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Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

Definitely better than those radio ads last year!

Did anyone notice this part from the CTV article: "The military also intends to streamline its hiring process by October by easing physical fitness requirements for entrance. "  When and by how much?  I thought they were lowered already...

(Edited for spelling and unwanted emoticon)
MikeG said:
Definitely better than those radio ads last year!

Did anyone notice this part from the CTV article: "The military also intends to streamline its hiring process by October by easing physical fitness requirements for entrance. "  When and by how much?  I thought they were lowered already... ???

(Edited for spelling.)

Basically the PT test will be handled by the training system as opposed to the recruiting system.  The standards are not changing.
Patrick H. said:
Yeah, they did a really good job this time. CBC said it 'makes muslims look like bad guys' but I don't see it.
- Damn right!

The CBC didn't say it makes muslims look like bad guys.  It said muslims were complaining that it made muslims look like bad guys. There is a world of difference between the two statements.
What the CBC usually does is that when they cannot say something, they bring someone else to say it for them. Now, that's what I call "journalistic objectivity" lol
Thanks for the reply Crantor. Doesn't matter what they come up with, I am sure someone won't like them. Can't wait to hear Jack's opinion on the ads  ::)
Tolstoyevsky said:
What the CBC usually does is that when they cannot say something, they bring someone else to say it for them. Now, that's what I call "journalistic objectivity" lol

It is called reporting.  I am not sure what you expect reporters to do... but I know that they aren't supposed to editorialize. 

But let me guess, all of your sources are entirely objective...right? ::) ::) ::)

I think it would be poetic justice to have the PM, if Jacko whines about the ads, turn around and play the Barney soundbite just for Jack and company....perfect shot back.  ;D
The CTV links take you to two new CF ads and a 4 1/2 minute media commentary.

Having watched both commercials several times just reaffirms that some groups/political parties will complain regardless. There were more humanitarian rescues than combat operations, yet the complaints focus on the fact that "people had guns drawn."  ::)  Ad #2 in fact is almost completely BC forest fires and Manitoba floods.

Very artsy - mostly black & white/sepia tones....although the Red Crosses on the ambulances/field hospitals are in colour (bless those CF life-savers  ;) ).

Well done. I may not lose too much sleep about Dawn Black's (NDP Defence Critic) baseless concerns

GAP said:
I think it would be poetic justice to have the PM, if Jacko whines about the ads, turn around and play the Barney soundbite just for Jack and company....perfect shot back.  ;D

What it boils down to is risk management.  The ads are targeting a specific group of people to get them to join a particular set of trades.  If the ads attract them then the mission gets accomplished.  Trying to make ads that please everyone is inneffective. 
NDP Defence Critic Dawn Black called the ads war-mongering and said they were a heavy-handed approach to drawing new soldiers.

"They do need recruits, but I'm not sure Rambo ads are the way we want to portray military service," Black was reported as saying.

"I think there's a lot more to the Canadian military than fight, fight, fight and war, war, war

I havnt seen them yet, but it sounds like one is of operations overseas, and one is of domestic ops. So that is all war? Sounds like they are complaining just to make noise....

Wonder if they made a recruiting ad int world war two and they showed people. Wonder what their responce would be.
How do you not like the word FIGHT. It is wait we do and why do we have to show certain groups of people the ads before we release them?
The ads are awesome!  Very well done indeed. 

Thanks for the links to whomever posted them.
I really enjoyed the second ad, but the first one well is good too but left me a little uncomfortable, so over great improvement, not enough navy though ;)
ha ha i guess theres one (likely the only) good reason to live in Halifax, And apparently there releasing them today http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20060913/CF_ads_060913/20060913?hub=TopStories