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PRETC thread (merged)

KrissyJ said:
Would I give my friend my bank pin? Ofcourse not, what kind of question is that? 

It is the type of question anyone would ask in the course of investigating a SECURITY BREACH.  You have just proven yourself to have made one.  If you were in a more 'sensitive' position it could be considered very serious.  Now, we are just pointing out your error.  I'll also note, that we have had cause to BAN people from this site for just such mistakes, and/or trumped up excuses. 

Take it as you wish.  It is now Public Record, as many have read this already.
Alright I understand what your saying now, at first I thought you were implying it was me and I was making a breech by posting as someone else. Leaving this page on internet explorer and not closing it was my mistake. Did I give my husband my name and password? No, he had no idea this site even existed or that I used it. It was left on by mistake. I have made a security breech by not logging out of the site after each use. I apoligize.
Chalk it up as a 'Lesson Learned'..........unfortunately the hard way, but they are sometimes the ones you learn the most from and remember the longest.
Sigs Guy said:
Yeah I know, I think that LCIS is the worst in terms on how long personnel have to stay of PRETC for, I think that some get their QL3's completed only a few months before their contract is up. My own view is that the current system has to be cleaned up and the CF ought to find a way to make the training process seamless so that once one is done a portion of their training they can shortly go onto the next phase with little time in between. At the very least if you are going to have people on holding platoons attempt to put them at bases which are doing their QL3's so they can have an idea of what to expect when their course comes around and can even do duties at a school or possibly at a unit.

This is no longer true - The current wait from Basic - PRETC - POET is less then 2 months. I waited a month and a half, and all the other LCIS on my course waited 2 weeks tops, with some being out of basic for only a few days.

So, 4 months basic + 2 months PRETC + 7 months POET = 13 months
The QL3 is 6 months long, so add that on and you have roughly a year and a half plus the wait for QL3 - I know some LCIS that are on the 3's that waited a few months, but seeing as we have a 48 month IE 48- 19 months training, you have 29 months of time left over... I've heard horror stories of 2 year waits for training before, but I'd like to think this is the exception to the rule. Keep in mind these are very generous numbers, my Basic to end of poet will be 11 months.

Before anybody says anything about leaving out SQ; for one, it's only 4 weeks as of the last courses going through, and also none of the LCIS students coming on POET were put on an SQ prior to it - There is rumour of doing it pre-ql3, but we have heard rumour down the chain otherwise.
gazingatmars said:
Ya, but what I want to know is if there are any short courses available to take in Borden while in PRETC...

good luck, as LCIS tech appr. i was informed while at CFSCE on POET that i needed 404's as well as possibly LSVW, unless you are a VEH tech, Sig Op, MED tech, or MSE, the chances of going on a 404 DDC course( two mornings BTW) and writing one or two exams a week later good luck, as for second language, i tried and tried to take a FSL course there to no avail, it wasnt jsut because they didnt want me to, it was mostly because they had no record of me being there as i found out while attempting to get my field pay owed to me on a tasking with NRTD at the start of this fiscal year. I asked about it at the genet OR, they looked into it for me and PRETC returned with an email stating that i was not a member attach posted to PRETC, however i got tasked out to NRTD/CFLRS det Borden and they remembered me b/c i spent over a month in the field manning the CP with the same instructors i had in my own basic three months beforehand
Mud Recce Man said:
Whats the point of them being Reservist NCOs, being that you have oh less than a year and are not even MOC qualified, your experience on the matter is....what?

There are good AND bad NCOs, weak AND strong NCOs in both the Regular AND Reserve Force.  Its not the uniform Wright its the people in it.  Wouldn't you agree?

Spell check is a good idea too.  Oh, and there is a bigger picture that might be causing this problem, remember what rung on the ladder you are at. 

If CFSAIT has less problems maybe the troops there are more discplined and have a grip on themselves.  NCOs aren't the blame here.  Reg OR Reserve.

