SIROEW said:
Just out of curiosity, does anyone here know how often the recruiters contact all of your references? I have heard many answers, like they only call the first last one on your list, or they don't call if you have provided letters. I figured someone on here could hopefully provide me with a more definite answer.
Thanks in advance!
Hello. I am a current CF Recruiter at a CFRC and will speak to the above quote.
The reference check has no real rhym to it in terms of if they use the first, last or middle reference. Each MCC or File Manager that does the reference check will do it as they have been taught and many develope a way that works for them after doing it for so long. Many factors are taken in. One thing that is looked for is to see if the applicant is, "steering" the refernce check. By this I mean, you are supposed to provide 5 references that have known you for 5 years each. Some applicants will put down that they have known one person for an extremely long period of time, (ie 16 years) and the other 4 the bare minimum of 5 years (and in some cases less than the minimum) In this case, the person doing the reference check wants to talk to someone that would know them well, and one would assume the person that has known the applicant for 16 years. At this point, they would also choose, at a minimum, 1 of the people that has known they for 5 years because most applicants would know we will call the friend/associate etc of 16 years and might think we wont call the other 4.
Each MCC or file manager will go off there gut. They will call as many references as they need to until they are satisfied they have a good picture of the applicant. Sometimes this only takes 1-2 reference checks, sometimes all 5. Written references will have little effect on this and even if you provided, say 12 references, we would still call, at a minimum, one of the references provided.
Again, the above is all depending on the gut feeling the MCC is having. Also, all previous employers listed will be contacted. I STRONGLY reccomend against, "forgetting," to list an old employer that might give a bad reference. We understand not all employers will have good things to say about old employees, even the good old employees. We often find out if you are not listing someone and thats worse than if we called them and got a bad reference.