Under Mission/Execution Para 14Which para?
FAs are to review and validate all currently mandated training, including periodicity, in consultation with CMP, ADM(HR-Civ), and the Defence Team People Management Committee (DT-PMC)as appropriate, and submit a detailed business case to CDS/DM for approval with respect to any new mandated training for DND employees and/or CAF members that affects other or all L1s. Unrestricted growth of online training results in a large aggregate drain on workforce to accomplish priority efforts. Risk must be appropriately weighed to ensure that Defence Team members’ time is not treated as an unconstrained resource;
Assuming I’m reading the right document
CDS/DM Directive for CAF Reconstitution - Canada.ca
This directive will set in motion a significant body of work that will provide direction on the course corrections that are required to overcome deficiencies that are hampering the composition and readiness of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).