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Politics in 2018

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Spend, spend, spend. What a vacation. I asked CTV to look into who paid for all the all the outfits the Trudeau family are wearing. Any bets who?


Feds use taxpayer money to fly celebrity chef to India - 21 Feb 18

Vancouver-based celebrity chef Vikram Vij, a vocal Liberal supporter, was flown to India on the government’s dime to cook for a group of top diplomats, CTV News has learned.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been travelling across India with his family in hopes of boosting business ties with the South Asian nation.

The government flew Vij to India to help prepare Indian cuisine for a reception at the residence of the Canadian High Commissioner on Thursday.

Vij’s flight and hotel were paid for by taxpayers’ dollars, CTV News has learned.

In a statement to CTV News, a government spokesperson confirmed that Vij was invited to the reception and that his “out-of-pocket expenses” are being covered.

“Where appropriate, it is accepted practice for Canadian missions to invite ‎chefs from Canada to showcase Canadian food products and cuisine. Vikram Vij ‎is a prominent Indo-Canadian whose Vancouver restaurants are world-renowned for melding Canadian ingredients and the traditions of Indian cuisine,” the spokesperson said in a statement.

“Mr. Vij generously offered a week of his time, away from his Canadian business, to assist with the menu and food preparation for the Canada Reception. (Global Affairs Canada) is undertaking to cover his out-of-pocket expenses (eg. airfare and accommodation). Mr Vij's involvement will contribute to make the event a memorable celebration of the Canada-India friendship.”

Vij publically threw his support behind Trudeau ahead of the 2015 federal election. He even helped fire up a crowd in Vancouver during one of Trudeau’s campaign rallies.


  • Justin-Trudeau-Sophie-Gregoire-Trudeau-in-Anita-Dongre-with-family-in-India-1.jpg
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February 21, 2018 12:55 pm  Updated: February 22, 2018 8:53 am 

Trudeau family criticized for overdoing it on their traditional Indian outfits

By Marilisa Racco  National Online Journalist, Smart Living  Global News

"It’s one thing to pay respectful homage to a culture, but it’s another thing entirely when your traditional attire starts to veer into costume territory. That’s exactly what some are saying about the Trudeaus.

"Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is already ripe for the picking (or trashing) as many have criticized him for his official trip that includes his wife and three children, and that is being questioned on its political relevance. Although the PM announced a $1 billion Canadian-Indian investment deal yesterday, the family’s insistence on consistently donning traditional Indian attire is starting to draw less than flattering attention.

"Described as “too Indian, even for an Indian,” the Trudeaus have commissioned some of India’s most prestigious designers to outfit them for every photo op. What was perhaps most glaring was the juxtaposition between the Canadian political family and the Bollywood stars they met on Feb. 20. Sophie was in a cream-coloured and beaded sari, their children Xavier and Ella-Grace wore a sherwani and lehenga, respectively, and the PM donned a gold sherwani complete with traditional mojari shoes - while the Indian stars wore slacks and jackets.

"Some people have taken to Twitter to express fashion fatigue, including National Conference leader Omar Abdullah."

Associated tweets:

"Is it just me or is this choreographed cuteness all just a bit much now? Also FYI we Indians don’t dress like this every day sir, not even in Bollywood. pic.twitter.com/xqAqfPnRoZ

- Omar Abdullah (@OmarAbdullah) February 21, 2018"

"Have any foreign leaders arrived to Canada dressed in Mountie costumes? https://t.co/LaIaycGPCo #TrudeauinIndia pic.twitter.com/DvShaYlnWP

- Mark O'Henly (@SeeClickFlash) February 19, 2018"

"Meet the newly wed indian couple.#JustinTrudeau wearing indian groom costume and #KristyDuncan wearing typical indian bridal maroon dress standing outside Hindu Temple and Trudeau wearing wedding necklace (Indian wedding custom)
Perfect. #TrudeauInIndia pic.twitter.com/7P8hvEVL5j

