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Politics in 2013

The CPC, unable to "turn the page" on the Senate scandals is trying, instead, to paint everyone with the same brush. In Question Period Jason Kenny attacked M. Trudeau for his paid speaking engagements and one, in particular, attracted the attention of a pair of Globe and Mail reporters and resulted in this story which is reproduced under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act from the Globe and Mail:

Trudeau refuses to refund $20,000 speaking fee to New Brunswick charity

OTTAWA — The Globe and Mail

Published Friday, Jun. 14 2013

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau is rebuffing a New Brunswick charity’s request that he refund a $20,000 speaking fee after the fundraiser he headlined last year proved to be a “huge disappointment.”

Mr. Trudeau was hired through a speakers’ agency to address a June 27, 2012, fundraiser for the Grace Foundation. An ad for the event cited Mr. Trudeau’s “electric charisma and inspirational message,” and he spoke about youth education. The event was part of a $300,000 fundraising campaign to buy furniture for a home for the elderly in Saint John.

Mr. Trudeau, who has regularly done paid speaking engagements while serving as an MP, had voluntarily disclosed that he accepted a $20,000 fee, and a spokesperson said the travel costs were paid by the charity.

The charity last year thanked sponsors for the “success” of the event. But earlier this year, one of the charity’s board members wrote Mr. Trudeau asking for a refund, saying the event was a flop and it lost money. The event lost roughly $21,000, or more than Mr. Trudeau’s fee.

“The fundraising event we hired you as a speaker for was a huge disappointment and financial loss for our organization,” Susan Buck, a board member for the charity, wrote in a March 6 letter to Mr. Trudeau, a copy of which was obtained by The Globe and Mail after the story was revealed by the Fredericton Daily Gleaner. The paper quoted a board member as saying the board does not blame Mr. Trudeau for the fact the event lost money.

But in Ms. Buck’s letter, the charity nonetheless asked for the fee back, saying that “would meet our needs and would provide a positive public impression.”

But the Liberal Leader does not plan to return the money, saying the charity did not object for a year and had agreed to pay the fee, which was negotiated through a firm called Speakers’ Spotlight.

The “Grace Foundation did not contact anyone for reimbursement until almost one year after the event, despite having previously indicated that they were satisfied with the event,” Mr. Trudeau’s spokeswoman, Kate Monfette, said in an e-mail on Friday. “With regards to this event, Mr. Trudeau fulfilled all obligations within his contract.”

No taxpayer money was used for Mr. Trudeau to attend the event, Ms. Monfette added. Reached by phone, one member of the Grace Foundation board said the board will meet before commenting publicly.

The issue dominated Question Period on Friday, with Immigration Minister Jason Kenney slamming Mr. Trudeau for accepting money for private events while drawing his salary as an MP.

“He was getting paid $160,000 as an MP, but he went and took a $20,000 cheque from a group of seniors trying to do a fundraiser to buy furniture,” Mr. Kenney said, later adding: “He pretends to be a defender of the middle class. Middle-class Canadians make charitable contributions. They do not take huge payments from charities, especially when it is their job to help them.”

In an interview, NDP ethics critic Charlie Angus said most MPs speak at events without a fee as part of their jobs.

“Really, straight-up, whatever happened to the notion of public service?” Mr. Angus said. “To me, it’s a staggering amount of money to take from a charity. But to do it as a public official, as a Member of Parliament, I think is unconscionable.”

This week, the House of Commons unanimously supported an NDP motion to have a committee examine whether any MPs used taxpayers’ money to travel to paid speaking engagements.

It wasn’t the only fundraiser Mr. Trudeau was under fire for. Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall joined federal Conservatives in the attack, calling on Mr. Trudeau to pay back a fee paid to speak last year at a Saskatoon literacy conference.

“In my view, it is inappropriate for a public official to accept a fee to speak at such an event when he is already paid to speak on matters of public policy,” Mr. Wall said in a statement.

I don't think the Good Grey Globe is anti-Trudeau, much less pro-Conservative, but this is a fairly stinging attack and it really brought the Liberals, who dominate the Globe's comments section, out in force to defend M. Trudeau and trash Prime Minister Harper.
E.R. Campbell said:
I don't think the Good Grey Globe is anti-Trudeau, much less pro-Conservative, but this is a fairly stinging attack and it really brought the Liberals, who dominate the Globe's comments section, out in force to defend M. Trudeau and trash Prime Minister Harper.

Oh, the CBC comment section rehearsing for the shutdown? ......how fast can we transition to the Globe & Mail.....
While I enjoy The "Little One" stewing in his own juice, I have limited sympathy for the charity that failed to do their own homework and now blame a speaker who they requested. Trudeau did show up and did speak, so he upheld his side in the bargain.  Now had he been smarter (or had his team) he would have realized the charity did not make any money and would have modified his fee so they could have made a bit of money out of it. He could have come out looking good and charitable. Now it's just plain damage control mode and everyone knows it.
First off, while the optics look bad, but it also seems like he didn't do anything illegal or anything he wasn't allowed to do.

