I think you misunderstood the question. If the mbr redresses, he/she usually states "here is how I was aggrieved" (the act, omission, etc) . Then, usually, the redress sought to remedy the mbr's situation ("this is what I would like to happen to correct the act/omission, etc).
A grievance should have a clear, concise, well written 'redress sought' part. Grievances live and die around wording and clear articulation of events, supporting policy, etc and 'whether the IA/FA can actually grant redress if grievance is supported'.
This is why I am asking 'what is the redress sought', what does the mbr want. Do they want the TCAT removed and striken from record? The Cl B employment to be awarded to them? 6 apple pies?
Gunplumber said:
Well he knows he cant really get anything because you cant get remuneration for work not done, it is being done to get the CoC to see what is happening. You kick a guy out of a job because he has high BP because he's stressed and you add more stress and take away his money and expect his BP to go down, and don't offer any treatment? And they wonder why there are suicides.....
If the mbr is just doing a grievance to show the CofC 'something wrong happened', well I think there may be a different tool in the toolbelt to do that if they are not actually seeking any redress. That to me is like driving a nail with a screwdriver. :2c:
Have a read through this site ---> http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-support-services-for-members-grievance/index.page
Frequently Asked Questions
1. I have a complaint and feel that I have been aggrieved. What do I do?
If you feel you have been aggrieved by a decision, act or omission in the administration of the affairs of the CAF,
you have a right to be heard.
The preferred method to remedy a complaint is for a member to make a verbal complaint to their immediate supervisor or their CO. The other option is for a member to submit a "Notice of Intent to Grieve" to their CO. If the attempt to resolve the complaint informally fails, the next step is to determine whether the grievance process is the correct method for handling the complaint. For example, if the complaint concerns harassment allegations, the harassment complaint process should be used before the grievance process. If the results of the harassment investigation are not satisfactory, a grievance can be submitted regarding these results.