I love when people who don't understand the problem have all the solutions... ::)

I have nothing against reservist NCO's and yeah my spelling is brutal on the computer, and i know i have no experience to tell an NCO what to do or how to fix a problem, all i can do is have suggestions, there is alot that they can do to improve the way things are done at PRETC, i agree there are alot of shitpumps there at PRETC that do cause alot of grief. but it is so easy for these people to just swing back into the general masses and get out of a three or four day AWOL, you cant really talk about PRETC until you have actually been there. They do do there best to get people on taskings and out of the routine of 3 hours of sitting in T-83 then go for a 2.5 hour lunch then come back to sit in T-83 for another 2.5 hours. For me being a recruit and going right to PRETC, it was a shocker to be going 100mph down to 2mph, the pace of PRETC at the time was slow and lax. I was luckily tasked out for the majority of the time with the MPs and then with NRTD.
As for the lost paperwork issue, i have mentioned it before and they had no idea who i was, no intake interview, no folder, no nothin on me, all they had was a room number, i had to go see the Padre and find out what POET course i was on, i found out two days before i was to report at CFSCE here in Kingston, while i was on a 24 hour duty with NRTD in the field. All i am saying is that it is easy for people to get lost in PRETC, and the staff needs to drop the hammer down more, because some people do take advantage of the freedom a bit to much. In the beginning of a career in the forces, something such as this can really influence the mindset of some people.
Klc said:
This is no longer true - The current wait from Basic - PRETC - POET is less then 2 months. I waited a month and a half, and all the other LCIS on my course waited 2 weeks tops, with some being out of basic for only a few days.

So, 4 months basic + 2 months PRETC + 7 months POET = 13 months
The QL3 is 6 months long, so add that on and you have roughly a year and a half plus the wait for QL3 - I know some LCIS that are on the 3's that waited a few months, but seeing as we have a 48 month IE 48- 19 months training, you have 29 months of time left over... I've heard horror stories of 2 year waits for training before, but I'd like to think this is the exception to the rule. Keep in mind these are very generous numbers, my Basic to end of poet will be 11 months.

Before anybody says anything about leaving out SQ; for one, it's only 4 weeks as of the last courses going through, and also none of the LCIS students coming on POET were put on an SQ prior to it - There is rumour of doing it pre-ql3, but we have heard rumour down the chain otherwise.

also increase in POET class sizes, and just slammin serials through,
i gradutated basic in june, on PRETC until september, graduated POET in april, and on my threes in october, ,  April of 06- approx april of 08, around two years wait time, give or take a few weeks cause of possible course date length changing for LCIS 3's.
you also have to look into the fact of who fails POET, they for some reason have precedence over newer people going into POET
Wright said:
good luck, as LCIS tech appr. i was informed while at CFSCE on POET that i needed 404's as well as possibly LSVW, unless you are a VEH tech, Sig Op, MED tech, or MSE, the chances of going on a 404 DDC course( two mornings BTW)

Try two full days. DDC and SBC reqr before 404's are issued.

TN2IC said:
Try two full days. DDC and SBC reqr before 404's are issued.


i got the DDC just need to get in and write the ontario supplementary exam, as well as the military exam
I really don't know what all the complaining is... I was in 3RCR for 3 years, and really, PRETC and T-83isn't much different from your day-to-day life at S-111 in Pet. Sure it's boring, but just hang out, have fun with the people around you, work out when they give you the opportunity, and just bask in the nothingness that it really is. Soon enough you'll be  going balls to the wall on course, wishing for the do-nothing days of PRETC. Be happy that you get dismissed at 1530 almost every day, and just hang out during that long parade on friday mornings, 'cause you know you'll be dismissed between 1200 and 1300. It's a very good place to meet people, work on your kit, gain experience with the multitudes of taskings they give you. Don't look on your time in PRETC as a negative one, think of the positives you can get out of it, and you definitely will have a MUCH better time.
Good points.

I see what people are saying, and PRETC is not the best spot to be but...it could, and most likely will, be worse at some point in time where you will be wishing you were back there.