- Navdeep Singh (@NavdeepDhingra) February 19, 2018"

"Wonder how much Canadians paid for the Trudeau family stylist plus cost of costume changes for this Conde Nast Traveller junket💰💰💰 🙄#TrudeauinIndia #cdnpoli

- Prem 🇨🇦👌🏻🙏🏻💕 (@Prem_S) February 21, 2018"
Sorry to those offended, our PM looks like a duffus. He really is an embarrassment. Meanwhile the CF-18 will be flying into at least 2032. Fifty year old "fighters".
More Sunny Ways....


Information watchdog blasts Liberals ahead of her retirement

Daniel Leblanc


Published 15 hours ago

Updated February 21, 2018

"In her last week in office, Canada's information watchdog is accusing the Liberal government of reneging on its promise to bring a new era of openness to Ottawa and of failing to defend the "Charter right" of Canadians to quick and easy access to federal documents and data."

And I would be willing to bet that the chef wasn't flying in economy either!!  Round trip business on Air India is just a little over 12000 but a first class ticket is also available.  Meanwhile, we can't afford medical coverage for our vets!!!  Aren't YOU glad you voted for him?
There needs to be a concerted "point and laugh" campaign launched every time our esteemed leader shows up in his latest cosplay outfits. Even when he shows up in his leader of a western nation costume. Maybe especially when he shows up in his western leader costume.  Emperor's New Clothes, and all that.
Lumber said:
Interesting, this article pegs it at $60 million, although released in 2005, which was one year earlier than the CBC article referenced above.

I'm not sure which set of numbers is correct, but I am pretty sure of one thing: The spectacular political opportunism that sprung up around this relatively piddling "scandal" did our nation no favours. Considering our bloated federal procurement system the misallocation of millions, or even tens of millions does not remotely qualify as "scandal of the century" for a country as wealthy as Canada. But the way it's brought up by some you'd think we were brought to the brink of bankruptcy.
If the biggest issues you guys have to talk about is what the people said about what the PM wore, and accident on the part of a High Commission staffer in regards to a dinner invitation, then I'd say we're not doing so bad.
Lumber said:
If the biggest issues you guys have to talk about is what the people said about what the PM wore, and accident on the part of a High Commission staffer in regards to a dinner invitation, then I'd say we're not doing so bad.

He's a laughing stock around the world, and makes Canada one by extension. If you think that's okay, then I'd say we're boned.
Lumber said:
If the biggest issues you guys have to talk about is what the people said about what the PM wore, and accident on the part of a High Commission staffer in regards to a dinner invitation, then I'd say we're not doing so bad.

Lumber, I think that that we are doing  a lot worse if we also just dismiss this as just what he is wearing and an "accidental invite" given to a convicted criminal.

I could care less about what he is wearing (he is looking a bit ridiculous though).  I won't put the accidental invite on him but I am concerned that he might be hurting relations with India.  India is a major player and emerging economy seen by some as a foil to China.  Accidental invites and other gaffes are not acceptable.  Not at that level and not when a lot is at stake.  Things like this can come back to haunt.
Kat Stevens said:
He's a laughing stock around the world, and makes Canada one by extension. If you think that's okay, then I'd say we're boned.

No he's not; the world is fawning over the PM.

Remius said:
Lumber, I think that that we are doing  a lot worse if we also just dismiss this as just what he is wearing and an "accidental invite" given to a convicted criminal.

I could care less about what he is wearing (he is looking a bit ridiculous though).  I won't put the accidental invite on him but I am concerned that he might be hurting relations with India.  India is a major player and emerging economy seen by some as a foil to China.  Accidental invites and other gaffes are not acceptable.  Not at that level and not when a lot is at stake.  Things like this can come back to haunt.

No, this is doing a lot worse:








Lumber said:
No he's not; the world is fawning over the PM.

