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References Superthread [Merged]

You should really finish high-school first... joining early without finishing highschool is going to do far more harm then good in the long run. If you're doing co-op anyway, consider joining the reserves until finished highschool at least.
I agree.  Three years from now you might hate the Military and get out, the only thing you will have to show for your efforts is grade 11 and three years further away from finishing grade 12.  I would advise you to finish grade 12 now if you can.  Perserverence, (finishing grade 12) is actually an assessment factor in your interview.
yeah i know that part... but I also know that i am allowed to continue schooling while in the army... but i ill go through grade 12 in the reserves... yes.. my plan is to  go to Military COOP and get in the reserves grade 11 then move to reg after highchool when i am still 17 but turning 18.... if that makes any sense it does to me but i am confusing lol...

thanks again for the advice :salute:
Is there any advantage to submitting several references or stick to the two or three that they ask for?  Also, would my local member of parliament be an extra strong reference or is a reference a reference?  I think I will be asking one of my former employees of 5 years for one, my former high school principal (who is now my mayor).  Should I be looking for better references?  Thanks
I think those sound pretty good short of getting Paulie M to be your ref.
the reference must know you personally, not just know who you are. and friends are OK, but getting someone you know thats big or important is a good thing.
iv got the same problem, one of mine will have to be a friend because no one else knows me for that long (5 years). but the other one is someone i work with for the last several years so they know me well enough for it.
just get a stable friend who can say nice things about you and work you up good but not to good.
When i applied i gave 2 references  one was a friend of mine the other was someone I worked with in the past 5 years. I was told about the time I was merit listed that they would not be calling these references, they only do that if there is a red flag raised throughout your application process. Now I've got to tell you I'm 45 years old and have been in the work force for many years that probably came into my favor. As for younger recruits that have'nt had that much time in the work world  I would think that they want more of a serious reference?? Of course I'm only speculating about that. that's my two cents. Hope it helps

Cath :cdn:
Thanks to all of you...Cath I am 31, have been full time employed for 13 years and self employed for the past nine plus years.  I am not sure if that stacks up beside your personal work experience.  Just curious is there any point in finding two or three more references, will it help or just be a waste of paper?
I would say heck if you can get them then all the more power to you good luck. When did you apply??
Just finishing up the application tonight, birth certificates, marriage cert..etc.  The references will be a couple of days and then I will be sending the application to Winnipeg cfrc the first of next week.  Do I submit the reference questionnaires or do the references send them directly to the recruiting centre?
Submit your references in person. Don't have your references mail them in. It's always best to have that ready and signed when you give in your application. Hope this helps

Hi there. I stumbeled upon this site while doing a search and so far I've read quite a number of the topics in the recruiting section aswell as having read the threads linked in the FAQ.

I've found all this information to be extremly helpful and just wanted to say thanks for one, but I do have a few questions / concerns.


I'm 17 at the moment. Born November 22, 1986. So for starters, I'm barely just out of school. I dropped out at the end of my 2nd year (Gr11). I won't blame noone, it was my own stupidity that eveuntally made the decision not to go back and I do regret it now, but after not going back I found myself going from job to job (staying at various jobs for about 3 months each) with unemployment periods around 2 months inbetween. Now under the work experience column there isn't enough room to list all periods of employment + unemployment. Do I leave it as it is? (all spaces filled), or get a piece of blank paper and write any more to account for the 5yrs?

Next is regarding the references. Now I moved to Edmonton about July 2000, so any references that would be eligible (No relatives, etc) living in Edmonton would be 4 years. Of which I only have 2 (friends since grade 9) however one is not 18 yet. It says on the Reference form that the person filling it out agrees that they are an adult. So is the friend who is 17 ineligible as a reference?

I lived in Fort McMurray just 437Km north of Edmonton beforeand. Now I know people there who have known me for longer, however I haven't kept in contact with them ever since I did move. So it would most likely be futile to use anyone I knew there.

So I figure that I would have at least one friend reference (4 years), and one of my Highschool teachers who was an awesome guy and knew me well (2 Years), would these be good enough for references?

You would think that a new member would have more question then what I have asked, but truthfully everything I was curious about (glasses, teeth problems, pay etc) every minute thing I could think of, and some I didn't think of and read about, was answered by these great forums. Wanted to say thanks, and I will continue to visit. ^_^
Firstly, this has been covered to death in other threads, but for your sake I'll try to answer your questions. If you have run out of room on the employment section of the application then get a piece of paper and keep on going until you go back far enough. For references you need enough to cover five years, so the two you listed would be okay, but for the teacher I would be a bit careful considering that you dropped out of school.

Just so you know and to prepare you for it, you are most likely going to run into some problems when going through the recruiting process. Especially with the fact that you haven't held any single job for a long period of time and that you dropped out of school. The CF are looking for people who will stay in for at least the three years and with your past history they may tell you that they're not too sure about you. But who knows what will happen, I hope it goes well for you.
Good afternoon, how is everyone doing?
   I just recently moved to Ottawa and i've decided (after almost two years of debating it) to apply for the Reg Forces.  
The question at hand is, I have one letter of reference here completed, but I dont know anyone else in the area that can fill out the other one for me.   I do however have a full (non-CF application) letter of reference from my former boss back in the Comox Valley.   Is this going to be valid, or should I snail mail a letter back home for someone to fill out?
Thanks a bunch!

Thank you very much.. So I DO need the letters of reference to apply for a NCM position then? Or is that only for officer?
Thanks again!
Also make sure that your referance letters are up to recent and up to date. It will save you a lot of hastle. Good luck :)
As of yesterday, my application for the armed forces is now complete.  However, the recruiting officer told me it would increase my chances to have a few more reference letters from former employers.  Not necessary mind you, but helpfull.  So...as the deadline approaches for the fall board (DEO applicant here), I would like to know if anyone knows where I might find a "Letter of Reference for Applicant" document on the internet so I can forward the link.  I checked the DND website, but perhaps I am not choosing the correct search words.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hey, wow, cool, someone bumped one of my threads!

I don't know if they'll put more weight into this person's opinion of you over a civilian. Worst case scenerio, they treat it like any other positive reference. So, go ahead.

No offence, but you talk like a pro recruiter.

Have you applied as of yet? C'mon man, get that application in to CFRC ASAP!