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PM seeks Parliament shutdown till March 2010

"outpouring of Canadian support prompted the federal government, in a commendable move, to match Canadians' own donations ...."

Implied that Canadian citizens forced (prompted) the federal government to match citizens donations. I believe that the government first announced that it would match citizens donation up to five million (subsequently revised to fifty million). That was well before any citizen donated anything.

"Commendable" is faint praise. Hardly appropriate considering the governments response.

It's all these little nuances, cheap digs. Have you ever worked for someone who never had anything nice to say about anyone?
OK PolSciPof, house prices are one piece of econometric data, but recession is measured in terms of the GDP of an entire economy. Two or more consecutive quarters of declining GDP is considered the definition of a recession, and why, yes, we had that.

Now it is true that all governments have lots of incentive to manipulate statistics, but there is lots of data from multiple sectors that demonstrate the state we are in, ranging from the size of the deficit, debt to GDP ratios, official unemployment numbers, welfare recipients, manufacturing orders, personal savings and net worth figures, tax receipts and so on. Careful investigation of the numbers reveals manipulation, especially when various sectors don't match up. The supposed jump in US GDP figures last quarter is one large example; not did the the +3.8% figure have to be revised downward, but economists have to explain how even the lower figure was possible given the measured decline in consumer spending in that quarter. Answer: massive government stimulus spending such as cash for clunkers rather than savings, investment and consumption as in a normally functioning economy. While the Obama administration can create a trillion dollar deficit to prop up the US economy for one quarter, how long do you think this can go on without inflationary consequences? For that matter, since they are using this vast flow of cash to prop up politically favored rent seekers (Auto companies and unions, the financial sector and housing), what are the consequences for the people who are not so favored?

So the Minister and his staff have to decipher the true state of the US economy while working on the economic update (given we are in the position of a lifeboat attached to the Titanic WRT the North American economy). Prorogation isn't really the answer to do this, although I will grant the PM may Have had many other tactical reasons to do so such as resetting the Senate committees, the Olympics and maybe other reasons.
PolSciPof said:
Thucyd..., we are not in a recession. We have NEVER ! been ever since Obama declared that we and US were. Why do I say that? Look at real estate prices nowdays. Houses in Mississauga on the average cost 300-500 thousand. We are lucky we only have 2-3% inflation rate. Other countries register 20-30 %. Ten years ago, New York was in recession. That caused a relative of mine to be able to buy a house at 40 thousand. It was good. Five bedrooms with basement. Those are the parameters I use to gauge whether your analysis has bearing or none.

There are lots of places in nowhereville Canada where one can still buy that,...just like in nowhereville New York State.

Now if you are implying that he bought a house anywhere near New York City for that than you are as stupid as that clown "mediocre1" that I banned some months ago......
Thucyd..., what was wrong with our past GDP. It registered 4.1-5 growth during the last 2-3 years. Per capita income increased 15%. Obama has already been caught in bad faith. Remember him telling voters that under the Bush administration, USA was in recession. Two months after his election, he declared that the 'recession is over'. Cuban active measures campaign (implemented by Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of presidential candidate) has been with us for so many decades. They were intended to defraud the public as to the true state of the economy to discourage investors. If US or CAnada will be in recession, it would be either an 'act  of God' under Harper or is a result of Chinese and Cuban active measures campaign. (Research on active measures campaign).

As Jim Flaheryt has said: "We have to overhaul the system to get rid of our deficit. Here is Harper cutting taxes to encourage investments, hence, more revenues, more welfare and here comes McGuinty of Ontario where a bulk of investors are, taxing companies to death.
PolSciPof said:
If US or CAnada will be in recession, it would be either an 'act  of God' under Harper or is a result of Chinese and Cuban active measures campaign. (Research on active measures campaign).

You seriously believe......oh sorry, we've established you have no thoughts yourself.....your much-admired professor believes that the North American economy is at risk of being brought down by Cuban "Active measures," ie - disinformation, propaganda, counterfeiting official documents, assassinations, and political repression?

::)  <---- go on, click on it; you know you want to
PolSciPof said:
Thucyd..., what was wrong with our past GDP. It registered 4.1-5 growth during the last 2-3 years. Per capita income increased 15% ...

Please, please, please: go back on your meds or seek professional help or, at least, go to half decent grammar school, followed by a second rate high school to prepare yourself to enter a third rate university where you might learn something. Right now my impression, based on your posts here, is that - sorry Mods, nasty personal attack, contrary to forum guidelines, etc, follows - you are too stupid to breathe unaided!

