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Pick the right trade at the begining!

HFXCrow said:
Actually, yes I am. At least a regular force element representative not a recruiting center full of Class B reservists.

While I see what you are saying, I can't say I agree.  As an example, the "element rep" could be for the Army, a Veh Tech Sgt, who would then be giving someone who wanted to go Artillery the where-for's of being a gunner?   ???  Or lets say Johny Q walks into the CFRC, which has a Sig O as its Army Element Officer Rep, and wants the goods on what the life of a Tank Tp Ldr is like.  Can a Sig O give them the BTDT perspective?  

Now, if you take a second to think about this...why are there so many Class B folks in the CFRCs in the first place?  Is it because the Reg Force is alittle strained with....operations, and training system (ie instructor) shortages?


I will gladly volunteer for a CFRC Shoreposting!

My trade could use some more shore billets.

My opinion is that reserves should look after reserve recruiting and and vice versa.  More regular force are needed (should be mandated) in the CFRC's especially Navy and Airforce.

I know some PRes people who were at CFRCs for 7+ years...the Reg Frce people relied on them for their...'corporate knowledge'  ;)

if there are more Reg Frce people requried, where should they come from if lots of the MOCs are red?  The trng system?  Op's?

Well, i know its a catch-22, but the solution to our shortages starts (but not limited to) the CFRCs so........
CDN Aviator said:
Well, i know its a catch-22, but the solution to our shortages starts (but not limited to) the CFRCs so........

Regardless of what we do, we end up robbing Peter to pay Paul  :o
HFXCrow said:
I will gladly volunteer for a CFRC Shoreposting!

My trade could use some more shore billets.

My opinion is that reserves should look after reserve recruiting and and vice versa.  More regular force are needed (should be mandated) in the CFRC's especially Navy and Airforce.

Maybe you should volunteer for an RSS shore-posting, it might improve your knowledge and understanding of the Reserves and Reservists.
In what capacity? I was a reservist for 5 years so please help me out? This is no way slamming the reserves or the miltia.

Whats your angle?
HFXCrow said:
In what capacity? I was a reservist for 5 years so please help me out? This is no way slamming the reserves or the miltia.

Whats your angle?

I am wondering where your inference that the Reg and Res should only look after themselves comes from.

HFXCrow said:
My opinion is that reserves should look after reserve recruiting and and vice versa. 

You don't seem to believe in a total force approach when manning against shortfalls across the board.  Your specific example leads to an expectation that any trade should be able to speak to someone with first-hand (and Reg/Res specific) experience at any CFRC.

navy-nesop said:
We actually sent PAT to sea before they even get their NETP.

I find that hard to believe since the FF/DC training they have to do on NETP is a requirement before they are allowed to set foot on ship.
I know, does not make too much sense, but it's true.  There was even one guy that was QL3 qualified but did not have is NETP that was posted to HMCS Ottawa for their last trip because they where so short.  He went after for his DC/FF.

Things have change since ten years, let me tell you.
Stoker said:
I find that hard to believe since the FF/DC training they have to do on NETP is a requirement before they are allowed to set foot on ship.

IIRC there is a regulation about allowing a certain percentage of ship's company to be non-NETP qual'd, isn't there?  I know that we used to only use it in extreme cases, like when we were very short manned and just needed an extra body (typically a 1's qualified bosn or such)
You have to get a waiver from MARLANT similar to having guests sail for long trips.

We have been doing alot lately.

airmich said:
IIRC there is a regulation about allowing a certain percentage of ship's company to be non-NETP qual'd, isn't there?  I know that we used to only use it in extreme cases, like when we were very short manned and just needed an extra body (typically a 1's qualified bosn or such)

Right on, on my ship we don't do that because we require everybody for FF/DC. Kind of dangerous if that person gets delegated to the attack team and doesn't say anything.
Stoker said:
Kind of dangerous if that person gets delegated to the attack team and doesn't say anything.

"Know your subordinates and look out for their welfare" is a fundamental of leadership.

If you have someone onboard not qualified to conduct fire fighting or damage control, their superiors should know and ensure they are not placed in such positions.
dapaterson said:
"Know your subordinates and look out for their welfare" is a fundamental of leadership.

If you have someone on board not qualified to conduct fire fighting or damage control, their superiors should know and ensure they are not placed in such positions.

Yes I know its a principal of leadership, even so I have heard of it happening in the rush to go to emergency stations. Like I said we do not allow non qualified NETP military members on board. Easy to say that when you have a crew of 200 plus, not so easy for a crew of 40 when you need everyone to be qualified.
Sorry to bring the topic back to its origin but I was wondering if anyone knows how much harder it is for officers to swap careers. Not that I was planning to, but because I was limited by my vision, and might one day get it corrected that means I might want to switch jobs at some point. On the same train of thought, is it easier to re-muster after your contract is up, and before signing the new one? Thanks.
dwalter said:
Sorry to bring the topic back to its origin but I was wondering if anyone knows how much harder it is for officers to swap careers. Not that I was planning to, but because I was limited by my vision, and might one day get it corrected that means I might want to switch jobs at some point. On the same train of thought, is it easier to re-muster after your contract is up, and before signing the new one? Thanks.

There is an annual transfer program for officers as well. The restrictions are published in the routine orders when the program opens and things change from year to year.

There is no gap between contracts.
Alright, thanks. The reason I asked is because I applied for INT, but I also have an interest in health services. At this time however I don't have the qualifications for any of the health officer jobs, and perhaps one day in the future I may. I just wanted to make sure I'd be able to switch over one day, just as the option.
dwalter said:
I just wanted to make sure I'd be able to switch over one day, just as the option.

You MAY be able to switch later on, subject to specific conditions that will apply to YOU at the time.
I can understand wanting to join a red trade then doing a switch to the trade you want. I mean, a lot of people want to get in as soon as possible (myself included) but I guess to get what you really want you just have to wait. You know the old saying, Patience is a virtue (or as the military likes to say: "hurry up and wait"). Wouldn't it take a while to switch to the trade you want anyway? So you'd be waiting just as long for a transfer to the trade you want as opposed to applying to the trade at the beginning and waiting for spots to open up.