If I did BMQ at St. Jean, and was due for the 14-week course at Meaford, where would I be posted, IF sent to PAT Plt./PRETC? Meaford?
If your trade is combat arms(I'm assuming infantry, because you're headed to meaford), you will be in the Meaford PAT platoon, not PRETC. BUT if your trade is something else, like Vehicle Tech, Comms Research, LCIS, Firefighter, Clerk, AVN tech, etc.. You will be posted to PRETC while you wait for your SQ and trades course. Just learn to enjoy it.
Thanks for the response Gelan. And my MOC is Infantry.
And I'm looking forwards to every minute of it!
If you want to enjoy PRETC, take taskings, any tasking! So far I've been a medical casualty and patient for different med courses, and since I'm waiting for my QL3 med course I took them to learn a bit.
Took an MP tasking where I got to take a few MPs to the ground, act like a drunk and call them any name in the book!
And the last 2 days... well the taskings were so good I can't even talk about em!
It gets  you out of inspections without being a shit pump and it breaks up the monotany of PRETC every day.
Cdnrednk said:
If you want to enjoy PRETC, take taskings, any tasking! So far I've been a medical casualty and patient for different med courses, and since I'm waiting for my QL3 med course I took them to learn a bit.

Finaly someone who used his head and did a bit more than sit there and whine.......

good show
CDN Aviator said:
Finaly someone who used his head and did a bit more than sit there and whine.......

good show

Not everyone has the oppertunity though, atleast back when I was there.. wasn't many taskings at all, limited spots on 'em, lot of people on PRETC, etc During the few months I was there all I got to do was drive someone to a specialist in New Market.. an a week of rappeling(which was a good go) aside from that was nothing to do but sit around.. let it be known that I wanted any taskings, even be duty driver, etc. Yea whole lot of nothing came from that.. just sat around T83.

But apparently PRETC improved an they actually have them doing stuff.
MikeL said:
Not everyone has the oppertunity though, atleast back when I was there.. wasn't many taskings at all, limited spots on 'em, lot of people on PRETC, etc During the few months I was there all I got to do was drive someone to a specialist in New Market.. an a week of rappeling(which was a good go) aside from that was nothing to do but sit around.. let it be known that I wanted any taskings, even be duty driver, etc. Yea whole lot of nothing came from that.. just sat around T83.

But apparently PRETC improved an they actually have them doing stuff.

You know......i have seen alot of PAT type groups in my day.....

Theres the type of people who sit there and wait for work to come their way ( and whine that they dont do anything) and then there are the types who go out of their way to get work. The later type is usualy always busy.  Alot ( i.e. not all ) of those with nothing to do are more than happy to do nothing and bitch about it. Thats been MY experience.
Fair enough; but don't assume everyone who complains about PRETC are just the ones who sit around an do nothing. Like I said back when I was on it, taskins were far an few between an there was limited spots.. competing against the 200+ people there at the time.. kinda hard to get on stuff. Plus they didn't do anything really for the people who weren't on taskings due to the limited amount of staff, PT wasn't even that common an they wouldn't let people goto the gym during the working hours.. had to sit  around T83, etc.  Don't think a lot of people don't try to get on taskings, since it's not the easiest thing to get on. Least from MY experiance.

But yea there were quite a few people who didn't put themselves out an volunteer, etc  Some people loved PRETC.. didn't have to do anything, got a pay cheque, etc   
I can understand a lot of the problems at PRETC, since I've been there for over a year. I never spent a 'real' day on PRETC. Even when I arrived when tasking where very few and far between all you had to do was ASK, and ASK, etc till they gave you something. Now there are taskings all over the place. Alert, Yellowknife, Gagetown, Wainwright, NRTD, Ammo Depo, PRETC (working clerk jobs), O-125 (Ops, Fin Services, etc), Base Supply, PRETC Supply, the list just goes on and on and on, and not only that there is the possibility for an EWAT if their is a long time till your course. THey now do regular PT (almost every day), at one point in the not to distant past they where doing Hand To Hand combat training, etc.. on Tuesdays and Wensdays, they go to the gym every so often, train with PSP, weights, running.... Its no longer such a 'shat' hole anymore, though there are still the ones whom try to adviod doing anything. At this point there is only 3 People I know of whom have been there for a year or more(and I mean been there), and all but 1 didn't have a choice about the matter.