Inuym said:
Hello I have a few questions as it seems My only option may be to go reserves rather than full forces for the next two years. Now I am applying for the position of combat engineer and being as it would be through the reserves I am wondering what the training schedule would be like? Is it the same as regular force where I would attend basic training then bmq then occupational training before being complete with my training and returning home to the reserve forces? Or is it split up throughout the year to accommodate? I am not asking because I have a problem with doing the long haul I just want to educate my self.
Also I am wondering what the average reservist hours per week is? I know its one night a week and a weekend a month minimum however does this vary and if requested can you do more hours?
Also for you combat engineers who may be reading this I am also interested in what your favorite task and or moment is in your occupation?
Not an engineer, but a reservist.
It is honestly is a lot of it "depends". The majority of the training takes place in the following two time frames:
A) During the "Summer" - May -> August (Full Time)
B) On Weekends -> September -> April
That being said if you are available, you
may get the option to go on a reg-f course, but there needs to be spots, and you can get bumped at any minute. Likewise random taskings/support tasking's can and do happen, but until you are trained you are more or less "useless" and will likely not be selected. Every unit is different with the PATs (Personnel Awaiting Training), some do the best they can to fully integrate them with the unit and others keep them completely separated until they are trade qualified.
Bottom the reserves is great supplementary income, unless you manage to get a class B/C Contract (full time contract). But you won't be remotely close to get one until you get your cpl's (so +/- two years), and even if you get one of those you
might be stuck in job/position completely unrelated to your trade.
Like wise full time in the summer months isn't guaranteed, there either needs to be a tasking/course for you to go on in order for you to get paid.
There is a maximum number of Class A days (I.e Part time/Day to Day days ) that you can work a year I think it is either 80 and then your CO has to approve the next 20 and then your brigade commander needs to approve another 20 and Div commander another 20. All easier said than done.
As a "fully trained" - and active member a regiment working pretty much every available weekend/training night I make about $10-$12k gross/yr. Excellent pocket money which is helping me pay back my student debt but that is about it. This year will likely be less as I'll have to use vacation days if I want to go on any week/two week exercise/taskings or try and take LWOP and loose money.
I'm not sure of the specifics of your situation and quite frankly I love the reserves, but do not try to turn a part time job into a full-time job.