You have managed, with your near raving lunacy, to turn a reasonably good thread into junk.

Go away, far away, please.

Mods: I'll happily take a warning, for ungentlemanly conduct, if you will, please, silence this dunderhead - permanently - before he screws up the entire site.
PolSciPof said:
If US or CAnada will be in recession, it would be either an 'act  of God' under Harper or is a result of Chinese and Cuban active measures campaign. (Research on active measures campaign).

As Jim Flaheryt has said: "We have to overhaul the system to get rid of our deficit. Here is Harper cutting taxes to encourage investments, hence, more revenues, more welfare and here comes McGuinty of Ontario where a bulk of investors are, taxing companies to death.

Quite a mediocre response. If you have nothing to contribute but hot air, please don't waste bandwidth.

ERC! I am shocked by your statement.

Maybe, English is a second language.

Maybe a Young Liberal, knowing the Army.ca probable slant, out to cause trouble. Sounds like a YL, cause what is said is stupid.
Edward, consider this your "friendly" warning.  Any more posts like that and I will consider putting you on the warning ladder.

Milnet.ca Staff
PolSciPof said:
Cuban active measures campaign (implemented by Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of presidential candidate) has been with us for so many decades. They were intended to defraud the public as to the true state of the economy to discourage investors. If US or CAnada will be in recession, it would be either an 'act  of God' under Harper or is a result of Chinese and Cuban active measures campaign. (Research on active measures campaign).

Who are you?
To get back on topic.  I have heard no rumours or "whispers in the wind" suggesting that Parliament would "reconvene" prior to March as planned by the PM. 
Given that "the situation has changed" (vis-a-vis Haiti), what would the benefit be for parliament to resume sitting?  (This is a real question, not rhetorical).  For example, would a sitting Parliament allow for longer-term Government of Canada response to Haiti?  EG: Would there be measures that only the support of the house(s) could approve, other than monetary, of course.  I'm not talking about Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition asking rhetorical questions about "what is this government doing?"  I mean, the government has been pretty clear, and I doubt that they have time to sit in Question Period to answer such questions.
Would a sitting parliament allow for bills to be presented and voted upon in order to really hammer home longer term plans?  Or would the scheduled resumption of parliament give the government time to prepare such measures?  As well, has the PM solicited any advice/thoughts from the opposition?  (I haven't seen any in the news on the interweb)
That is a good question.

Running the disaster relief can probably continue as now, since aside from symbolic gestures (voting to support the people of Haiti etc.) any bills that might be tabled will take weeks or months to get through committee, voted into law and actually begin taking effect.

This is a good time for everyone to sit down and think about the issues involved in disaster relief, including preparation, what agencies need to do and so on, which could be raised in the house. March will be fine
Sir Thucy....There is another factor that caused Jim Flaherty to advise "We have to completely overhaul the system". It has something to do with foreign investments. We should allow foreign competition. Look at Singapore. 100% foreign equity. Singapore's per capita income is almost on par with USA. Employers had a hard time recruting qualified employees because of too little supply. (If the demand is high and the supply is low, the wages are high [law of supply and demand]). Canadian activists would not complain of unemployment anymore. Even the Russians and Hongkong or China should be allowed. Never mind the illogical excuse of 'Canada for Canadians only'. Competition would lower prices. A massive pouring in of investments would raise revenues (hence more welfare, more employment). Let the public decide. Even if they buy in the ALLEGED! Chinese front COSCO. COSCO is taxed anyway and provides employment to immigrants. Let the consumers decide. We have to objective and not swayed by leftist authors of books invoking CANADA ONLY FOR CANADIANS.
I know it wasn't directed at me, but I'll bite

PolSciPof said:
Sir Thucy....There is another factor that caused Jim Flaherty to advise "We have to completely overhaul the system". It has something to do with foreign investments. We should allow foreign competition. Look at Singapore. 100% foreign equity. Singapore's per capita income is almost on par with USA.

assuming you can cite a source for this, how can you link the two seemingly unrelated topics.

Employers had a hard time recruting qualified employees because of too little supply. (If the demand is high and the supply is low, the wages are high [law of supply and demand]).

do you mean employers in Singapore were having a hard time, or where?

Back in the late 90s there were a shortage of programmers due to the need to fix the Y2K problem among other reasons, Government forces encouraged a flooding of the job market which has highly skilled programmers now making sub average wages post y2k compared to what they were lead to expect while in school. In addition due to the shortage local companies found they could outsource a lot of programming to foreign contract firms and still get acceptable production.

because of investment into foreign firms, programmers today earn a lot less than they would if 1. the government hadn't spent capital needlessly subsidizing students to become programmers, 2. had put some check in place to limit contracts to firms to do what was avalible here.

