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Questions From Civilians on Canadian Leopard C2 Tanks in Afghanistan

geo said:
Sherman tanks in Spruce meadows? - it was either a target, a monument mounted on a concrete slab OR someone's expensive toy.

The Strathconas have (or had) a pretty decent collection of rolling museum pieces, most still under their own steam.
Kat Stevens said:
The Strathconas have (or had) a pretty decent collection of rolling museum pieces, most still under their own steam.

The Strathconas have two working Shermans, amongst other 'Runners'.
Not to offend or anything, but when I read the statement that you were under the impression that with Harper's injection of cash that we were spending more than the US on defence...i just about lost it. The US spends almost 1 billion dollars a day on defence, heck almost that in Iraq alone. US defence spending accounts for 40-45% of defence spending across the globe...and spends more than its nearest 5 competitors combined... Make what you will of their current operations, thats for everyone to decide for themselves, but they spend more money in 30 minutes at the pentagon than we do in a full calendar year. This is not to take away from our military whatsoever, we are a well trained and reasonably well equipped, just because we do not spend as much as other countries does not decide our efficacity in a given operation.
My 2 cents worth...
Kat Stevens said:
The Strathconas have a pretty decent collection of rolling museum pieces, most still under their own steam.

yeah - someone's / a unit's expensive "toy".....
I know that 202 wkshops have a couple of old runners hanging around
The mechanics and the operators find value in maintaning & driving some of the "classics"
acen said:
Not to offend or anything, but when I read the statement that you were under the impression that with Harper's injection of cash that we were spending more than the US on defence...i just about lost it. The US spends almost 1 billion dollars a day on defence, heck almost that in Iraq alone. US defence spending accounts for 40-45% of defence spending across the globe...and spends more than its nearest 5 competitors combined... Make what you will of their current operations, thats for everyone to decide for themselves, but they spend more money in 30 minutes at the pentagon than we do in a full calendar year. This is not to take away from our military whatsoever, we are a well trained and reasonably well equipped, just because we do not spend as much as other countries does not decide our efficacity in a given operation.
My 2 cents worth...

I think they are trying to imply that defence spending compared to our GDP is higher than the US, but they are still full of it. Funny they forget that the US will sell Taiwan a Aegis destroyer at several Billion dollars and China will sell 500 million dollars worth of small arms to Sudan and yet the US is painted as the bad guy!!
Was reading about the TUSK upgrade and was wondering if our VEH still had the 'new' idea of a tank-infantry phone....  thought our older versions and even the cougars had that already.  Seems the Yanks are catching up to us again....
Uhh well I'm not a tanker but I do know OPSEC and this thread is dangerously close to speaking those kinds of words that just don't need to be said. You may justify it as being ok because it is on the web or in the public domain, but always presume that some twit probably has put more out than s/he should. It may be an "open source," but you don't need to help any potential enemy by pointing it out for him, nor sending him in the right direction.

'Loose lips sink ships,' remember that.
career_radio-checker said:
Uhh well I'm not a tanker but I do know OPSEC and this thread is dangerously close to speaking those kinds of words that just don't need to be said. You may justify it as being ok because it is on the web or in the public domain, but always presume that some twit probably has put more out than s/he should. It may be an "open source," but you don't need to help any potential enemy by pointing it out for him, nor sending him in the right direction.

'Loose lips sink ships,' remember that.

Read your comment so i decided to have a look......IMHO theres nothing that violates OPSEC here......YET !!!!
cdnaviator said:
Read your comment so i decided to have a look......IMHO theres nothing that violates OPSEC here......YET !!!!

Sure, the material being discussed can be argued as general information no doubt, but where I really see red flags is with the people asking all the questions. Two civilians who post briefly and then leave inexplicably, one asking 30 questions in a single post, the other claiming to have spoken to an armoured regiment at some equestrian event and then lists off an infantry regiment. When was the last time we ever recruited at horse show other than a rodeo?!!! Another gets banned for what ever reason... the list goes on.

I might be overly cautious, but better to err on the side of caution.

Just to shed some light on the Spruce Meadows thing, it is an annual equestrian event just south of Calgary and on and off for years both the PPCLI and LDSH have had displays there, everything from honor guards to equipment displays so it is quite possible that the above individual did see the mentioned equipment there, talked to a member of the PPCLI and wrongly assumed that all the military pers there where of the same unit.

Sorry for the interuption, back to your discussion
Taurus did finally deploy to KAF after all, according to CASR that is.
Och.... aye, Taurus is there... but, the Badgers are worth their weight in gold.....
between the scrape & the bucket,  imagine having to do earthworks with a lousy shovel
There is video somewhere on the Combat Camera site of them rolling around KAR Airfield. All 3 of them too IIRC
Somebody please tell this dunderhead (me) what "IIRC" means. Its really buggin the heck out of me and its preventing me from carrying on my day. 
And If I Recall Correctly.....all this dicussion has been covered in posts already.