Agreed that his reaction to this is indeed damage control but it was the right course of action to take. 

I'm questioning the timing of this whole thing, 8 months after teh fact, after he becomes leader and after their own websiet said it was a success.

The CPC is desperate to change the channel and this reeks of that desperation.  More and more, I'm not liking what is coming out of the CPC on this whole thing. I wish they would just concretely adress the whole thing in a decisive manner.  not this smoke and mirrors crap.
It is a year after the fact that they are requesting a refund of the fee.  It sounds like poor planning on the part of the charity commitee to hire a speaker for $20 000.  That money could have purchased furniture but instead someone had the idea that they needed Justin Trudeau and not another MP that would have taken his/her commitment to public service seriously and spoken at the event without charging a fee. 
A caveat is in order: in many cases, when dealing with charities, people will bill for their services and then donate the fee they receive back.  That's driven by CRA and their income tax regulations / interpretations.
I'm not sure about the reputation of this blog and it might be partisan but it does raise some questions about the timing and who is involved in this.

dapaterson said:
A caveat is in order: in many cases, when dealing with charities, people will bill for their services and then donate the fee they receive back.  That's driven by CRA and their income tax regulations / interpretations.
True, but one would think The Curly-haired Prince would have said something by now to that effect if that was the case.  As it appears, he's now offering to remediate after the horses have all left the corral ....
Justin Trudeau is promising to compensate all groups that paid him hefty speaking fees since he became an MP.

The Liberal leader said Sunday he’ll either give back the fees or find some other way to “make it right.”

He could, for instance, give charitable groups donations equivalent to the fees charged or agree to appear at future fundraisers for them — for free this time.

“I’m willing to pay all of the money back, if that’s what it comes to,” Trudeau told CTV’s Question Period. “But I am going to fix this.”  ....
iPolitics.ca, 16 Jun 13

Well done, Justin :facepalm:
I have no doubt that the CPC orchestrated the "leak" of this; maybe the NB charity sought some help from a friendly Conservative after M. Trudeau rebuffed them. But the media - the Globe and Mail and the CBC, especially, neither of which are exactly pro-Conservative - have run with it. The story has "legs," as the journalists say. It is a "hook" one can use to raise doubts about M. Trudeau's political acumen, his ethical judgement and even about his values.

Notice that nobody is talking about those nasty senators?......hmmm......
GAP said:
Notice that nobody is talking about those nasty senators?......hmmm......

Well, between M. Trudeau's well aimed shot into his own foot and the continuing saga of Mayor Ford, Prime Minister Harper seems to have caught a break.
And if you would like an idea of how this happens ... see here. It's a story from The Barrie Advance, not exactly a "big league" newspaper, about details of a speaking engagement that netted Trudeau a $10,000 fee, but left Georgian College, which serves Central Ontario - Barrie, Midland, Muskoka, Orangeville, Orillia, Owen Sound and South Georgian Bay, with a $4,118 shortfall; the "details" were sent to the Advance by Erica Meekes, a communications officer in the Prime Minister Office. (Please remember that two distinctly different offices sit, cheek by jowl, in the Langevin Block: the Prime Minister's Office, which is the partisan, political centre of power, and the Privy Council Office, which is the policy centre of power. The former is wholly political, the latter, while politically sensitive, even expert, is about policy and the "machinery of government," the business of translating plans into the legislation and regulations which govern our daily lives.)
E.R. Campbell said:
Well, between M. Trudeau's well aimed shot into his own foot and the continuing saga of Mayor Ford, Prime Minister Harper seems to have caught a break.

Yes but as soon as the channel was changed it was changed back again with this

Crantor said:
Yes but as soon as the channel was changed it was changed back again with this

And.....did they also note that the majority of the others charged were Liberals....provincial or otherwise?
GAP said:
And.....did they also note that the majority of the others charged were Liberals....provincial or otherwise?

Not really.  At least not in that article.
GAP said:
And.....did they also note that the majority of the others charged were Liberals....provincial or otherwise?

There is no provincial conservative party in Quebec.  The Quebec Liberals do have close links with the Federal Tories, though - Jean Charest left the PCs to lead the Quebec Liberals.

In the immortal words of Brian Mulroney, there's no whore like an old whore.
Here is the who's who...


No mention of any Liberals.  Tremblay was a Liberal MNA some 20 years ago but, really, linking the provincial or even the municipal parties to their federal namesakes is a stretch.

The problem for the CPC is that this involves one of their own who was already controversial and left suddenly...

I'll say it plainly.  The CPC needs to stop trying to tar everyone in response to all of these scandals.  Taking decisive action is their best strategy to move on.
Yikes, looks like Mr Trudeau is being introduced to the big leagues now.  There is a reason Mr Harper and Mr Mulcair are where they are now....
Infanteer said:
Yikes, looks like Mr Trudeau is being introduced to the big leagues now.  There is a reason Mr Harper and Mr Mulcair are where they are now....

Yep.  And how he handles it will be dissected for sure.