on top of it.
I'm reg f, and have never been reserve. Some OCdts here were reservists, and had to wait a while to get their pay sorted out too, but even they have gotten dealt with by now, and we all reported here on the same date. Oh, when I said apparently it isn't easy, I meant that's based on what the OR is telling me. Seems pretty easy to figure out to me.
Print this thread and slip it under the door to their office in a plain brown wrapper.......