CTV News
January 23, 2018
"Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and German Chancellor Angela Merkel were deemed the most respected leaders globally, while U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin received the dubious distinction of receiving the worst approval ratings."
mariomike said:
CTV News
January 23, 2018
"Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and German Chancellor Angela Merkel were deemed the most respected leaders globally, while U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin received the dubious distinction of receiving the worst approval ratings."

That's a pretty low bar these days. Kinda like being the best snow fort builder in Namibia.
Lumber said:
If the biggest issues you guys have to talk about is what the people said about what the PM wore, and accident on the part of a High Commission staffer in regards to a dinner invitation, then I'd say we're not doing so bad.

True.  Only Canadian's would be so neurotic as to think the rest of the world actually gives a crap about us.  Our geopolitical reality that keeps us safe in the world is balanced by the fact that we are also irrelevant in many ways.

However the concern for Mr. Trudeau is as follows IMHO.

Omar Khadr- the out of court settlement
Daesh "rehab" instead of jail time. 
Accidentally invites a convicted attempted murderer and Indian terrorist to dinner.

These each are separate issues.  Each with their own particulars.  Some not so serious, others very serious.  However, together they create a narrative that is not favourable whether accidental or revealing (perhaps both).  I suspect the CPC strategists are sharpening their knives on this right now.
Underway said:
True.  Only Canadian's would be so neurotic as to think the rest of the world actually gives a crap about us.  Our geopolitical reality that keeps us safe in the world is balanced by the fact that we are also irrelevant in many ways.

However the concern for Mr. Trudeau is as follows IMHO.

Omar Khadr- the out of court settlement
Daesh "rehab" instead of jail time. 
Accidentally invites a convicted attempted murderer and Indian terrorist to dinner.

These each are separate issues.  Each with their own particulars.  Some not so serious, others very serious.  However, together they create a narrative that is not favourable whether accidental or revealing (perhaps both).  I suspect the CPC strategists are sharpening their knives on this right now.
Yup. They will be. And it's a shame. They are a party that has been accused of being overly negative and all they have done to date is attack and be negative about the liberal party.

Which is fine, and it's their right, but at some point they are going to need to convince people of reasons why to vote for them other than we aren't the liberals.
Lumber said:
No he's not; the world is fawning over the PM.

As they do over his Kardashian siblings.

Who would have voted for him, or be "fawning over" him now, based upon his abilities, were he bald and named "Smith"?
I am quite pissed off with these family vacations he's taking at our expense.  In an 8 day visit he's only going to do a 1/2 days work.  Flying this Chef in from BC etc etc.
Loachman said:
As they do over his Kardashian siblings.

Who would have voted for him, or be "fawning over" him now, based upon his abilities, were he bald and named "Smith"?

Moot. I wasn't arguing his popularity was based on merit instead of his hair. I was countering Kat Steve's assertion that "He's a laughing stock around the world," which he is clearly not.

You are all making the mistake of assuming that my saying "you're wrong about this or that" to mean the same thing as "Go Liberals! Go Trudeau!".

Maybe I'm just trolling because my indifference toward most Politics (notice I used a big P)...
Just check latest headlines:

1) Toronto Star (!!! on CP story):

India-Canada relations at ‘rock bottom’ after Trudeau invitation error, ex-Liberal cabinet minister says

2) Times of India:

On India trip, Khalistan keeps returning to haunt Canadian PM Justin Trudeau

3) CNN (from New Delhi):

From 'snub' to scandal, Trudeau's India visit sparks outrage

I'd say our dear PM Dressup, if not actually wrecking Indo-Canadian relations, has put them back quite some ways--all in hope of domestic political pay-off:


How Trudeau's India trip lays the groundwork for the 2019 election
Indo-Canadians helped Liberals win the 2015 federal election, but the party faces new challenges in 2019

[at Sikh Golden Temple] Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Amritsar, India during his visit to the country that is part foreign policy, international trade — and local politics. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)


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