I'm not endorsing a tariff on foreign contracting, however I fail to see how firms investing in foreign interests drives local wages up.

Canadian activists would not complain of unemployment anymore.

there is a segment of the population that does not want to be employed, and feels no need to obtain material possesions, these people will always be seen as disadvantaged, and we will never be free of bleeding hearts that want to take my earnings and use it to help those that don't want help. Granted I don't mind helping those that really want help.

Even the Russians and Hongkong or China should be allowed.

I'm confused are we talking about local entities investing in foreign entities or vice versa? we already allow this, see the softwood companies that closed shop when the tarriffs went into effect, the ones from New Zealand closed shop as they weren't interested in investing additional capital to find a new customer base and our local workers suffered. Had it been owned locally I'm sure there would have been an attempt to break into the European markets where tree smuggling is a real problem.

Never mind the illogical excuse of 'Canada for Canadians only'.

in what way is that an excuse... it seems to be a statement of one's opinion to me, why in particular do you think this is false?

Competition would lower prices

in general yes

A massive pouring in of investments would raise revenues (hence more welfare, more employment).

why would Russia, Hong Kong, China, and others want to make massive investments in Canada? Other than raw materials, what do we have to offer that can't be obtained elsewhere for cheaper and closer to them?  If we lower our prices to be competitive in some of those markets it would cause the reverse of what you claim.

Let the public decide. Even if they buy in the ALLEGED! Chinese front COSCO. COSCO is taxed anyway and provides employment to immigrants. Let the consumers decide. We have to objective and not swayed by leftist authors of books invoking CANADA ONLY FOR CANADIANS.

what does all of this have to do with the parliment shutdown until march?
"Ignore the unreasonable"-my good friend zipperhead cop. You are just no contest for me Canuck Centaur or MSAntor or Janos Sison of China-Philippines.  You will really not stop stalking  me in any  forum I am iin ncluding my workplace. Let us just saay that you are not a lawyer, number 1, numberr two, you are not an economist. And no. three, you are no contest for me. Janos Sison, ladies annd gentlemen of this forum is the son of the Chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army who underwent a massive facial surgery in China Why do I know it. I am Director of Operratiions, CSIS. Ask Ward

This man is going to be deported to China. He was issued a security certificate. He is in the no-fly list. Attempted to compromise Katrina Hodge of British Army knowing fully well that his cover is blown; hence,anything that will lead to him shall be compromised. He too shall be extradited for spying on members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. He is spying for his father, a tagged terrorist
PolSciPof said:
You are just no contest for me.....
Your village really needs you to come home.

By the way, CSIS doesn't have a Director of Operations, and Ward left almost five years ago. ::)
OK, jokes over.
Guys just another internet wannabe who's been here before [and all over the internet], and I should have punted him long ago, but I wanted a chew toy to play with and I get to have so little fun here....... :crybaby:


PolSciPof said:
"Ignore the unreasonable"-my good friend zipperhead cop. You are just no contest for me Canuck Centaur or MSAntor or Janos Sison of China-Philippines.  You will really not stop stalking  me in any  forum I am iin ncluding my workplace. Let us just saay that you are not a lawyer, number 1, numberr two, you are not an economist. And no. three, you are no contest for me. Janos Sison, ladies annd gentlemen of this forum is the son of the Chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army who underwent a massive facial surgery in China Why do I know it. I am Director of Operratiions, CSIS. Ask Ward

This man is going to be deported to China. He was issued a security certificate. He is in the no-fly list. Attempted to compromise Katrina Hodge of British Army knowing fully well that his cover is blown; hence,anything that will lead to him shall be compromised. He too shall be extradited for spying on members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. He is spying for his father, a tagged terrorist

Crap. Ward is outted. The little black helicopters continue their circling overhead ...

Bruce Monkhouse said:
OK, jokes over.
Guys just another internet wannabe who's been here before [and all over the internet], and I should have punted him long ago, but I wanted a chew toy to play with and I get to have so little fun here....... :crybaby:


You sure that you're not Ward?  :camo:

ArmyVern said:
You sure that you're not Ward?  :camo:

He probably isn't  :P  We'll send a nice white painted box car around for him. 
This derail could probably be a good lead in on a new spilt topic about how badly the mental health system lets down people who are ill. 